The News Of Friday - Lazy Mood With Babelfish


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
From english to french to back in english. Some humor flowers in there :p

Holidays of Nice for everyone the majority d'entre know you already qu'avec l'arrivée of new mythical borders presented some new functions d'anti-fraud in the play. After the release of l'adjonction in the USA l'exécution of these d'anti-fraud measurements had like consequence several waves of the suspension of the accounts, for the gamers which employed for example the software of radar. With the release of new borders in Europe we draw benefit also from these countermeasures. As you know it, the combat of the cheaters was always a priority on the waiters of DAoC. We project to continue and reinforce even this policy, because you will see this week clearly. A wave of launched front suspensions, about many players who employed programs of third since the launching of new borders in Europe, in the direct violation of the rules d'EULA recognized by all. Like mythical made during the first phase, only suit us to suspend the accounts of the people identified like users of the programs of third. But of offences of repetition, like n'importe which attempt with the fraud as from this week henceforth, will be treated in so much qu'elle always was: by a company and a direct prohibition. Consider this a friendly warning, and a strong invitation to cease cheating, for all those which always thought that the fraud was a viable solution on our waiters. Right before Christmas, our first gift at the community is thus an energetic reduction of the number of cheaters on our waiters. Don't forget that if you stripped prohibited or suspended this time, it average of doesn't won't are to you the nearest time. The combat of the cheaters is a work never not terminal. We wish you a few pleasant holidays.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
[GOA]Erivoss said:
great, except it isn't the Friday news...

Yes, ok, i'll admit it isn't but it isn't friday either ;)

EDIT: Loved this part "We project to continue and reinforce even this policy, because you will see this week clearly. " personally.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2004
Tbh french waiters deserve everything they get, rude beggars.

Especially the one that laughed at me when I ordered the Daube de beouf and asked for it rare. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Class as usual!

As for fellow Europeans: swedish

[22-12-2004] Neece-a huleedeys fur iferybudy Neece-a huleedeys fur iferybudy Must ooff yuoo elreedy knoo thet veet zee erreefel ooff Noo Frunteeers Mytheec intrudooced sume-a noo untee-cheet fooncshuns in geme-a. Effter zee releese-a ooff zee edd-oon in zee US zee implementeshun ooff zeese-a untee-cheet meesoores resoolted in seferel vefes ooff soospenseeun ooff eccuoonts, fur gemers vhu vere-a useeng fur instunce-a reder sufftvere-a. Veet zee releese-a ooff Noo Frunteeers in Ioorupe-a ve-a elsu beneffeet frum zeese-a cuoonter-meesoores.

Um gesh dee bork, bork! Es yuoo knoo, feeghting cheeters hes elveys beee a preeurity oon zee DEuC serfers. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Ve-a plun tu cunteenooe-a und ifee reeenffurce-a thees puleecy, es yuoo veell cleerly see-a thees veek. A vefe-a ooff soospenseeuns hes beee loonched, cuncerneeng muny pleyers vhu hefe-a used thurd perty prugrems seence-a zee loonch ooff Noo Frunteeers in Ioorupe-a, in durect feeuleshun ooff zee IOoLA rooles eccepted by ell. Es Mytheec deed dooreeng zee furst phese-a, ve-a ere-a oonly gueeng tu soospend zee eccuoonts ooff zee peuple-a identeeffied es users ooff thurd perty prugrems. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Boot repeet ooffffences, es vell es uny ettempt et cheeteeng frum thees veek oon, veell be-a treeted es it hes elveys beee : by a furm und durect bun. Cunseeder thees a freeendly verneeng, und a strung infeeteshun tu stup cheeteeng, fur ell thuse-a vhu steell thuooght thet cheeteeng ves a feeeble-a sulooshun oon oooor serfers. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Joost beffure-a Chreestmes, oooor furst geefft tu zee cummooneety is thoos a dresteec redoocshun ooff zee noomber ooff cheeters oon oooor serfers. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Dun't furget thet iff yuoo hefe-a nut beee bunned oor soospended thees teeme-a, it duesn't meun yuoo vun't be-a next teeme-a. Feeghting cheeters is a nefer indeeng jub.

