the gimp's sc



Str: 75 Int: 0 Hits: 183
Con: 75 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 75 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 26 Energy: 27 Crush: 26
Cold: 30 Matter: 24 Thrust: 26
Heat: 28 Spirit: 24 Slash: 26

11 Axe 11 Left Axe
11 Parry

Imbue Points: 32 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: 13 Constitution - 94% imperfect Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Thrust Resist - 94% polished Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 94% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Slash Resist - 94% imperfect Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 54.7

Imbue Points: 33 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 66%
Gem 1: 16 Strength - 94% polished Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Left Axe - 94% flawed Icy War Rune
Gem 3: 16 Dexterity - 94% polished Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Parry - 94% flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
Utility: 61.3

Imbue Points: 33 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 66%
Gem 1: 9 Energy Resist - 94% polished Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Matter Resist - 94% polished Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 13 Dexterity - 94% imperfect Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 36 Hits - 94% imperfect Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 53.7

Imbue Points: 32 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: 22 Strength - 94% precious Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 94% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Thrust Resist - 94% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Slash Resist - 94% flawed Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 53.3

Imbue Points: 32 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: 10 Strength - 94% flawed Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Axe - 94% flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 3: 4 Left Axe - 94% flawed Icy War Rune
Gem 4: 19 Constitution - 94% faceted Earthen Essence Jewel
Utility: 59.3

Imbue Points: 33 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 66%
Gem 1: 16 Dexterity - 94% polished Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Matter Resist - 94% imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 2 Parry - 94% uncut Vapor Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 76 Hits - 94% perfect Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 53.7

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 25 of 27 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: 4 Axe - 94% flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 2: 4 Strength - 94% uncut Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Energy Resist - 94% flawed Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 3 Left Axe - 94% rough Icy War Rune
Utility: 47.7

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 25 of 25 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: 5 Parry - 94% imperfect Vapor Battle Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Constitution - 94% uncut Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Dexterity - 94% uncut Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 20 Hits - 94% rough Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 35.3

Name: Beaded Resisting Stone
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Body Resist
Effect 2: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 10 Thrust Resist
Utility: 80.0

Name: Frozen Tundra Walker's Mantle
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 13 Strength
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 49.3

Name: Glacier Jewel (klav)
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Body Resist
Effect 2: 12 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 21 Hits
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 53.2

Name: Accursed Belt of Might
Level: 44 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 4 Body Resist
Effect 2: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 10 Strength
Utility: 30.7

Right Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.7

Left Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.7

Right Wrist:
Name: Venstreks
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Spirit Resist
Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 4 Dexterity
Effect 4: 3 Axe
Utility: 61.7

Left Wrist:
Name: Jergursunn
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 3: 8 Matter Resist
Effect 4: 30 Hits
Utility: 51.5

Nothing too rare, MP suit and 99% weapons

3* 1 point oc


Doh! OC it for more HP atleast... IMO no point in buying MP if you don't OC as 99 will OC to 33 imbue anyway.

I just finished my thane suit today. It's my 2nd 5 pt OC suit and no items have blown up with 99 qua gems (or MP and 98 on same item).

Edit: Good template without OC I must admit.


hmm,don't really get how you can't cap everything with mp armor tbh.this is my 99% suit with easy items(except GG cloack ;) ) 5 or 4 pts oc

Config Report

Str: 77 Int: 0 Hits: 206
Con: 78 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 77 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 25 Energy: 26 Crush: 28
Cold: 28 Matter: 26 Thrust: 26
Heat: 27 Spirit: 28 Slash: 26

11 Axe 11 Left Axe
11 Parry


Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 3 Axe - 99% rough Earthen War Rune
Gem 2: 19 Strength - 99% faceted Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 13 Dexterity - 99% imperfect Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 68 Hits - 99% flawless Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 53.3

Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 10 Constitution - 99% flawed Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Dexterity - 99% rough Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 60 Hits - 99% precious Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 11 Heat Resist - 99% faceted Heated Shielding Jewel
Utility: 48.3

Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 10 Strength - 99% flawed Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 25 Dexterity - 99% flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Matter Resist - 99% polished Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 3 Parry - 99% rough Vapor Battle Jewel
Utility: 56.3

