The majority of NGUK voters are brainless sheep!



In 2 days ive been voted off NGUK servers 4 times, the first 3 times was for having a high score as i never killed a single teammate as was in enemy gen area whole time. Just kicked there as was heavy on flag in riverdance, some idiot called Magnus kept trying to satchel charge me out of there, surved cos i had shield pack, from then on i destroyed satchel charges so he voted me off.

Idiots like these who start the votes dont bother me as much as the countless morons who consistently vote yes for any kick vote!
It doesnt happen on BW servers in my experience NGUK is rife with it.


its just as bad in BW servers, i have seen many elite players being voted to kick (not actually kicked though) by newbies all the time. I myself got a vote once, but i didnt get kicked :)


"maybe tell the NGUK peeps?"

I wanted to tell people whos opinions actually matter :) .


Thats the difference in BW though, the majority of BW players know each other well enough to know who to trust with vote and who doesnt deserve to be voted off.


"I wanted to tell people whos opinions actually matter "
So who are the people whose opinions count!!!!!
I don't deny that there are a few muppets on the NGUK servers and to be honest it is very irratating to be kicking people because they constantly start votes for stupid reasons. Also the people who will always just vote without thinking. A lot of newbies have started playing on the NGUK servers because they received a hard time on the BW servers from the vets, even those whose only crime is being a newbie and would have learnt in time. We have also inherited a number of llamas :(
What also irrates me however is ppl like your self who seem to slag others down that you don't even know. I apologise if your statement above was meant as a joke but it didn't appear to be that to me.
BW and NGUK offer a valuable service to all gamers and both BW admins and NGUK admins offer there time to try and make gaming fun for everyone. If you feel that a llama is on the server come and find an admin and give us the chance to do something about it rather that having a pop at us.

Thanks Shinara (NGUK Admin)

old.D R E ad

Nice one Shinara. I would just like to add that while there are quite a few muppets on NGUK servers, but its no worse than BW. The NGUK Tribes2 servers are by far the most popular in Europe; More people = more muppets. Anyway, has anyone been on NGI servers? muppet city IMO. Fortunatly the chances of finding an admin on NGUK T2 servers does appear to greater than other servers. But no one can cover the servers 24/7, so if there is no admin about then pop into NGUK's T2 irc channel as there is usually someone there. Otherwise post details of the details of the idiot on their forums - Thankfuly NGUK don't allow aliases :) and the head admins take TKers and vote spammers very seriously.
As for hardly no one knowing each other on NGUK T2 servers, I really don't think thats true at all. Just depend what servers you play on most.

DREAD (NGUK T2 public admin)


Is that NGUK's T2 channel on hashnet or quakenet? :p


Probs on NGUK servers?

There are people in Irc on #nguk.tribes2 channel 24/7.

I for one am happy to go and remove fuckwits from the servers.

If I aint in IRC - ICQ me 76907549.

My own clan m8's have had probs with this - people are now realising that votes will 90% of the time pass.

And you cant say BW is any different cause I've seen it with my own eyes.


And you cant say BW is any different cause I've seen it with my own eyes.

Never said they were. Personally Im still undecided who is worse. The newbies or the 'vets' :)


Once again shinara you have read my post incorrectly.

I said the majority of "VOTERS" on NGUK are monkeys. almost every kick vote i see in nguk is followed up by a 90% yes reagardless of wether on not the person is guilty or not. From my own experience this isnt the case on BW servers, yes people vote others off for no reason, but people tend to be alot more reserved in my experiance.

These are things that NGUK and you admins really cant really control (unless you plan to kick everyone who votes yes without a reason) and so i bear no ill will to either, and yes i do realise there are plenty of good people on servers also. Unfortunatly, as is generally the case in real life, when it comes to voting its the muppets that come out in force.

As it stands NGUK offer a great gaming service and may well be able to deal with repeated offenders well. maybe its the large player limits and "vehicle only" tag on alot of the servers but it does in my opinion seem to attract alot of newbies esp on "Ubergame" server (BW megagame has same prob imo).

It IS a problem, and to me it happens most on NGUK servers, deny it all ya want but i just dont get voted off for having a high score on BW servers and yet it happens 3 times in 2 days on NGUK and on quite a few occations before that. It comes with being the most popular servers i guess. sheep like herds.

Will i still play on NGUK, yes probably but if both running the same map ill choose BW.

If you want to hate for my opinions fine, im sure no admin likes hearing anything bad about their servers. I only play on NGUK and BW myself but you say yourself NGI are worse for muppets in your opinion and yet you hate me when i say anything about NGUK, would you be so upset if i was saying the same things about NGI? i doubt it.


oh and the "I wanted to tell people whos opinions actually matter" quip was meant as a joke, hence the smilie (thanks for cutting that out in your quote ;) ).

