The Journey into the Unknown (Anarchy Online)



It was a blustery windswept day, and all of hibernia was wrapped up in the warmth of their hovels, telling stories of scary ogres and trolls with terrible breath to any luri that would listen.

Jable was kinda bored, logged out and bought anarchy online: shadowlands and found out how wonderful it was to be a newbie again, especially in a game that just doubled its content and had a graphics update. he became a fixer, some sort of computer hacking submachinegun-toting grid travelling (whatever that is) corporate motherfucker of doom, in a black cloak with newbie sunglasses, and went on missions with people who knew more than he did.

he was amazed at the friendliness of the population (even though there was no common enemy to bind them together) and in awe of the overall size of the gaming areas. above all, he knew that he could just pop his nose in, play a bit, do a couple of missions and log out, feeling satisfied that he had improved or advanced some part of his character that day.

of course, a part of him always dreamed of the day he would return to the land of hibernia, perhaps to gain some further advancements, or perhaps because he had heard rumblings concerning some new land imprisoned in the depths of the oceans, perhaps rumblings of new powers to be consumed, or perhaps rumblings of half-ogres who had eaten too many eggs.

the epic adventure continues in february...



Bah, dare the cast dispersions on DAoC in these parts!!!! No Blasphemy here young adventurer.

Cya in Feb when we get ToA then, i guess thats what ya trying to say.


thats about the size of it, i'll be on from time to time becuase i got a cheap 6 month sub, but i'll only be lvling rl friends, not participating in any rvr/relic/item raids etc.

looking forward to february of course :)


i moved to anarchy a month or so ago.
yes it is friendly and easy to just nip in and out of.
what server r u on?


Was going to do the free 14 day trial but the want my credit card and I have been stung before on an offer like that, I had cancelled and the company still charged me the first month for no reason.


im on ruba-ki 2, fixer is called Reznlo

did the 7 day trial of normal anarchy online, put in credit card details etc.

i got an email the day before they were going to bill me, informing me of the exact time (minutes and seconds) that i would be billed further.

when i cancelled (because i had bought the entire game + addons from for £14.99 inc 30 days free) it still told me it was keeping the account open till exactly 7 days after i started the trial.

not bad at all

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