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 3 Axe - 99% rough Earthen War Rune
Gem 2: 16 Strength - 99% polished Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Energy Resist - 99% polished Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 57.7

Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 16 Strength - 99% polished Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Constitution - 99% faceted Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Left Axe - 99% imperfect Icy War Rune
Gem 4: 2 Slash Resist - 99% uncut Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 52.3

Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 33%
Gem 1: 5 Crush Resist - 99% flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Thrust Resist - 100% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 36 Hits - 99% imperfect Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 28 Dexterity - 99% perfect Vapor Essence Jewel
Utility: 51.7

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 4 Constitution - 99% uncut Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 2 Axe - 99% uncut Earthen War Rune
Gem 3: 9 Crush Resist - 99% polished Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 11 Body Resist - 99% faceted Dusty Shielding Jewel
Utility: 52.7

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 28 of 25 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 70%
Gem 1: 3 Axe - 99% rough Earthen War Rune
Gem 2: 3 Left Axe - 99% rough Icy War Rune
Gem 3: 7 Matter Resist - 99% imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 58.0

Two Handed:
Imbue Points: 0 of 0 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.0

Imbue Points: 0 of 0 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.0

Name: Avernal Necklace
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 10 Energy Resist
Effect 3: 19 Constitution
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 52.7

Name: Frigid Glacier Skin
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 10 Constitution
Effect 4: 5 Parry
Utility: 71.7

Name: Glacier Jewel
Level: 47 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 12 Thrust Resist
Effect 3: 21 Hits
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 53.2

Name: Accursed Belt of Might
Level: 44 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 4 Body Resist
Effect 2: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 10 Strength
Utility: 30.7

Right Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.7

Left Ring:
Name: Ring of Spun Silk
Level: 48 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Matter Resist
Effect 2: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 3 Constitution
Effect 4: 21 Hits
Utility: 47.2

Right Wrist:
Name: si bracer laxe
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 4 Dexterity
Effect 2: 3 Left Axe
Effect 3: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 12 Spirit Resist
Utility: 61.7

Left Wrist:
Name: si bracer parry
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Strength
Effect 2: 3 Parry
Effect 3: 10 Body Resist
Effect 4: 10 Spirit Resist
Utility: 59.0


As the random number generator allways fucks me over i don't like the idea of 4-5 point oc's


do more oc, do more oc, 5 pts is easy, even on the handaxe....

and get some kwikness an hp?


Config Report

Str: 77 Int: 0 Hits: 203
Con: 76 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 77 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 26 Energy: 26 Crush: 30
Cold: 34 Matter: 26 Thrust: 26
Heat: 27 Spirit: 26 Slash: 27

11 Axe 11 Left Axe
11 Parry


Imbue Points: 34 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 88%
Gem 1: 76 Hits - 99% perfect Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Thrust Resist - 99% polished Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 16 Dexterity - 99% polished Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 3 Energy Resist - 99% rough Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 53.7

Imbue Points: 35 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 78%
Gem 1: 7 Slash Resist - 99% imperfect Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Matter Resist - 99% polished Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 2 Parry - 99% uncut Vapor Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 76 Hits - 99% perfect Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 61.0

Imbue Points: 35 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 78%
Gem 1: 9 Energy Resist - 99% polished Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Matter Resist - 99% polished Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 16 Dexterity - 99% polished Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 60.7

Imbue Points: 34 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 88%
Gem 1: 25 Strength - 99% flawless Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 25 Dexterity - 99% flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 22 Constitution - 99% precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 2 Slash Resist - 99% uncut Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 52.0

Imbue Points: 35 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 78%
Gem 1: 7 Strength - 99% rough Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Axe - 99% flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 3: 5 Left Axe - 99% imperfect Icy War Rune
Gem 4: 16 Dexterity - 99% polished Vapor Essence Jewel
Utility: 60.3

Imbue Points: 35 of 32 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 78%
Gem 1: 16 Strength - 99% polished Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Left Axe - 99% flawed Icy War Rune
Gem 3: 22 Constitution - 99% precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Parry - 99% flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
Utility: 65.3

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 27 of 27 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: 4 Axe - 99% flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 2: 7 Heat Resist - 99% imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Energy Resist - 99% flawed Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 2 Left Axe - 99% uncut Icy War Rune
Utility: 54.0

