The ping thing


old.BR Cuba

Lo all

Im here just to mention a bout the ping thing

We have played EM in 3-4 matches on various servers but mostly IGNE ones. As antone who has played on these servers will know the ping is appaling for everyone except EM.

On sunday we booked the only bookable server we could in the uk as barrys doe's not yet have a bookable server availible to be used other than on friday night
- [for boring peps ]. Sowe booked the WPTL server which is available to book if u are in/entering the WPTL.

When EM arrived some of them started gibbing about the ping and when i pointed out this is what its like 4 everyone one else who plays them on the patato powered servers of IGNE, They accussed us of deliberatly booking a server with bad ping us't to get them back and accussed me of being childish

I procceded to ask my self "Is this tribe 4 real , Do they seriously think BR are would lower ourselfs to that level in order to beat them, IF they think the answer is yes then i feel really sorry for them ,poor paranod lot

In the next game on DX, about 3 mins into it, 2 prominant members procceded to drop without informing the rest of their Tribe of this fact.

It was only about 5 mins later did the rest of EM register this fact and as a result of the dropage they did not have a chance.

I later saw one of the droppers in a irc chat room and asked him why he'd dropped and the replay was "im was not going to play with 500 ping "

Well all i can say is when Br played u some off our players had ping of 700 -900 for most of the match on ur server choice and none of them dropped showing what i consider to be real sportsmanship.

I also hope the matches showed that they are not as good as they think they are , their not bad but ping plays a factor in winning, I also believe EM will be lucky to finish in the top 3 of div1.

Please reply with furios vigor



Well said Cuba

When TD played EM the other week, my connection was so bad that I wanted to drop after 5mins but out of courtesy to EM and the rest of my TD teammates (who were all lagged as well) I remained connected until the end of the game.

TD have been using the private Wireplay servers for practice, for a while now and I get a perfectly playable connection on them when using a modem.


[This message has been edited by zach (edited 30 June 1999).]


I see, so EM are quite happy to drag other Tribes onto their crappy IGN servers for a game, but when the roles are reversed, they get upset and acuse other tribes (Br in this case) of deliberately dragging them onto a crap server.

BR are sound guys, not to mention a decent tribe who deserve more respect then the crap that EM appear to have accused them of. Lets not forget that BR beat you guys on your own IGN servers so any implication that they might be 'lame' is unfounded.


Well TD have played both BR and EM on boardside/blastside in recent weeks while both matches ended in 0-0 Draws there's no doubt in my mind that BR are a far better tribe than EM.



we will still beat you tho


Its becase of stupid arogant remarks such as 'we'll beat TD black and blue' that everyone considers your tribe a joke

Let me point out something here. When TD played EM in a friendly on Broadside our offense went defensive after 10 minutes. We went defensive because our connections were crap, thanks to the potato-powered IGN server. Several people dropped out, me and zach (the 2 key attackers) lost interest because our connection were crap and we wanted to leave and you had 9 players at one point, so implying that you'd beat us easily when you couldn't even capture once on a server that gave you a huge advantage is a joke, this was blastside too, which is easier to cap on then broadside

Td had a great friendly against BR two nights ago. It ended 0-0 on Broadside but I've got so much more respect for BR, a tribe who are not only decent but are also not arogant, as opposed to EM's arrogant attitude. I think BR will acknowledge that we didn't sit on our arse doing nothing. Its amazing what you can do when your connection ain't complete shite, thats WP servers for you. Potato-Power Paddy servers just don't cut it.

[This message has been edited by Fusion (edited 01 July 1999).]


I think you're being unfair Cuba - some of the lads may have moaned about the connection, but NO ONE to my knowledge started insulting you lot or implying that you had booked the Wireplay server on purpose, I think you're also forgetting we have some notorious piss-takers on our squad.

Our arrangement was to play *one* match only - we had already played [-AF-] that evening, it was getting late and we all had work the next day - you guys may be happy playing matches until past 12pm, but we're not - so of course a couple of us left the server after our game had finished.

On the weekend previous to that we played TD first, and then played you guys in one game before calling it a night - so most of us thought the same thing was happening.

