The new email problem...



Only for those that doesnt already know ofc..

I got 2 accounts. got my pass for my second which works fine. Now I just realised that I havent updated any info on my main account for a year propably - including email adress and therefore cant recieve my new pass.

However, I do have my subscription pass. So whenever I can log into subscription I just get my pass from there...

So relax, stop the whine and go play some CS, 1942 or whatever :)



Well given that they're changing the subs password in around 2 days time and the subs page wont be up till next week, you're still screwed.

Herbal Remedy

New passwords

As announced yesterday, it has been decided to change the passwords of all our customers as a precaution. The first phase began yesterday and changed your GAME passwords. In the coming days, we will do the same procedure for the SUBCRIPTION passwords. Once this is done, we will restart our subscription pages.

We are very aware of all the problems that will arise due to these procedures, especially for the ones of you who did not keep their information up to date (email, etc). All the problems will be treated on a case by case basis as soon as we re-open our Customer Support tool RightNow.

As you can see, the consequences of these attacks are quite nasty. We are doing everything humanly possible to have all our services available as soon as possible and are planning to offer a compensation (free days) to all our players.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere apologizes regarding all the problems caused by these malicious actions. We will keep you informed on the evolution of the situation and on the planned actions.

Taken from


Many questions, some answers.

After starting the procedure to change all the game passwords yesterday, we can finally come back to you with clearer information and answers to some of the many questions.

The situation : Since the 18th of August, the European DAoC platform has been under the attacks of a malicious person.

This is the first real attack with important direct repercussions on the game and is the cause of :

the temporary closing of our subscription pages the temporary closing of our customer support tool : RightNow !

It was decided to avoid any blurry and incomplete communication of what was happening and to wait until the threat was neutralised in order to prevent further attacks via other means. We did not wait doing nothing however and during this period, we :

Analysed the origin and nature of the attack by doing a quite extensive technical audit.
Took necessary steps to prevent such attacks to continue or happen again.

What now ?

Emergency actions have been taken already and the coming days will be used to strengthen the security on our entire platform before bringing back up the various services of Dark Age of Camelot (RightNow & Subscription pages). Current estimations show that it will take several days and that everything should be back to normal at some point next week.

Billing security & characters.

We always keep a close watch on your questions and doubts via forums and other communication channels. Here are some answers that should reassure you :

Your billing information is not stocked on our servers. Everything related to your money is handled by a billing partner specialised in online transactions. Your billing information is totally safe and isolated from the platform targeted by the recent attacks.
No character has been corrupted in any way during these attacks and this is proven by our logs. No worry here either then, your characters are just as they were before.

New passwords

As announced yesterday, it has been decided to change the passwords of all our customers as a precaution. The first phase began yesterday and changed your GAME passwords. In the coming days, we will do the same procedure for the SUBCRIPTION passwords. Once this is done, we will restart our subscription pages.

We are very aware of all the problems that will arise due to these procedures, especially for the ones of you who did not keep their information up to date (email, etc). All the problems will be treated on a case by case basis as soon as we re-open our Customer Support tool RightNow.

As you can see, the consequences of these attacks are quite nasty. We are doing everything humanly possible to have all our services available as soon as possible and are planning to offer a compensation (free days) to all our players.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere apologizes regarding all the problems caused by these malicious actions. We will keep you informed on the evolution of the situation and on the planned actions.


So for us stuck without pwords its gonna be sometime next week till we get back online.

I don't really get why it takes 'days' to restart 2 services such as rightnow and the subscription pages. I could write the entire services from scratch in 2 days jeez


Originally posted by Stormm
So for us stuck without pwords its gonna be sometime next week till we get back online.

fkn great.

better learn to keep online data up-to-date then eh? your own bloody fault this time!

oh and I do feel kinda sorry for those of you who forgotten, those things happen

but damn I don´t feel sorry for all those that bought accounts and didn´t bother changing the email adress <grins evilly>

Qte Eth

and for those who didnt update email it might take months? can only guess but not any fast from our experience with goa :(


well i dont think its my own fault tbh, never once have i needed this email address and forgot it even existed, never have i been warned that this may be needed to get back into my account


Ive been on auto-subscription since daoc was launched, so never really bothered.

Now I see I should have assed my self to update my account.
Ah well.. WHINE!!



better learn to keep online data up-to-date then eh? your own bloody fault this time!
Addlcove, 50 Paladin
Rharcyn, 50 Cleric
[16:39] * Sarum has l33t rubbing skilz!.

all opinions expressed is my own and should not be seen as the opnion of my guild

Wtf u twat I am on the first free month and thay have not sent me my pass that my fult to ?, Think not get your infor right before you say that bs.


Originally posted by omg
Wtf u twat I am on the first free month and thay have not sent me my pass that my fult to ?, Think not get your infor right before you say that bs.

umm some patience - it'll be in the mail.

If you put in false details then it's your own fault - otherwise I'm pretty sure it'll be uptodate and you'll get yer email.

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