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 29 of 25 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 5 Parry - 99% imperfect Vapor Battle Jewel
Gem 2: 2 Spirit Resist - 99% uncut Vapor Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 19 Strength - 99% faceted Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 3 Energy Resist - 99% rough Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 47.7

Name: Beaded Resisting Stone
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Body Resist
Effect 2: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 10 Thrust Resist
Utility: 80.0

Name: Jade Moonshone Cloak
Level: 48 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 6 Constitution
Utility: 44.0

Name: Glacial Gem3
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Body Resist
Effect 2: 12 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 21 Hits
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 53.2

Name: Accursed Belt of Might
Level: 44 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 4 Body Resist
Effect 2: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 10 Strength
Utility: 30.7

Right Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.7

Left Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.7

Right Wrist:
Name: Venstreks
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Spirit Resist
Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 4 Dexterity
Effect 4: 3 Axe
Utility: 61.7

Left Wrist:
Name: Jergursunn
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 3: 8 Matter Resist
Effect 4: 30 Hits
Utility: 51.5

Hardly any oc...


Nerf Me!!

You can thank me later :D

NB: Studded Crown, Un-Hooded Cloak and Ring from a 1.60 Quest, 2 Bracers from 1.60 Quest, Jewel from Quest, Necklace from DF, Belt from DF and a token BoI. Enjoy

Config Report

Str: 76
Con: 76
Dex: 76
Qui: 0

Hits: 201

Body: 27 Energy: 26 Crush: 27
Cold: 26 Matter: 26 Thrust: 26
Heat: 26 Spirit: 28 Slash: 27


11 Axe
11 Left Axe
11 Parry

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 18%
Gem 1: 22 Strength - 94% precious Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Dexterity - 94% faceted Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 52 Hits - 94% faceted Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Slash Resist - 94% flawed Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 50.3

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 18%
Gem 1: 19 Strength - 94% faceted Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Dexterity - 94% faceted Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 19 Constitution - 94% faceted Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Thrust Resist - 94% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 52.0

Name: Wispy Silkstrand Headcover
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: 102 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 12 Dexterity
Effect 2: 55 Hits
Effect 3: 8 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 8 Slash Resist
Utility: 53.8

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 18%
Gem 1: 19 Strength - 94% faceted Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 94% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 52 Hits - 94% faceted Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Crush Resist - 94% flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 50.3

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 18%
Gem 1: 3 Left Axe - 94% rough Icy War Rune
Gem 2: 16 Constitution - 94% polished Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Matter Resist - 94% imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Energy Resist - 94% polished Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 57.7

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 18%
Gem 1: 5 Body Resist - 94% flawed Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Thrust Resist - 94% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 94% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Matter Resist - 94% polished Earthen Shielding Jewel
Utility: 56.0

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 30 of 27 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 73%
Gem 1: 4 Axe - 99% flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 2: 4 Left Axe - 99% flawed Icy War Rune
Gem 3: 4 Parry - 99% flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 1 Heat Resist - 100% raw Heated Shielding Jewel
Utility: 62.0

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 30 of 25 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 33%
Gem 1: 4 Axe - 99% flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 2: 4 Left Axe - 99% flawed Icy War Rune
Gem 3: 4 Parry - 99% flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 1 Heat Resist - 100% raw Heated Shielding Jewel
Utility: 62.0

Name: Avernal Necklace
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 10 Energy Resist
Effect 3: 19 Constitution
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 52.7

Name: Scaffold Web Cloak
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Body Resist
Effect 2: 8 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 4: 6 Constitution
Utility: 52.0

Name: Glacier Jewel
Level: 47 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 12 Thrust Resist
Effect 3: 21 Hits
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 53.2

Name: Accursed Belt of Might
Level: 44 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 4 Body Resist
Effect 2: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 10 Strength
Utility: 30.7

Right Ring:
Name: Ring of Spun Silk
Level: 48 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Matter Resist
Effect 2: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 3 Constitution
Effect 4: 21 Hits
Utility: 47.2

