The Joys of the Support Classes.



Having played my first game of RTCW the other night on the BW newbie server, i noticed one thing: A lack of medics/leuitenants(can never spell it).

With the medics, it wasn't so bad, i played medic for over an hour, and managed to finnish in the top 5 overall for every map. Simply sticking around the key points and healing/regenerating guys was very satisfying, but i had one problem: I couldn't fight! The medic starts out with no spare ammo, and i couldn't find any leitenants that were willing to give me any ammo. Now finally i got sick of this, and switched to leitenant, and i have to say, i've found my class :)

The ammo seems to respawn fairly fast, so it wasn't a problem giving ammo to pretty much everyone at the front line, and when medics get ammo, they get in a good mood and heal everyone up. What's more, that bren gun mathingy absolutly pwns! Finally you get the binoculars!! I have one questions: I heard you can call in artillery and airstrikes. I found a smoke grenade which is for teh airstrikes i think, but i heard you can call artillery on people you see in the binoculars, can soemone tell me how.

This game pwns, now i gotta decide wether it's worth me trying the soldier.



Lo shock
Airstrikes come in two forms.
The smoke grenade is a close range thing. You need half your bar full, and a airstrike lands where the smoke is.
For a long range airstrike you use the binoculars. Press yer binoculars button, point somewhere then press fire. As long as your bar is full (takes a whole one) a big flare thing lands there and then theres an airstrike :D


this game does own m8 youre right there.and youre right about n00b liutenants not giving ammo.thats what they are there for the twats.they actually run off and give all the ammo to themselves,then just look at you when u ask for it the prats.what ppl dont seem to realise is u can only have whats in youre gun plus 3 clips,no more.
btw m8 i generally play as medic,if you force a liut to give u 3 clips you can get big scores.for example i got 97 today on that village map.(sorry cant remember the name of it!)


I try and fill the gaps created by others. I tend to use different guys depending on the map or the problem at hand.

I did start a thread in Game Servers section as I believe some of the current settings on BW stinks:

I also believe it would be nice for BW to add the new map to the rotation.


i know you did emb,but i dont fink no ones listning :/


Just had some fun with the airstrikes, but didn't actually acheive much :/

Most of the time any kills are TKs. Is there any general rule on accuracy/when you can hit? The only bad thing as you say is that it drains your bar. What i was surprised to see was that the ammo also comes from that bar, so if you use an airstrike, you can't dosh out any ammo :/

The effects of TKing are quite severe. Just now i used a binocular airstrike on some germans on the beach map, took out 2, but took out 2 team m8s as well. My score went to -7(originally being 0 as was the start of the map).

What's the bind to ``kick'' things? I have it bound in SP, but i decided not to copy my config from my dos drive, so i made a new one for linux, but for some reason the menu doesn't have kick on it. Kicking seemed fairly useful, as you can use it wth a gun drawn,so anyone know it?

last Q: What are the commands for net-graph and show fps? I guess they're the same as Q3 ones, but i don't know the q3 commands either :/


i think the tk rules are just severe enough.if ur not sure about an airstrike m8 dont do it.might sound harsh but unless i run over someones grenade or run into the path of someones fire i always vote to complain or whatever it is.does ppl good i reckon ;)


Aye I had a nightmare with airstrike TKing when I first started, tought me to actually think before doing them :)


I play as medic and support the front-line assaults mostly. I've had some real success supporting Lieutenants who know what they are doing. With a medic and a Lt. together, you can be very effective ........ but unfortunately there seems to be a lack of Lt's and even when you do have them, they seem to completely miss the concept of GIVING OUT AMMO!!! I've had to almost use sign language to get the message across ....... and then you see them frantically scrolling thru the mouse wheel to try and find the ammo packs, lol
Should be much more fun in clan play I think


when i play as a leutenant when ever i see some one wanting ammo i give it , cept the fact im a blind bugger and im usaully concentrating on the lovely richochet of bullets to hear people talk
but damn i love the sound of oncoming fire really adds to the game


Pity you can't play as some sort of spy unit...


Like the TF spy? Well, you can get 1hit kill backstabs :D

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