the idea's brought up by the new polls



here's the list of idea's brought up by the polls if u ain't already seen them:

A Cooperative server is a server that follows a specific ruleset. The player versus player aspect is totally absent, you can play with players from the three realms and visit all the regions. This is a PvE only server.
If you would be given the opportunity to play an a Cooperative server (in english language), what would you do?

seems like they are considering putting up a coop server .... classy.

Question 3 : What new server type would you like Mythic to consider developping ? (1 answer)

Casual server: This server (regular ruleset) may have a faster leveling track, but would have limitations on the number of hours that an individual player could gain experience in a day. I am interested in playing on this server.

Home Invasion server: This server uses the same ruleset as the regular servers, but invading the home regions is more possible and acceptable. I am interested in playing on this server.

Coop PvP server: This server has cooperative server (as describe above) rules for the home regions and PvP server (Camlann) rules for the frontiers. I am interested in playing on this server.

i like the look of all these server types but the casual server and coop pvp look very nice

personally i'd like to see any kind of a coop server though this casual server looks very good.


bah i wont participate in polls if we dont see the results....


Have been dreaming about the home invasion one forever. It should be hard as hell, but would really ad something if the mids can come burn down my house :clap:

Ok maby not:clap: but :mad:


Home Invasion server > than all other ideas.

IMO CO-OP server sucks ass.


Naah co-op would be nice to, been thinking about it, dont really want a new server, i just want to be able to invade hibernia and ravage some elven maids :clap:


Originally posted by Yussef
PvE/PvP server is the best imo.

yeah i've been thinking about it and tend to agree. i mean it's a coop server (alot of people want) and a pvp server (some people want) put together and it has the best of both server types with the worst missing.

eg Co-op server has no combat with other people
Co-op/PvP server has combat with other people (but only in the frontiers)

PvP server is hard to get a good character on (pker's etc)
Co-op/PvP combat is limited to the frontiers so players can wander freely in the homelands without fear of being killed


The problem with pvp/coop is that if there is any pvp, there will be people on the server that are there to only pvp. Personally, I dont think a pure coop server would be that much fun, but if you are the type of person who wants that kind of server, one where there is any pvp ( even if restricted to the frontiers ) isnt the same.

Like there are certain classes which arent that good in rvr but are pretty good in pve. On a coop server, you would see alot of these classes and they would spec for pve. On one with a mix, you would probably see much less of those chars and almost everyone would be pvp specced. Also, on things like pve raids there would be alot of pvp focused players who are there only for the loot, whereas someone who goes to a pve only server is more likely to enjoy pveing just for the fun of it.

Anyway, main point is that it may be a good server to play on BUT it will not be just a coop server with optional pvp, the mentality of people on the server will be different.

Personally, I like the 3 realm system and the fact that guilds were everything on camlann didnt really appeal to me. Maybe a coop/pvp server, where you must select a "realm" when you create your first char on the server and all your subsequent chars are from that realm ( though you can still pick any race/class you want ), this would only affect pvp and you would still be able to group with anyone when not in the frontiers. That way there are still 3 groupings though they would be of mixed classes/race ( and all "realms" would have access to all the same classes ). Combine that with something like a realm respec ( maybe at 20 and 40 like line respecs ) where you can move to less populated realm only, and you have a system where you should have 3 equal "realms".


the whole point behind the co-op server is that you can go to any realm play any realm and be with other realms. thats the same with a PvP so if u restrict it to one realm it kinda loses some purpose.


think what lairiodd sed is a good idear same as what we got now sept u can play any class race combination but u have to pick ure realm from the start an stick with it. This would totaly void the need for realm balance because everyone could play the overpowerd clases :) an sceense chances of mythic ever balancin the game so that everyone is happy is prety slim this is probly the best way forward.

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