The most/least fun BG alts you have made.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004

Just a quick question to relieve the boredom while at work..

What was the best/worst BG alts you have played and why?

please keep me entertained.. I am bored dagnamit!

Ok, to get the ball rolling...

Soulvacuum lvl24 sorc - 18 Body, 15 mind = FUN spec :D

Damagetaker lvl24 Pally - He has controlled the ram at no less than 5 keep takes as its wot he does.. well :)

HitandHide lvl24 Inf - PA, run, PA, run.. and on.. and on.. and on.. :eek6:

HitandRun - Range great, melee may aswell sit down and get it over with :(

Many thanks

FunkySoul upcoming BG Sorc.
Indigosnake upcoming BG Reaver.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Shield/lw specced hero (Faelgar)- no fun
Manamenty (Parmesan)- superb fun
Animist (Salamanca)- way before every man and his dog rolled a /lvl 20 animist, they were kinda unique and fun to play.
Nightshade (Tana)- Yawn
Void Eld (Ether)- Great fun
Champ (Zinzan)- Yawn
Druid (Zinzan)- great fun
Manachanter (Frontal)- only fun when fighting zergs :)
Lightchanter (Frontal)- lots of fun, really powerful
BM (Scirocco)- Was in GG leveling group that swept thid/cale for the xp/rr perks but it was superb fun.

There are others that i forget from hib, for Mid (pryd)

Critblade (Alivelle)- Great fun
Shammy (Alivelle)- fun when i got a good group, just annoying solo
Warrior (Alivelle)- boring
Thane (Alivelle)- Fun :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Rief: scout - took me yonks to ding 1l4
Shwartz: infi - the dogs bullocks, best laugh: PAing a caster unbuffed and letting bleed/dot kill him, made me feel k0r3 ROAR!! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Mana mentalists are fantastic! AEDoT is brutal in BG1, plus having mr3 and healing ability makes them very versatile and in demand :)

I had a lot of fun on my mana eldritch, I think many a mid / alb confused them for a chanter (pbaoe on both classes :p), but elds have nasty debuffs, disease and a bolt, plus snare nuke and aoe snare nuke - very very cool in a group but useless at solo. Gods at keep defence / attack too btw :p

Biggest lame duck has been an animist... shroom spam isn't much fun in BG1, but maybe I'm not getting them yet.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
Syntheticaa- my old painworking necro was a laugh, ive made a new one named Synthetia... KAMIKAZE!!!

Vollatile- my old name for the many infils i made was always 24+4 CS and 20+5 envenom along with 20+5 stealth my recent one is a little bit crap but at least i know how to use it effectively :p

Gothbabe- my best scout ever! its great to play, still miss the times when there was no caster BTs with my old scout Scypherious :p but still... people are dumb enough to keep standing in the same spot after their BTs been broken

Syntheticaa- the same name as my old necro but was a matter cabby :p great fun

Bunnyslayer- inconnu polearm armsman wasnt as fun as my other chars but was still good to play at times

Coal- my current paladin, crush/shield spec and has a helm that looks like chain, boring to play and im crap at playing it but its funny the way i get so many stealthers attacking me :p maybe mistaking me for a cleric.

Scyx- used to be a rejuve friar 0_0, hated having to rez all the time but got a respec on it and now its a good combat char :p but its only really any fun to play in rare situations

Danger- tried making a rejuve/smite cleric after having played a pac/mend healer on prydwen BG (was fun) but the cleric was dull, you use all your power up on smiting and dont have enough to heal so smiting gets kind of pointless.

there are others ive made and played but my list is already too big :p

(im more into BG rather than RvR because its more balanced :p although albs in BG arent very bright people and get on my nerves, DONT STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COURTYARD!!! took them 4 trys at getting into ck without them standing in the courtyard basically asking to be aoe dotted and killed by the mids in the tower :twak: )


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Most boring I played was a bow ranger, total boring sniping people who don't stand a chance, really got lame, so on my next ranger I went for melee and started running up from behind spamming snowshower :p that was really awesome and fun.

Most fun would have to be my bard, mez+speed3+heal is really awesome, although it's only fun when hibs actually stand a chance, in the mornings there are too few people, and kiting a troll warrior for 15 min got boring after the first 7 =/

My nightshade Damindeyon (DARN YOU BOTTER SCHWARTZ :p YOU k33l my tiny luri all the time with your boofs :((() is also gr8 fun, but I don't just PA whoever I see (in fact I am spec 18 blades, 17 envenom, 19 stealth and 15 CD) I try to make friends :p das de most fun.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
best Bg cha's i've played are
Sb : Fun in all aspects
Thane : Lots of fun during keep take/defence
RC RM : Bg rock n' roll

worst are
Hunter : Just way way to easy
Sav/Zerk : not having Stealth or insta's in bg stinks

inbetween are
Skald Fun to play but seems kinda overpowerd
Sm semi fun, pet rocks
Sham High util as always..semi boring at times tho


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Shadowblade and hunter were both really easy, and really good fun soloing.