We played one good game of Iceblind, during which I cannot recall any name-calling, then some of us left as usual and we played DX basically for a laugh - we were 3 men down for first part of the match, before another EM member wandered in to join.

I'll thank you not to resort to such blatently antagonistic remarks as "potato-powered servers".

In fact, why are you posting this at all? 4 days later? You having a go at psychological warfare or something, or just having a bad day?



since we all are being so honest

Maybe we wont finish in the top 3, I know one thing we will beat TD black and blue, and thats good enough for me

TD you suck ass, moaning sissys

If you did not have 17 shielded heavys in your gen room we would have raped your ass several times over

Moaning about the server is a cop out. Fusion u are not a bad player but u havent stopped bitching since that game, It was a friendly, get over it.

Face it, we might not be the worlds beat tribe, but were 100 times better than u lot

(beAT THAT for shit stiring


17 shielded heavies??? I seem to remember it was EM who fielded more than the decided 8 players

And as for the fact we were more defensive than normal look no further than the that anyone who tried to do anything requiring more than 5 fps had to sacrifice moving for the next 10 seconds... Our players were attacking as normal, just unfortunate that they froze every few yards due to horrific ping spikes

Anyway, we played the game, it finished 0 vs 0 despite your extra player... Perhaps since we've mentioned that the IGN servers aren't the best in the UK - but then most people accept that as fact anyway - its hardly an attack at EM...

Having said that though I do feel EM are going to be 0wned by TD in the UKTL and in matches on any server where its possible to get to the opponents flag and back in the time its supposed to take... More than once in the friendly did I find myself looking at my modem to check I hadn't actually been disconnected...

Anyway - EM blow goats - end of story

Neal aka [TD]Velvet


Oh please - can't you think of *anything* else to post?? Sad.



We could probably think of other things to post but theres nothing better than exagerating poor server conditions to the point of the ridiculous...


ahhh go and piss off to your shitty lagged wireplay servers velvet :d

[This message has been edited by [EM]vaggabond (edited 01 July 1999).]


Grrrr - only once you've buggered off to crappy IGN


Ok time you understood a few things about *trying* to play online in Ireland.

IGN are run through Telecom Internet. Which has a really bad connection to england. And the internal links arent that good either. The result?, shite connections for uk players, sometimes even worse ones for irish players. For example; I play regularly there and I get dissed about twice every 30mins on average, and the server is just a few miles down the road from me ffs!.

Whilst i can play on american or uk servers with little if any noticeable lag. Its not the servers problem, they are running on extremely powerful machines, its just that they have very small pipes trying to run too many games at once (3 tribes and some half life servers on the same box...hello?).

old.BR Cuba

Honestly DR TEETH one of ur palyers did accuse me of deliberatly booking a server which i new would have bad ping for our match and what more procceded to call us childish

The only reason I posted this thread was the fact that I PERSONALLY went out of my way to book us a private server so we would not have to hang around waiting for a free barrys one and did not apperciate being called childish.

If my post has offended EM then i am sorry but if i knew the name of the accuser then i would name him personally but due to errors my demo of the match did not come out

PS . I think u mean iceridge not iceblind m8


Oh come one this is supposed to be an arguement.

And one EM guy definetley called us childish for delibereley selecting a server for you to have bad pings on...which is just ridiculous.

Dx game started out even, droppings occured after it became pretty obvious what the outcome was gonna be.

[BR] Shrapnel


Ok guys im new to BarrysWorld but i think ill get involved in this nice little discussion!!!

I have played against BR with my tribe DT and they are good peeps who play fairly and we had a good game(apart from the fact we got our arses kicked).

I honestly cant say anything about EM cos we havent played them yet, although i've played against a few EM players on several servers and they seem ok by me.

Anyway...pings...I get high pings and lag when i play on most servers but on IGNE servers i can honestly say that i cannot play on them at all cos of the ping i get. I always try to stay playing a game for as long as i can until i get timedout or it is really bad then i tell everyone why im dropping and to have a good game.

