What will you, and those you now call Guildies be doing in 6 months time?
Will you have stopped playing games? Are you bound with your guildies on DAOC until the game dies(be it in 6 months or 6 years), will your guild splinter and go seperate ways...or will your guild move to a new game together(maybe leaving some die-hard DAOC players to keep the guild alive on Prydwen)?
LOE been around..er..6 years(lost count to tell you truth)...I forsee LOE moving in part/whole to possibly Star Wars Galaxies..or a long shot Shadowbane(although SB had some bad, bad beta reports).
Having said that....SWG..and certainly SB are a long long ways off yet....so who knows.
Daoc in over 2 months time (when SWG is slated for release...imo will be delayed again tho) might be a very different game....for better or worse.
Will you have stopped playing games? Are you bound with your guildies on DAOC until the game dies(be it in 6 months or 6 years), will your guild splinter and go seperate ways...or will your guild move to a new game together(maybe leaving some die-hard DAOC players to keep the guild alive on Prydwen)?
LOE been around..er..6 years(lost count to tell you truth)...I forsee LOE moving in part/whole to possibly Star Wars Galaxies..or a long shot Shadowbane(although SB had some bad, bad beta reports).
Having said that....SWG..and certainly SB are a long long ways off yet....so who knows.
Daoc in over 2 months time (when SWG is slated for release...imo will be delayed again tho) might be a very different game....for better or worse.