The linkdead theory - part II



Ok guys. I have been fighting with my PC for about 2 weeks, and I've eventually won the battle. I have been plagued with annoying linkdeads every 0-60 minutes of gameplay :mad: over that time, but that is history.

Main specs:

Athlon XP 1600+@1539 MHz (10*153.95 MHz) - custom watercooled
EPOX 8KHA+ mainboard
1x256 MB Samsung DDR, 1x256 MB Crucial DDR memory modules
Leadtek GF4 Ti4400
SB 1024 Live!
Enermax 431 Watt PSU
Windows 98SE

The most annoying thing was that I had linkdeads over a low ping/clean cable internet connection, and it was killing me as I really couldn't understand the reason for this. In the past I had played this game on that same machine (but with only 256 MB and GF2 MX) with no problems at all.
GOA couldn't figure out the problem, I've had a long discussion thread with them in Rightnow. "Reinstall -put here what you'd like- driver", "disable -put here any proggie you like-", etc. Nah, the problem was much more technical than all that.
The fact is that if I had reinstalled the S.O. the problem would have dissapeared, but I didn't. And thanks to this I've acquired certain knowledge I will share with you, and hope it helps.

After having changed/updated every driver, underclocked every piece of hardware in my rig, and changed every setting in the BIOS, I (pretty tired and dishearted though) decided to make a thorough check in my registry TCP/IP settings, and I found a couple of parameters whose values seemed wrong. I've used broadband connection optimizers so one of these proggies should had messed with it, with disastrous consequences over the UDP connection of DAoC. The settings are found in that branch of the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSTCP

The values that were wrong in my machine were the string values MaxConnectRetries and MaxDataRetries, both set at 1, when Windows default values are 3 and 5 respectively. After I had changed the values to the default ones, I rebooted the machine, and... voilá, 5 hours and 45 minutes of gameplay without any hitch. I was happy :clap: .

Well many of you probably may be wondering why I'm telling the whole story here, but the fact is that I think that altering these parameters can help people with crappy or somewhat unstable connections to have a better experience. I think the main thingie is in the MaxDataRetries, as it affects the number of packet resending the system may ask for before giving up the connection. I believe that if we increase that value to 7-10, some people would experience an increase in connection stability.

Heck, what are you waiting for? Go try the settings and post the results here!


skerit XP

Congrats... now the next time you go linkdead it's their fault :)

I hate it when ,at rightnow, they always say the most dumb answers, and then when you post a message back, you can wait houres, days (Sometimes weeks! Yes, they do forget about threads, they're no even respondingto mine... weird).


win me solution ?

hi there,

ive been having monstrous problems with ld for ages, bot sure if its the huge lag issue surrounding the wannadont portal, or just my cable conn.

ive searched my registry for this key, and cant find it, i wonder if anyone knows if its in win me, and if so wheres its located ?




These keys don't have to be there by default, if they aren't then your windows should be using default values. In that case you can create them, whether to try different values or just to be sure you're using the defaults.

Be sure to visit, there you will find a TCP optimizer program tool, no installation requiered, only run it, select appropiate values for your type of connection and apply changes. It will write the registry values for you in a breeze. Then restart the machine and you're done. A must have.



It's not always a problem on the side of GOA. Check the nw status of your ISP.

Also a good trick is to increase your TCP/IP windows size to 64K

Just search the web, you'll find a place where they explain it. You just have to alter a reg key.

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