Left Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.7

Right Wrist:
Name: Venstreks
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Spirit Resist
Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 4 Dexterity
Effect 4: 3 Axe
Utility: 61.7

Left Wrist:
Name: Avboyning Bracer
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Body Resist
Effect 2: 10 Spirit Resist
Effect 3: 6 Strength
Effect 4: 3 Parry
Utility: 59.0


Nice one Solid, i want a belt with better UV and thats as easy to obtain as everything else with 40+ value... :eek:


mines cheaper, less overcharfe and less armour pieces needed :D

Oh and an unhooded cloak with Crown = WINNER :D


Litmus did you notice that 5 of your armour pieces actually say boom? :)


yes, but when u use 99% gem it will say 30%

i just cba click 99% on all the gems in the sc program thing


just wondering if its possible to put a procc on that studded crown, my guess its not possible, just wanna ask if someone knows :)

Mebbe it has a procc already though, hmm...

also wondering if anyone have links to pics of the craftable 102hats that will come in 1.60? I found out i cant have the wolfpelt i so badly wanted since its fluff and worthless in RvR :( but some are supposed to be regular helms with a pattern (think its 2 kinds of patterns).


Warning my 99% suit is wrong, the Cloak was changed to Spirit instead of body, which throws out my entire suit, will need reworking, dont use it.


currently on winkie`s suit got 14 qui only. nice frontloading dmg but man does it take forever to get a second attack in.. think for my 1.60 suit i`ll be getting that qui capped for sure.


erm considering zekers have 360deg evade 3 its kinda important in these days of IP, RA's and high resists to be able to stay alive a tad longer.

Kinda pointless zerkers getting 360evade if they are not "meant" to get +Qui!!!

Again if it was all abut the first hit why did Mythic bother with the free haste effect LA gives? :D


evade doesnt work and damage over time is no option as the fights are too short.

no qui = hardcore dmg = what you play zerk for


another one with 99% armor, 99% dba and handaxe and no qui

Config Report

Str: 76 Int: 0 Hits: 200
Con: 76 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 76 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 26 Energy: 26 Crush: 26
Cold: 27 Matter: 26 Thrust: 26
Heat: 26 Spirit: 28 Slash: 26

11 Axe
11 Left Axe
11 Parry

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 2 Energy Resist - 99% uncut Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Cold Resist - 99% polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Matter Resist - 99% polished Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Parry - 99% flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
Utility: 60.0

Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 22 Constitution - 99% precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 36 Hits - 99% imperfect Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Axe - 99% flawed Earthen War Rune
Utility: 57.7

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 22 Strength - 99% precious Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 60 Hits - 99% precious Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Heat Resist - 99% flawed Heated Shielding Jewel
Utility: 53.7

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 44 Hits - 99% polished Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Heat Resist - 99% flawed Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Left Axe - 99% flawed Icy War Rune
Utility: 55.7

Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 13 Strength - 99% imperfect Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Matter Resist - 99% imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Axe - 99% flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 4: 4 Parry - 99% flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
Utility: 62.7

Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 19 Strength - 99% faceted Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Constitution - 99% faceted Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Left Axe - 99% flawed Icy War Rune
Gem 4: 3 Axe - 99% rough Earthen War Rune
Utility: 60.3

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 30 of 27 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 70%
Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - 99% flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Slash Resist - 99% imperfect Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 2 Crush Resist - 99% uncut Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 48.7

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 28 of 25 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 70%
Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - 99% flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 2 Body Resist - 99% uncut Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Slash Resist - 99% flawed Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 44.7

Name: Avernal Necklace (DF)
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 19 Constitution
Effect 2: 10 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 10 Energy Resist
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 52.7

Name: Cloak of the Troll Fathers (SI Quest)
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Strength
Effect 2: 18 Hits
Effect 3: 10 Body Resist
Effect 4: 10 Crush Resist
Utility: 48.5

Name: Glacier Juwel 2 (SI Quest)
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 21 Hits
Effect 2: 12 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 12 Thrust Resist
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 53.2

Name: Accursed Belt of Might (DF)
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Strength
Effect 2: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 4 Body Resist
Utility: 30.7

Right Ring:
Name: Ring of Spun Silk (Quest)
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 3 Constitution
Effect 2: 21 Hits
Effect 3: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 10 Matter Resist
Utility: 47.2

