The main important bits for SB's in 1.79 and 1.80 while waiting for download


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
While I am waiting for the 76mb download on my computers (I thought the patch and everything was meant to minimize downloads?) these are the interesting bits of 1.79 and 1.80 for shadowblades and toons.

1.79 and 1.80

There might be some fireworks thing at housing entrance and some market vendors selling fireworks?
- Object delves have been changed so that the reuse timer ("Can use again in XX") display is now accurate in all instances.
- Item-based AF bonuses now actually increase your AF, block damage, and report as such on your character sheet.
- Players moving faster than sprint speed will no longer gain the stealth detection benefit of Mastery of Stealth 4 or 5 - it will instead be clamped at the bonus received from Mastery of Stealth 3.

This version introduces the newly redone Epic Quests which begin at level five and are spaced out at five level intervals concluding at level forty-five. They have been designed to be more player friendly through the use of instancing, reduced travel time, and common goals once the players reach higher levels. This should allow guilds and groups to finish their quests together rather than taking turns to help finish each other's quests.

The Epic Quests begin by introducing players to influential NPCs, the lore associated with their class and guild, then progresses to telling the story of the enemies of the realm. The level five through twenty-five quests will occur in existing areas of the game, with players needing the help of a few friends for the level twenty-five encounter. The first instanced dungeon is introduced at level thirty and is the last class specific quest. The level thirty-five to forty-five quests are undertaken by all classes of the realm and require exploration of an instanced dungeon with a group of players.

The rewards for the quests have also been updated, including a new set of level fifty-one armour upon completion of the level forty-five quest. The bonuses and spells on the armour have been updated to make the suits more useful.

Players who completed the Epic Quest prior to this version and wish to receive the new epic armour may do so by completing the new version of the Epic Quest. Class trainers will offer these players the option to advance to the level thirty portion of the quest after the level five quest has been accepted. Players are not required to possess their old Epic armour suits to do the new Epic Quest.

Players should speak to their trainers in Jordheim to begin the new quest series.

Change to LA styles animation Comeback, Frosty Gaze and Snowsquall.

New ability to get people off horses - Caltrops

New City art, New DF Art.

/namemount to name your horse :>

Talk to NPC Trainer or Champ then talk to King.

Can dye artifact weapons when you are CL2-4. Get Burnishes from Quartermaster.

Sub classing - go to base trainers - ie Seers etc.

Get extra stuff on your horse, armour, saddle bags, barding.

/release entrance for when you die in an instance.

That's pretty much it ^^

Oli - Illu

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