The Island of Heimaey



Since noone's posted anything about the actual event...

I awoke to an urgent summons from Lady Lurlei in Gothwaite Harbour - the King had ordered an attack on the island of Heimaey - the supposed homeland of the Geersha. All forces were to muster in Cornwall and sail with Lord Harcourt's fleet to Heimaey.

I, Ererim the Magus, donned my robes and headed for Cornwall post haste. On the northwest coast I met I met Lord Harcourt accompanied by his honour guard and boarded one of the ships.

After a short sail (greatly hastened by the magics of the Master Wizards present) we found ourselves on the island of Heimaey with the other albion forces. Things were not good - a number of "minor counter spells" were wreaking havoc amongst the army, but they were soon dispatched. Alas the potent magic had left myself and the other albion magi drained. The contingent of clerics sent by the Church of Albion were also complaining of a weakened state.

Rallying quickly the albion forced moved upon the nearby fort - a castle built in the albion style, a mockery created by the Geersha no doubt. Alas I cannot recall it's name, but the battle was hard and long and almost lost when the call of "Vikings!" was heard from the rear - a number of the notorious Nolby Pride raiders (judging by their cloaks) had attacked the Albion army in the rear. We were not alone on Heimaey.

Although their attack had caught us off guard they were soon dispatched when the might of Albion's army turned on them. This left us the daunting task of slaying the mighty giant who lived within the keep - a gigantic ogre pulsing with magical power sneered at our army, sending wave after wave of geersha to engage us. Our enemy seemed invulnerable to all our attacks and mocked us from within his mystical shield.

But his pride was soon cast down as we assaulted the tower and destroyed the source of the power - a number of powerful geersha wizards.

With his wizards slain the ogre was swiftly put to death, and the keep was ours!

But all was not over - another keep lay to our south, surrounded by a moat - the albion army charged, but we were assaulted by midgardians on our way to the keep, fighting broke out but a ceasefire was called... a greater enemy needed vanquished... the hibernian army also soon arrived on the scene and was quick to agree to the ceasefire terms.

Most of the inter-realm fighting was quelled for the time being (some renegades from all sides were still fighting in the outlying areas - but those of us attacking the keep were united), as the ballista-wielding giants upon the keep walls were slain and the mighty gates knocked from their hinges.

Within the keep we found yet more geersha and a mighty "Major counterspell" at the base of the tower, crawling up the walls through the stairwell those few that made it past the counterspell reached the tower to find the "Black Lady" spilling the blood of all three realms.

Alas this is where my tale ends, my blood soaking the floor of that tower - I can only be thankful for whatever spell the mages in Caer Gothwaite used to return me to the healers, and to their healing magic which allows me to write so soon after the event.


I'm somewhat short on screenshots but I think I've got a few at home I can post later.


gifv more accounts! :)

(oh and I wish I'd taken my merc, if I'd known I was gonna be nice and not kill people - was too busy dancing in my epic robe with jester hat on ;) - I'd not have bothered with my bolts of doom char and taken my tank that doesn't get crippled by silly counterspells)


bare with my extract from a bit of fighting last night


Chaos reigned on the Isle of Heimay. The initial impetus had been obliterated with most of all 3 realms and the remenants were left to squabble and bicker amongst themselves. A reasonable sized force of mids had taken up residence on the outskirts of the central keep and many were acting in a hostile manner to their temporary allies. The forces of albion were gathered at atk awaiting an attack the keep lord had informed us was coming. Hibernian forces seemed scarce and a rumour went round that the whole affair was a ruse by the hibernians to get us out of their frontier so they could take keeps unmolested.

The pride of albion stood united under the temporary guardianship of a well known leader, Herbal. However it seemed he had run out of ideas and was desperately searching other dimensions for the answer. Before long though scouts reported a vast army of Vestens in control of htk and it was decided that they should be evicted. I left the albion keep with a significant portion of the albion population and headed to htk. On the way we encountered minor skirmishes and a trail of dead from all 3 realms. We crossed hib bridge and as we reached the brow of the hill a sight of total destruction met us. A huge battle had clearly taken place with large scale deaths from all realms. Clearly we weren't the first to try and retake the hibernian keep.

Quickly reinforcements from all 3 realms poured in and the dead were soon raised. We had assembled an army to be proud of and began attacking the keep. The guards were fairly easy for the combined might of the tri-realm army and before lon i found myself charging in to the keep with a grp of midgard warriors. However before long it was clear we were alone and full of arrows. Just as we had charged some powerful vestens had hit all 3 realms support in the flank and the attack collapsed.

A poweful performance from a troll bone dancer named Porridge and some excellent dwarfen healing saw off the Vesten Lord. The Vesten Druid and their minions were soon dispatched too. Before long another attack had begun and this time the albion forces led the way and poured throught the keep doors to cleave open a path. The proud albions were about to fall when the might of midgard lent its weight against the task and cleared the courtyard and ran up the stairs with the nimble hibernians hot on their trail. This was one glory no realm cared to be left out of.

After rezzing my fellow albions i headed up to the lord room and joined in the tri-realm assault on the chieftan inside. Before long he was dead but who killed him? Who owned the keep? That was about to be decided...


Unfortunately i then had to log just as the hibs and mids started kicking the crap in to each other for control of the keep so if anyone can fill in the rest please do ;)


unity alas

The Hibernian interest in the conquest of the island dwindelled. A few of us were there to see the fall of the black queen in the Central keep. The initial momentum of blood thirsty wonder, was soon lost to the calls of mundane Hibernian life. Oh the poor high council how they must grieve that there subjects cannot unite and conquer this Island upon their request. A few fearless Lunatics still travel to conquer the Island alone, but more often than not they fall to an overwhelming number of tiny rats or the like. I fear that the Hibernians have little interest in the High councils dreams of conquest, the little I can do to persuade them otherwise will not be enough to turn the tide. I feel sad to see the keeps fall to Midguardians and Albions, and know I played a part in helping them .............. ARRRGGGHHHHHH HIBERNIA HOW LONG WILL YOU SIT THERE IDLE AND OPENLY IGNORE THE HIGH COUNCIL ????????????????????????


gah,let the albs and mids have their fun pwning the island..they get pwn anywwhere else :D


The high whosa whatsit? Dein't even know there was a High council of Hibernia :p


They should make TNN an epic dungeon and let us hunt the High Council, for all the good they do !! :)

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