Was a quote from simpsons that just came to top of my mind at the time :p. As it happens the real reason i didnt post on NGUK was i only really read this BR. Apologies to any of the NGUK regs who were offended im sure most of ya arent the type to unthinkingly vote innocent lil me of a server,....... or are you? ;)

As far as the constant 90% voting thing i think a good way to help combat this would be for some smart programer (nudges BWADMIN) to try and change the game in a few ways...

1) force someone that votes someone off to enter a reason, that way everyone can at least know what they are voting for.

2)do not allow someone to initiate a vote for 5-10 mins after switching teams, this will stop people switching teams to vote a good player off.

3)if a player is voted off, all they get is a popup box saying they were kicked, the chat buffer vanishes. On the times ive been kicked most of the time ive been fighting and missed the vote, so i dont know who voted me off for future reference, or to report to an admin about. The only way i can find out is if my mates on the server tell me later. Be good to get the name of the person who kicked you in the same popup box.

old.D R E ad

No one hates you for your opinion mate :) The problem with Tribes 2 is that the voting system is a bit crap. The vote percentage is calculated from the number of people who vote yes and no. The people who don't vote don't get counted in the calculation. In other words if there is 32 people on the server and 6 people vote yes and 4 vote no then that comes out as a 60% vote for yes. Which I personally think is crazy and unfair.
The way it should be is calculated from the number on the server against the number of people who vote yes. Thats the way it is for map/TD votes i think, why not for player kick votes? I think Dynamix really need to sort it out because its a real problem on all servers. Yet they never seem to have really talked about it muchand no one ever seems to complain about the underlying problem, just the fact that they are always voted off. Until then, if people don't want to vote yes they should vote no and not ignore the vote. Its a pain but it would help stop unfair kicks until Dynamix sort the voting system (if they ever do).
Oh, and you can tell who voted you off from the chat box (page up to view it if you missed it) and make a note of it before the vote passes if you can. Then post the details on the NGUK forums so the admins can keep an eye out.
As for which servers are worse for it. I have heard many people say NGUK are the best for avoiding vote spammers aswell - its just a case of swings and roundabouts really.


DREAD (NGUK T2 Public admin).


1) The reason that the smilie was missing is that i didn't use the quote function i just typed it in, i didn't miss it on purpose.
2) I don't hate you (don't know you, never met you on a server) or your post. What irratated me about your post and similar posts ( be it against BW, NGUK or any other) is that none of them are ever posted in the NGUK/BW forum so that we can investigate, although as you say there is not a lot we can do:(. We do however log all offenders and if we get the same name appearing then we will consider a permanent ban for that person.
3) As DreaD says part of the problem is that with newbies, some of them don't vote either way even if they disagree so it takes very few yes votes to carry the kick (maybe more people vote on BW servers???). This is a Dynamix problem however :(
4) I seem to recall that i admited that we have a problem with some llamas on the servers and i don't mind at all that you point this out, it would however make more sense to post where it will do the most good :)
5) i also seem to recall that i apologised in advance if it was meant to be a joke :D
6) I have never played on a NGI server i think that you will find that DreaD said that.
No admin would kick you off a NGUK server for voicing an opinion even if we didn't agree with all/part of it. I hope that you do continue to play on NGUK servers and let us know if you have any problems :D



No admin would kick you off a NGUK server for voicing an opinion even if we didn't agree with all/part of it. I hope that you do continue to play on NGUK servers and let us know if you have any problems

Unless that opinion was:
"Mantis is a llama and should be banned!"

In which case I press the big red "get your ass off this server" button :D


Oi, who started a bomb in this forum without my permission? BW rules clearly state that all T2 forum bombs must be ratified and certified for bombieness by an Adhoc Banana Committee consisting of 1 member called Mongrol. Christ, we`ll never get any good quality bombs in here if we just randomly post something that might just accidentally cause someone to maybe get a little rifled. It`s just not the done thing.

Admin, delete this post at once!


To go "off topic" a little can anyone tell me how it is that NGUK servers appear at the top of the Euro T2 master server list ?

Seems very odd that when its sorted alphabetically NGUK is still sitting at the top and dear old barrys is below.

Has NGUK HaXoReD the tribes alphabet and moved N to 1st place ? :)



because there lame, thats all you need to know



I think they have placed a space infront of their name, this appears to move it to the top.

old.D R E ad

er, are you sure? I always found Barrysworld above NGUK when sorting by server name.


Go have another look Dread :sleeping:

Well if nguk want to be smart like that no reason why why barrys cant do the same ang get the newbs playing on non-laggy PL free servers :clap:

be doing them a favour really................


Torque you'll find that BarrysWorld just aren't going to lower themselves to NGUK's level and use cheap methods just to move their servers higher in the list


and anyway the space bar is broken on Deathace's pc :p


closed for same reason as other thread.

sorry to close this off - rarely do it but its gettin a bit d a f t.

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