I still play on TOA client so like when they crack this they expand like someone sewing a hamsters mouth shut, sticking a bicycle pump up its arse and inflating to extreme pressures.
Didn't they also do this to Monster rezzed people? so they become Zombies/Skeletons with their armour on?
Still prefer the old Zerker looks though, the one before Catacombs.
Ah nevermind Flim just posted the monster rezzes.
Agreeked... Old zerk gfx was so much cooler... now they just looks like some toy for 3year-olds
(although new new gfx with armor is better then only the "new" gfx )
In reality Berserkers didn't wear any armour, atleast not on their chest. They believed the Nornes spun the destiny and decided when it was their turn to die. When it was your time to die, it was the same whether you'd crawl down and hide in a cave or go out in battle, you'd die on that exact time anyway. Therefore there were no point in wearing cumbersome armour, as when it is time, it is time full armour suit or bare naked, and if it wasn't your time you were immortal so no point wearing armour then. Some Berserkers wore bear skin, to scare their enemies, and that's why they got their name Ber (Bear) serk (skin), they were sort of the "Bearskinners". When they wore a bearhead, they'd like to look as scary as possible, so it was important that the sharp teeth were displayed from a big open mouth.
When they had the philosophy that it was already decided when you were going to die, and the best way to die is in battle, cause then you come to Valhalla; - they were not afraid to die. The berserker thought: "Now I'm gonna kill the entire enemy army, cause it's not my turn today. - If it is my turn however, I will atleast take as many as possible before I go down so I will be guaranteed a good spot at the table in Valhalla!" That frightened their enemies, just think for yourself: who would like to fight someone who weren't afraid to die and believed they were immortal?
In frenzy they were unstoppable, as they were in a rage and couldn't feel any pain, so they kept on killing no matter how hurt they were until it was physically impossible, limbs decapitated etc.
I would like to see some frightening realistic bear mode for once please!
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