The Guild´s



Hi fellow Albions :)
This is guild listing!
I know , some people have made a thread like this but... i maked one also... :rolleyes:
Please Post Ur Guild...

*Guild Name
*Guild Webpage
*Short Description
*Guild Leader




Might as well...

Name : Celestial Fury


A growing guild dedicated to helping new player through the rough times of starting the game, and experienced players for mob hunts and RvR.

We are starting to become an RvR guild now, as our numbers are growing and I'm about to get the guild more organised.

If you're interested, contact myself, Karam, or Jaelle for more information.

EDIT: Updated more information


Name = Order Of Camelot

A lvl 1-35 guild, when ppl get 35 or so they will get a free ticket to Order Of Albion (lvl 36-50). Ppl dont have to leave if they wanna stay.You may say that we are a training ground for RvR-

Allies= Order of Albion, Dark Knights, Red dragons

No. of members=
35-37 or so


The forum is a very new one-

Guild master=
Erhard (me)



Guild=The dragon Fighter

Description= hmm, guess we are a large guild, 100+ registered members not inc. alts, lvl range from 1 to 47. As such there is a wealth of experience to pass on to new and seasoned players, oh and we have a nice emblem so peeps say :D

People to contact: Infinity (GM), Anwyn, Gobby, Yvresse (me), thought any DF could point you in the right diection.

Yvresse, 47 rejuv cleric, Albion, Excalibur


ok here we go:

name : templar knights


about us: we are around 30 people at the moment, so we re pretty small, but all nice guys n girls :clap:
lvl range from 10 to 50 (grats at this point to hinan, who just hit the 50 :clap: ).
we accept also lowbies and try to help and support all as good as we can.
the guild was founded by tempestblade, chaos and me at the very beginning. we formed an alliance with northern legacy, de gothia and a few other guilds, but when the big alliance came up and northern where about to split up we followed the mainstream, picked up the rest of northern to join us and are now part of the big alliance. although our rvr activities are just about to begin, because our chars are high enough now for that ;) we look forward to help albion as good as we can.

guildmaster is tempestblade, but you can contact as well me or chaos in game or in our forum.


Three Lions

Mainly a guild for sociable chat, item collecting and distribution, and lots of grouping with each other and allies.

Getting into RvR more now that we are leveling up and starting to grapple with siegecraft.

Although not actively going out to recruit we normally take on new members of any level.

Interested people should go to the web page linked in below and register name, apply to join on site, read guild policy and then ask for invite ingame. Just /who three then ask a high leveler who to ask for invite.

Three Lions Home


What the hell, why not:

Dark Knights

A more community based guild, we are more of a close group of friends then a military style based outfit. We usually only invite people we know and have played with to ensure all our members are friendy and good people. We are also quite supportive with our crafters and fund them as much as possible.

Albion / Excalibur

Leaders are Kagato and Lawrence (800 + Armour Crafter).


Phoenix Guard

We're a guild with all sorts of levels. Lately we've been organising lots of events (hunts and rvr). We're still growing every day a lot of people start to hit 40+

Albion / Excalibur

Girigu & Andrew iz da leaders!

If you're interested leave a message on our site or contact someone in game.


Legion of Darkness

A chilled out, invite only guild with nice purple and black uniforms :D We've got about 75 members a lot of whom go in phases of DaoC playing, so we've only about 40 active at the moment.

Contacts: Filthius (Guildmaster) or Bootae (his errand boy :p )


I´ll post here for now so don´t go blame Thorwyn (GM) :)

Blade&Quill (never did understand while there isn´t any spaces)

people who group us never forget ;) we are nice people /except for marneus he´s a beefcake, and 80% of the /gu is about teasing eachother for a laugh or three (as in we actually have loads of fun most of the time)

oh btw a warning for all you, DO NOT GROUP with Octanion, Coaxmetal and jeradon at the same time, we´re nice people each on our own, are we together though the humour usually ends below the waist :)

(me reads back and is impressed with his own ability to do OT posts :))

we are not recruiting at the moment :) (although if you really feal you have something special to offer B&Q try to msg thorwyn he wont bite.... much)

have just been scolded by my all time favorite cleric Pbaz believe it or not I mdae a fault (shocking isn´t it?)

Blade & Quill

Octanion Calgar :)

Vortigern Wolf

Dead Dragons Society

We are a long running guild with members and alts of all ages. We are mostly a roleplay guild. Small in numbers about 40 of us sort of including alts.

We prefer members to be level 10 but will except most characters.

But to gain access you must visit website and enter details into forum > New members. We will then be in contact with you. Feel free to peruse the rest of the forums and get a feel about us.

We are currently gearing up our characters to enter the first of the Battle grounds.

See you there

Vortigernn Wolf.

Iselin Langkawi

The Wrath of Herne

Background : A lot of people have asked 'Who is Herne ?' - well some of you will think of Herne the Hunter from Robin Hood myths but Herne is also the corrupted and shortened name of Cernunnos which many of you would have heard from the lips of the druids and filidhs. Cernunnos, from the Celtic pantheon, is the Master of The Hunt, he hunts down evil doers with his pack of Gabriel Hounds, kind of like a hitman for the gods you might say. There are also other connections to why this name was chosen for the guild but that is another story....

Guild Charter : We accept members of all kinds, be it hard core roleplayers, casual gamers, new to rpg or hardened competitive PvPers. We try to cater for everyone and so far have a small (around 30 members) and harmonious community. However our long term objective is to specialise in small units RvR tactics... what occurs in Albion at the moment is utter shambles and is reminiscient of a huge game of British bulldog played by 300 kids on an open field... Therefore we are going to concentrate on quick surgical strikes... with tactical experts and studiers of military history as well as members already from a disciplined Counter Strike clan, we hope to do well in the future.

If you are interested in joining or forming an alliance message myself or Huckster in game.

P.S. - I know you said short description but people that already know me (aka PreacherMan) can tell you I dont speak often but when I do I just dont know when to hit Submit Reply...


The Divine Assassins


Description taken off web site (2 lazy to type it again)

The Divine Assassin's are a Dark Age of Camelot guild on the Excalibur server. We are unique in that we are a Scout only class guild. We've come together for fun, adventure and the aid of albion realm agaisnt its enemy's. The Divine Assassins is geared to help its members reach there 50th and provide support and events and gear between it's memebers and a place for a community to grow and enjoy the Dark Age of Camelot. We are allied with Ad Glorium, Ferus Legionis and The Lions of Lyonesse.

Realm: Albion

Saying: We Aim To Kill!

GM: Conflict

We are recruiting (serious scouts only)


Guardia Dolorosa

We are a spanish guild + Halanor (our english friar) :p, we are around 30 members trying to get a lot of fun.

Our english sometimes sucks but we will do better, sure :)

I'm new in these forums but i like to sse a lot of albion friends.

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