The lameness finally comes to an end.....?



From Camelotherald:

As most assassins know, in the 1.50 patch, we inadvertently fixed the "one shot kill but remaining stealthed" bug (by fixing a few bugs relating to hidden players attacking monsters). Now that assassin characters are no longer underpowered, and no longer need any additional advantages, we have decided to keep this fix in. .So, assassins will no longer be able to remain stealthed after one-shot kills. Assassins will still be able to kill some lower level (and probably "blue" level mages) characters in one shot, but no longer will they be able to do this with the impunity that they have enjoyed.

So finally your local assassin can't run into a group of 20 enemies, pick out the casters, and go home unseen anymore. What a shame :D


F*** Mythic for doing that. I'm not going to be some suicide bomber. Can't do squat on keepraids anymore either, just look inside the keep & say "xx defenders" and climb down... It's not like we can always escape after one-shotting someone, even if staying stealthed.

And if someone dares to say "you've to group in RvR now like the rest of us", you better start grouping us much more in PvE. Our PvE life with other stealth classes is harder than non-stealth classes, we deserve the advantage of being able to assassinate people.

On the other hand, I want See Hidden to have only about 2-3x the detect range of Detect Hidden and TrueSight propably gone or atleast the length of it dropped drastically.


Oh, so you cant do what you are already doing?

Pa, jump over the edge. Wait 10 seconds, restealth, climb up, repeat?

About assassins being able to oneshot 5 ppl in a 100 ppl group.

NERF NERF NERF AND NERF SOME MORE! ill neevr be happier.

About assassins getting uncovered when PAing one of 2 blues.

Thats crap, get some friggen detection in instead of this.

But still, the ability to oneshot every single mage in a group should be nerfed to oblivion imho.


nil calm down, as you get higher level a mage cant be 1-shotted, at level 50 im sure you wont be 1-shotted apart from by some shadowblades with their huge 2-handers or sommit, you fail to see this from teh other side of the coin

assasains are annoying, especially when they kill you without stealthing, i know cause its happened to me before :) (which is why i became one, aswell as prefering the play style)


thats a smallnerf compared to all the good things assasins are getting read the yank boards . and they are mainly complaining how powerfull assassins have become with all the new realm abilitys etc etc . for example with there see hidden thing they can see a stealthed sniper from just as far as if he was unstealthed . that in itself is a major plus . sure 1 sot kills no more sound great to mages who get pissed with it . but you can still one hit them and run/stealth .. when assasins 1 hit kill they mainly go for grays anyway so it wont make much difference .


What about those nukes that take 99% of my HP? NERF nukers! I have shit for HP and armor. How does less than 1k HP at lvl50 sound for a melee class? One-shotting is the only way for us to kill someone in a group, we get ganked the second we pop, unless there's a big fight going on.

Niljindil, play an assassin and setup up a kill, it's not easy. First follow your target around, hope they stop and maybe sit, start moving in to position to kill them, all the time hoping there isn't another assassin that uncovers you and hoping your target doesn't move. When you finally get to the target, hope they don't change facing and you don't get a lagspike. Can't count the times I've followed some group for 20+ minutes hoping for that opening which has never come and the times when somethings gone wrong.

And no, See Hidden isn't any compensation for it, the archers just hit their speed button and there's no hope for catching them.

Shame you propably don't exp in frontiers, Niljindil, your attitude calls for exp-deaths.

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