since the uberguards thats bound to each keep (2 for each) started to respawn with a very short timer after the patch, relicraids will now take 200+ ppl, and/or alot of keeptaking before starting on the doors... Thats making things alot harder, sad news for excalibur, since we all know which realm who got the easiest task getting together 200 ppl for a relicraid :|
atleast taking keeps is now every day material after we got DF, so thats atleast a bright side of it all.. funny to see how it will develop. I must admit that I preferred to be able to pop a relic with 5-6 FGs, that makes it alot easier to avoid being spotted.
atleast taking keeps is now every day material after we got DF, so thats atleast a bright side of it all.. funny to see how it will develop. I must admit that I preferred to be able to pop a relic with 5-6 FGs, that makes it alot easier to avoid being spotted.