Left Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 13 Constitution
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 4: 6 Spirit Resist
Utility: 44.7

Right Wrist:
Name: Venstrek's Bracelet (SI quest LA bracer)
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 4 Dexterity
Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 12 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 3 Left Axe
Utility: 61.7

Left Wrist:
Name: Avboyning Bracelet (SI quest Parry bracer)
Level: 0 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 6 Strength
Effect 2: 10 Body Resist
Effect 3: 10 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 3 Parry
Utility: 59.0


this is what im going for, i have a MP set in vault but im waiting with that one for awhile :)

Config Report

Str: 76 Int: 0 Hits: 200
Con: 76 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 76 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0

Body: 26 Energy: 28 Crush: 26
Cold: 28 Matter: 27 Thrust: 28
Heat: 26 Spirit: 27 Slash: 28

11 Axe 11 Left Axe
11 Parry


Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 5 Crush Resist - 99% flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Left Axe - 99% flawed Icy War Rune
Gem 4: 4 Parry - 99% flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
Utility: 64.0

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 7 Crush Resist - 99% imperfect Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 3 Left Axe - 99% rough Icy War Rune
Gem 4: 22 Strength - 99% precious Fiery Essence Jewel
Utility: 57.7

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 5 Energy Resist - 99% flawed Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 22 Constitution - 99% precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Utility: 53.3

Imbue Points: 31 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 7 Matter Resist - 99% imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 22 Strength - 99% precious Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 2 Parry - 99% uncut Vapor Battle Jewel
Utility: 53.3

Imbue Points: 32 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 7 Matter Resist - 99% imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 99% precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Parry - 99% flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 10 Strength - 99% flawed Fiery Essence Jewel
Utility: 55.3

Imbue Points: 31 of 28 (99% Qual) Overcharge: 50%
Gem 1: 9 Spirit Resist - 99% polished Vapor Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 10 Constitution - 99% flawed Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 1 Parry - 99% raw Vapor Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 76 Hits - 99% perfect Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 48.7

Right Hand:
Imbue Points: 34 of 31 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 58%
Gem 1: 7 Energy Resist - 99% imperfect Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Thrust Resist - 99% imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Axe - 99% flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 4: 4 Left Axe - 99% flawed Icy War Rune
Utility: 68.0

Left Hand:
Imbue Points: 31 of 29 (100% Qual) Overcharge: 68%
Gem 1: 76 Hits - 99% perfect Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 5 Matter Resist - 99% flawed Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 2 Heat Resist - 99% uncut Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Axe - 99% flawed Earthen War Rune
Utility: 53.0

Two Handed:
Imbue Points: 0 of 0 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.0

Imbue Points: 0 of 0 (99% Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.0

Name: Avernal Necklace
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 10 Energy Resist
Effect 3: 19 Constitution
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 52.7

Name: Cloak of the Troll Fathers
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Body Resist
Effect 2: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 6 Dexterity
Effect 4: 18 Hits
Utility: 48.5

Name: Glacier Jewel
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Body Resist
Effect 2: 12 Cold Resist
Effect 3: 14 Slash Resist
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 76.0

Name: Accursed Belt of Might
Level: 44 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 4 Body Resist
Effect 2: 4 Crush Resist
Effect 3: 4 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 10 Strength
Utility: 30.7

Right Ring:
Name: Band of Ice
Level: 50 Quality: 90
Bonus: 25
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 6 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 13 Constitution
Utility: 44.7

Left Ring:
Name: Infernal Black Diamond Ring
Level: 50 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 10 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 12 Strength
Effect 3: 12 Constitution
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 36.0

Right Wrist:
Name: Jergursunn
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 8 Heat Resist
Effect 2: 6 Energy Resist
Effect 3: 8 Matter Resist
Effect 4: 30 Hits
Utility: 51.5

Left Wrist:
Name: Venstreks
Level: 49 Quality: 0
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 12 Spirit Resist
Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 4 Dexterity
Effect 4: 3 Axe
Utility: 61.7


You gonna get SC armour...?

Bah your not a true gimp anymore Klav. Only me left. ;)

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