Skald's my fave if I'm grp'd

Worst character I pld in BG is a savage. Hardly ever used to even get close before I was dead.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Amel said:
Gothbabe- my best scout ever! its great to play, still miss the times when there was no caster BTs with my old scout Scypherious :p but still... people are dumb enough to keep standing in the same spot after their BTs been broken
Just have to ask why you ran from a 1vs1 with my Valkyn Huntress Leithal last night, especially after laughing and taunting at me. :twak:

Just me and you on ck hill at 3am, no danger of adds, fair fight. Shoot you once, see you turn and run so stick pet on you to stop you restealthing (grey con pet I should add), have to use insta speed to chase you as you flee from ck to mb, catch you and we fight in the water under mb, again you turn and flee (think you hit insta speed coz I couldnt keep up with you). Pet still on you, which I assume you didnt wanna kill (grey con) in case I catch up to you. So I chase and chase, havent been paying too much attention to where youre heading, suddenly realise we're going over Goblin Hill, and omg yes, straight back to apk you go.

Lamest thing I seen for a while. Must indeed be great to play :rolleyes:


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My light mentalist was really fun, charming a druid pet near hpk that cast dots or dd's or whatever. could own 2-3 casters at once 2-3 shotting them :D

Mana mentalist was fun too but when i played him there wasnt much hib activity in thid so it was mainly dot and run.

Nightshade was really fun, played him about a year ago un sc'd unbotted and i did kinda good with him :D .

Blademaster was fun too, i could own alot of classes and also run into alb zerg and 2 shot some poor caster ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
RS|Phil said:
Scouts don't get insta speed afaik.
I've only played Ranger and Hunter and they both have insta speed so kinda assumed Scouts got it too.

If not I guess she just had more end left than me and sprinted for longer. I'd used up my end hitting her in the back as she ran. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Not really anything about my alts, but mostly for hibs. Is Champions really that bad? Only seen ONE! 0_o Champ during my bg1 days with all my alts..even bg3. Met one in bg1 with my skald before boost. Hitted pretty hard, and those debuffs are rather annyoing >_<


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Sanzor said:
Not really anything about my alts, but mostly for hibs. Is Champions really that bad? Only seen ONE! 0_o Champ during my bg1 days with all my alts..even bg3. Met one in bg1 with my skald before boost. Hitted pretty hard, and those debuffs are rather annyoing >_<

LW champs in bg are nasty tbh :p especially on the Infi's that are always buffed that jump you.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
Naugi said:
Just have to ask why you ran from a 1vs1 with my Valkyn Huntress Leithal last night, especially after laughing and taunting at me. :twak:

Just me and you on ck hill at 3am, no danger of adds, fair fight. Shoot you once, see you turn and run so stick pet on you to stop you restealthing (grey con pet I should add), have to use insta speed to chase you as you flee from ck to mb, catch you and we fight in the water under mb, again you turn and flee (think you hit insta speed coz I couldnt keep up with you). Pet still on you, which I assume you didnt wanna kill (grey con) in case I catch up to you. So I chase and chase, havent been paying too much attention to where youre heading, suddenly realise we're going over Goblin Hill, and omg yes, straight back to apk you go.

Lamest thing I seen for a while. Must indeed be great to play :rolleyes:

well the answer is obvious aint it? us scouts are not melee types and are purely focused on our bow, you attacked me in melee so i didnt stand a chance and so i ran, if your pet wasnt on me i would of turned and shot you once i got the distance. Its kinda common sense to run away if you have the means to.

Anyway archer vs archer fights suck, its basically who unstealths last wins :p i was just messing about and having some fun with you by unstealthing :D was a fun little chase ;)

and if running is so gay why did you constantly run away from me today? :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
S/S Hero - was my first time in bg1 so didnt really know what was going on, had only been playing the game for a week.

Mana Enchanter - boring, doesnt get much better as you level.

Ranger - melee spec was a lot of fun owning infils and SBs still had enough bow spec to 1/2 shot unbuffed casters.

Druid - not bad grouped, except most of the time a bg group seems to involve a lot of running around pretending to be headless chickens so spent a lot of time trying to find a target that was actually in range.

