The Mug Inn (RoleplayingThread)



As you Enter the old building you see to your left, a dusty old book laying open on a table.

It is open at page 1. You Read *|Guest book|* on the front cover.
There is a quil beside the book, and fresh ink. You turn to page 2, and read *Would all folk who enter this inn please sign this here book with a little about yourselves, Thank you.*

You begin to scribble down some notes quickly about who you are.

Name: Takeo Otori

Profession: Stealther

Luggage: Large satchel

Days staying: Unknown

Laying down the quil, Takeo walks over to the barkeep, gets out his purse from the large satchel, and pays the barkeep for his drink.
He is a strapping young human lad, dressed in all black, blending into the dark shadows of the Inn. He wears a long dark hooded cloak, of fine material.
Collecting his thoughts he sits peacefully in the empty inn, waiting for others to come in.


Door creaks open as another guest enters the Inn, he spots the "guestbook" and turns to read it. when done reading he gives a short laugh, looks right at the dark corner in the Inn where the only other Guest is sitting, mumbling he adds something in the "guestbook" gives another laugh and walks out again.

left in the book is in clear handwriting one single sentence

"Pity to the fools!"


Takeo Otori stands up, with a gleam in his eye he looks around the room. Still empty, he sighs. Walking towards the entrance he lights up a candle from an empty table. Gets some gasoline from his large satchel, throws the gasoline at the barkeep, soaking him in highly flammable liquid, and throwing the candle at him.

Watching the Inn set ablaze Takeo runs out. And is never seen again..

(Since no one gave a damn about my lil roleplaying thread..:( )


Lifting his pack onto his shoulder, Takeo heads towards the stairs to the guest rooms intending to relax a little before the rigors of the night ahead.
On his was he passes the kitchen door, and spies a tall nubian woman hard at work preparing the evening meal for the guests. A moment of pity passed through him as he saw the tears streaming from her eyes as she peeled the onions.
"Cry more, nube" he says to her, and climbs the staircase. :)


sorry shes dead, the Inn is burning down as we speak.. sorry.. :p ....."come again!"


Takeo feels guilty so decides to fetch buckets of water from the nearby fountain.

With 2 buckets filled, walks briskly to the burning building. Whilst carrying the buckets, trips on an upturned paving slab in the courtyard.

'Damned Council' Takeo Sneers, rubbing his/her bloody nose, 'never keep any town area tidy , or free from hazards'.

Noticing one of the buckets has now developed a hole from the fall, Takeo decides not to bother with the fire and instead reaches deep into the backpack for a fork and some marshmallows... and sits there for 30 mins toasting and eating.


Dawn comes and the sun starts to beat through the riceweave walls of the hut. Takeo Otori rolls out of bed, splashes some water from the bowl by the wall over his face and turns to his wife.
"I just had the strangest dream. I imagined I was in post roman Britain, even though I'm pretty sure that no-one from the far east has ever heard of it much less been there. I was some kind of warrior and yet I insisted on keeping my oriental name despite the obvious incongruity with the setting. Anachronism Schmanachronism I say!"
His wife turns to him wearily
"Shut up and milk the cow idiot"


While milking the cows a good fairy comes to him and swishes her wand breaking the evil spell the dark sorcerer cast onto him. The fairy says "you are too important to your realm to remain under this spell".

Takeo Otori breaks out of his mesmerisation and says "thank you good fairy I have much work to do", he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small worn leather pouch. He gently reaches into his pouch opens the window and checks the time with his small sundial he acquired in a game of chance...

He then realises he is late for.....................


BUt when he got there the goats had ALREADY been milked...

Who could've done this... AND WHY ???

Kharok Svark

And there, at the door to the barn stood a Nubian woman ... holding an onion !


The horse enters the tavern, looks at the bartender and the bartender grunts:

"What is this? A fucking joke?"

The horse then proceeds to beat the living snot out the bartender with a baseball bat before reading the Friday News from the bartenders laptop.


And they all lived happily ever after.
The End.

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