Ve-a veesh yuoo sume-a neece-a huleedeys. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

Suverners in Engyland

[22-12-2004] Nice 'olidays for evry bloke

Nice 'olidays for evry bloke Most of yer already know that wiv the arrival of New Frontiers Meffic introduced some new anti-cheat functions in game. After the bloomin' release of the add-on in the bloomin' US the bloody implementation of these anti-cheat measures resulted in several waves of suspension of accounts, for gamers 'oo were usin' for instance radar software. Wiv the release of New Frontiers in Europe we also benefit from these counter-measures. As yer know, fightin' cheaters 'as always been a priority on the DAoC servers. We plan ter continue and even reinforce this policy, right, as yer will clearly spot this week. A wave of suspensions 'as been launched, right, concernin' many players 'oo 'ave used fird knees-up programs since the bleedin' launch of New Frontiers in Europe, in direct violation of the bloody EULA rules accepted by all. As Meffic did durin' the bloody first phase, right, we are only gonna suspend the bloomin' accounts of the blokes identified as users of fird knees-up programs. But repeat offences, as well as any attempt at cheatin' from this week on, right, will be treated as it 'as always been : by a firm and direct ban. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna. Consider this a mately warnin', right, and a strong invitation ter put the mockers on cheatin', for all them 'oo still fought that cheatin' were a viable solution on us servers. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna. Just before Christmas, our first gift ter the bloomin' community is so a drastic reduction of the chuffin' number of cheaters on us servers. Don't forget that if yer 'ave not been banned or suspended this time, right, it don't mean yer won't be next time. Fightin' cheaters is a never endin' Uncle Bob. We wish yer some nice 'olidays.

Ill let u do the rest, either or for more frollicks


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
givf scottish version imo ;)

along the lines of this ...

If Star Wars was made in Glasgow...

Darth Vader would referred to as 'Auld Helmet Heid' or, in moments of stress, 'That Dome-Heided Basturd'.

Obi-Wan Kenobi would invariably be referred to as Chieftain or Big Yin by his cohorts. People trying to start a fight with him would address him as Wanky-Nobby.

R2D2 would refuse to go out on the streets after 10pm because of the number of drunks who would try to stuff chip papers in his head casing or piss on him. He would also refuse to go near groups of wee boys at any time because of the high risk of being spray painted/dumped in front of a speeding train/set on fire.

Although proficient in over 3500 languages C3P0 would still be unable to understand anything anyone from the East End of Glasgow said. He would regularly get beaten up for being a 'greetin-faced poof fae Milngavie'.

The Millenium Falcon would have static strips, tinted windscreens and extra-flared exhaust ports. It would have an "I Love Scotland" sticker in the back window and a saltire bumper sticker.

Princess Leia would get captured by Darth Vader because it's hard to run very fast when you're wearing 5 inch platform heels and a tiny silver mini-skirt which keeps hiking up over your arse every two steps. And you've been a heavy smoker since you were 6.

The best way to destroy the Death Star would not turn out to be a desperate all out attack. Two easy ways would be - alter its orbit so it passed through Bridgeton and tell the locals it was full of kafflicks, or - leave
it unattended in Glasgow train station.

Lines from the film as they would be uttered in the vernacular:-
Han Solo "I've got a real bad feeling about this"
"Ah'm shitin' ma sel' here boy"

"Bring 'em on! I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around."
"Come right ahead then c**ts! Fight the f**ing lot o ye!"

"There's no mystical energy field controls my destiny." "
The Force?!! D'youse think ah came doon wi the rain?!"

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your
side, kid."
"Nae messin aboot wi the god squad and auld rubbish, wee man. Get yersel' a
decent shooter"

Darth Vader trying to shoot down Luke Skywalker:
"The Force is strong in this one"
"Stop shooglin' ya wee b*stad!"

Princess Leia:
"You're a little short for a Stormtrooper aren't you?"
"Ah didny think they took short-erses in the polis?"

"This bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade."
"Wuv goat NAE chance in this pile o' sh*te"

Admiral Motti:
"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader."
"You think you're that hard, Vader so ye do. Well we're no feart ae you!"

Obi Wan:
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force."
"F*** me! whit wiz aw that?"


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Scottish SW made me spill the fucken coffee!!! Amazing!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
lol the scot stuff made me laugh, especially since i'm from glasgow and know what he is talkin about lol!

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