Nightshade - had 2 in bg1, both pretty fun though


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Amel said:
and if running is so gay why did you constantly run away from me today? :p
Clue: There were some people behind you, when I say some, I mean about 20, they all had red writing above their heads and didnt look very friendly.

Not sure that once on mpk road counts as constantly either. Was nice of you to shoot me while I was mezzed by a Sorc. At least I couldnt chase you then. ;)

'you cannot hide while messmerised. You cannot hide while messmerised. Gothbabe shoots you with her bow'. :rolleyes:

You almost got me too. One more arrow might just have finished me off, but alas I lived to tell the tale.

Looking forward to our next meeting, hehe. :wub:


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Amel said:
people are dumb enough to keep standing in the same spot after their BTs been broken

coz most of the times u dont get the auto target when its just the BT that breaks.. atleast never happend to my caster... i HAD to wait for the second arrow to hit to see where the hell the arrows were comming from.. or i might just as well have been running straight at them.. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
lol, look forward to see you too :) will keep an eye out for you and maybe ill be lucky this time


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Sanzor said:
Not really anything about my alts, but mostly for hibs. Is Champions really that bad? Only seen ONE! 0_o Champ during my bg1 days with all my alts..even bg3. Met one in bg1 with my skald before boost. Hitted pretty hard, and those debuffs are rather annyoing >_<

I only once met a champion in BG. Was an unbuffed shar LW champ, and he really really nearly pwned my fully buffed skald. I would roll one if I played hib tbh :>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Zerk=fun but pretty useless if your not in a good group
Cave Sham= most fun in keep defence, also ok in grp
Critblade=very fun imo
Shadowzerker=Not fun imo
Dark Sm=i didnt find fun but didnt get chance for any 1 v1 before it dinged 25 :(
Runemaster=under par cave shaman at bg1 for me
Hunter=Fun if you can find sitting / easy targets in a zerg, not so good when infils find you :)
Healer=Same fun as pve for me in bg, but mine was mend spec heard pac healer are fun
warrior=least fun of all classes i've tried
skald=fun vs small grps and in duos is also very nice, insta mezz and dds really make a difference
bonedancer=ZERO skill required, hence no fun


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Zerker = great fun..killing most things
Skald = fun
Savage = WHOA...i just need to roll one of those again
Mana eld= same as above...just need to make another of those
Bonedancer = pff...not fun
Shadowzerk = just forget about it
Crittblade = Great fun
Infil = Great fun
Mercfil = never ever again!!
merc = kickazz
Pala = pff..lame
Ranger = fun as melee
Hunter = pff..lame...cant even move 2 feets down from TK without a PA in the face
Nightshade = need to look hard to find a bigger gimp then that
Animist = shoomer = bah...booring
Bard = mezz,run,heal,mezz,run,heal,rezz
Champion = Great fun
Hero = Spearo inc
Cleric = mostly downtime and oom = no fun
Shaman = not fun
Healer (pac/aug/mend...all of em) = fun
Runemaster = Runecarver4tehwin
Spiritmaster = Darkness is the way to go
Wizard = come get some
Theurg = pet but mostly oom
Necro = booring
scout = booring

thats my views...some may have others :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004

First time in bg1 with my warrior was decently fun, although i despiced i couldn't kill necros :-P

Zerk - Not much fun..being pure melee is hard sometimes, if your not in a grp.

Shammie - Imo you cap too quick as cave shammie...but they are great fun! ^^

Hunter - Dunno how many fleeing scouts, infils my dog has bitten down. Very funny in bgs..never had the biggest trouble with infils.

Thane - Omg at the fun rate! You hit like a hammer with damage add, and when you can't reach em in nuke em. A must have tried bg class imo :-P

Sb - Tried both SZ and Critblade...both are funny. Although being CB with a speed 6.0 2h axe and Paing Infils was funniest :-P

Skald - A good fun rate, as you got speed, mezz and snare....and a big 2h weapon ^^

Healer - Cba with em...get targetted too many times >_<

Supp SM - The pet rocks with the intercept, allowing you to pbae the 4 infils that jumped you :-P

Mainly what i have tried so far...all fun in some point :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Skidlee said:

Just a quick question to relieve the boredom while at work..

What was the best/worst BG alts you have played and why?

please keep me entertained.. .

Jpeg lvl24 friar . in bg1 loved him i can honestly say i didnt lose any 1v1 and a few times even beat 2-3 vs me :) mucho fun.

Gankstar lvl24 Scout also mucho fun great fun to solo and snipe enemys etc adrenalin rush when u kill a enemy amidst a fg and then u have to sprint n hope u escape the inc7 who are chasing you n hope they aint set a pet on you :)

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