Fortunatly i have discovered my modem is a piece of s**t and have ordered a new one so i may have better pings and not as much lag as i usually get, so ill see you all around.



AHA...Slackboy in the house!!!


can we say *overkill?*

yes, the ign servers are crap, thats why i dont play on them anymore. Until they get decent bandwidth im staying off them unless its really necessary.

We (EM) tried to have training there yesterday night, it was unplayable, especially for our UK members. Even with nobody on the other servers.

So we moved over to Qamex, much better. They are the only decent irish servers out there (sorry ign


Sorry IGN my arse, their servers SUCK, and I don't care if it's TInet's fault or not, thats of no consequence.

What most British players completely fail to recognise is the sorry state of affairs with regard to the Net here in Ireland. Over there, an ISDN connection makes you an LPB - here in Ireland, an ISDN connection means you might get 150 ping to local servers, if you're lucky. 200 to BW servers and 250 to Wireplay would be really good for an ISDNer.

Of course, to get ISDN in the first place is 600 quid down the swanny, and 30 quid a month in rental. Not to mention a 3-month waiting list for installation.

Modem players can expect a 250/300 ping to local servers, and 300 to 400 to UK servers. On busy periods, add 100 to that estimate.

And of course, if you live outside Dublin, the telecoms infrastructure falls apart completely. I have to ring Dublin (an expensive long distance call) for the game to be playable at all, and even then it's pot luck depending on the noise level on the old copper wire frame relay that Telecom Eireann run.

That we manage to get anywhere at all when playing under these circumstances is a bloody miracle. Your guys pings to IGN are better than ours, no argument - so imagine what playing on WP is for us!

Hopefully Qamex's servers will solve this issue. Fingers crossed...


I have to agree here (and I've been a staunch IGN supporter for a while now
) that the IGN servers are pathetic in a connection sense.

I was playing last night, as part of the regular EM praccy, and I had a packet loss of over 45!!!!

Needless to say, we moved pretty sharpish, and the Qamex servers were beautiful



I have screenies of last nights praccy, 4 players had a packet loss of over 40 at one point
, no one had a ping of under 250 for 90% of the game.

for your information about qamex,

Qamex are servers based on Ireland on Line, irelands biggest and best ISP, it has 3 tribes servers, on 3 different boxes (shared with shogo, sin and some other shite no one playes
), with a 10 meg pipe going into each box (IGN has 1 single 512k pipe). Qamex is a commercial project run privately by a few Irish gamers, so since they are paying for stuff they are on the best backbone in Ireland It will be kept upgraded and in good shape. So far the servers have been kept off the UK list and only put on US list for testing. EM's uk players seem to like them (bar Usagi from the north last night, which is tres weird), and I get a ping of 110 to 130 all the time which is kewlio. FFS suds (the admin) was asked by a US tribe from MarryMySister, Texas so something if they could have it as their home base

The reason IGN has gone down the toilet is 4 Half Life servers 100 % full all the time with yanks, so there is fuk all bandwith left. Its sad because IGN put the tribes servers in new boxes after our moaning, since bandwith is donated I cant see it being increased.

[This message has been edited by [EM]vaggabond (edited 05 July 1999).]


IGN servers are stateside yes?

The Skiing tank!


IGN = Irish Games Network,

a free server network, ala a small barrysworld in Ireland.

They have like a 100 quake/2/3 servers and few others

As if is free and stuff, everything is donated.


Shel (sorry Shap
It was in fact me who called you childish and I apologise profoundly for that remark.
I was just a little pissed off with what happened with the map choice (I won't bother to bring it up - it won't be helpful in any way).
As for WP servers, they are still shite
(150 ping even for me (ISDN))
IGN are much better (60-80 ping).
Haven't tried the Qamex one's yet.
Don't BW do bookable Tribes servers? Can we persuade them to do some?
And I think those that dropped outta the DX game did so because we had work the next day (well that was why I dropped anyway - and I did say I was going).


[This message has been edited by lucifa (edited 06 July 1999).]


We'll do bookable servers for Tribes when we have the capacity.
Cant say when that'll be.

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