The Otherworld raid Thursday 21july2006-excal. The raid will start at 19:00 UK time. please be in time for the raid.
Meeting place will be in Kobold Undercity- excal near portal stone.
Yes i am trying to make a raid in that zone cause i need an item and prolly some of u need smth from there. So this are the rules of attendance.
Lvl requirement 47-50
Decent gear as we have to fight our way down there and the 3 mob's that we will be doing are high lvl's. Remember this is not an instance so the respam rate is high and aggro range kinda high. so plz the ones that will attend don't be afk without saying and rezerve 1 hour of u r game play. Haven't been there before but i will try to manage this grp as good as i can.
and the last rule is for us to have fun.
lotto will be made on /random 100
if u have a bb and u take him along u get an +10 on roll(first ppl that sign up with bb will be taken along)
grp setup will be:
1.light tank: savage - ogmonda (me)
2.light tank: zerk/savage -(open) or if we can't get it a pb-aoer should be nice.
3.shield tank: thane/warr/valk -(open)
4.shield tank: thane/warr/valk -(open)
5.healer: paccer -(open)
6.healer:augger -(open)//warlock can do just fine.
7.shaman: -(open)
8.caster: pbt runnie if poss if not any type of caster.
We will be killing the following mobs:
1.Ciardahal - here are the stat's and drops of this mob: http://camelot.allakhazam.com/db/search.html?cmob=10362
2.Ciannan - here are the stat's and drops of this mob:
3.Anulan - here are the stat's and drops of this mob:
If we get at least 3 tank's, shaman and 1 healer + bb we continue the raid as normal.
The Otherworld raid Thursday 21july2006-excal. The raid will start at 19:00 UK time. please be in time for the raid.
Meeting place will be in Kobold Undercity- excal near portal stone.
Yes i am trying to make a raid in that zone cause i need an item and prolly some of u need smth from there. So this are the rules of attendance.
Lvl requirement 47-50
Decent gear as we have to fight our way down there and the 3 mob's that we will be doing are high lvl's. Remember this is not an instance so the respam rate is high and aggro range kinda high. so plz the ones that will attend don't be afk without saying and rezerve 1 hour of u r game play. Haven't been there before but i will try to manage this grp as good as i can.
and the last rule is for us to have fun.
lotto will be made on /random 100
if u have a bb and u take him along u get an +10 on roll(first ppl that sign up with bb will be taken along)
grp setup will be:
1.light tank: savage - ogmonda (me)
2.light tank: zerk/savage -(open) or if we can't get it a pb-aoer should be nice.
3.shield tank: thane/warr/valk -(open)
4.shield tank: thane/warr/valk -(open)
5.healer: paccer -(open)
6.healer:augger -(open)//warlock can do just fine.
7.shaman: -(open)
8.caster: pbt runnie if poss if not any type of caster.
We will be killing the following mobs:
1.Ciardahal - here are the stat's and drops of this mob: http://camelot.allakhazam.com/db/search.html?cmob=10362
2.Ciannan - here are the stat's and drops of this mob:
3.Anulan - here are the stat's and drops of this mob:
If we get at least 3 tank's, shaman and 1 healer + bb we continue the raid as normal.