The future of your Guild?



What will you, and those you now call Guildies be doing in 6 months time?

Will you have stopped playing games? Are you bound with your guildies on DAOC until the game dies(be it in 6 months or 6 years), will your guild splinter and go seperate ways...or will your guild move to a new game together(maybe leaving some die-hard DAOC players to keep the guild alive on Prydwen)?

LOE been years(lost count to tell you truth)...I forsee LOE moving in part/whole to possibly Star Wars Galaxies..or a long shot Shadowbane(although SB had some bad, bad beta reports).

Having said that....SWG..and certainly SB are a long long ways off who knows.

Daoc in over 2 months time (when SWG is slated for release...imo will be delayed again tho) might be a very different game....for better or worse.


SWG and Shadowbane, no thanks. When/if GoP decide to move to new game, I will log my Daoc char on, hunt ugly trolls, drink beer and talk to myself in /gu.

Silent Shadow

I must say SB is probably one of the worst betas I've ever played just so you know, you will be very disapointed :p

As for SWG I don't think there will be many moving to that either.
Fantasy - Sci-Fi, two different things :)

Games that ppl WILL move to will probably be EverQuest2 and Dragon Empires and maybe that new LOTR MMORPG comming out in some years :p and WoW ofc.


Think by then I'm gona have to settle into 'real life' get a proper job, start saving for a home etc :)


Not asking for the best upcoming games ; asking what will you be looking at in the future of yr gaming......DAOC in 6 months still...or elsewhere (and your guild).


6 months from now I'll be drunk at some barbecue.


For me I forsee that I will still be in DAoC in 6months, it is a game that I get lots of pleasure from even now after playing it for over a year. I know from talking to them that most of my guild have no plans of leaving for another game, although we have spoken about testing out SWG together but that will not be for a long time... as long as I have people to talk to on /GU I will be here.

SoulFly Amarok

Prolly eating a döner and cheetos crunchy's :D


Originally posted by Derric
6 months from now I'll be drunk at some barbecue.


With your foreign friends eating your foreign food...

You people make me sick! SICK!


Alot of my old TDS friends and myself will be leaving for EVE online when it goes retail in about 2 months. Many of us came to DAoC together from Jumpgate and made our own guild here in beta, EVE is a natural progression back to a moresci-fi based genre although many of us have fallen hard for the whole fanasty genre after playing DAoC. SWG is a possibilty for us but the reports we have had from old friends in the EVE beta are extremly encouraging and it will only be half the monthly subscription price of SWG. Time will tell I guess.


Well TDS has been around for more than 2 years now so yes I can see us still together. People may come and go (hate that part, friends leaving, but it does happen) but the core members are still good friends.

From what I understand, quite a few of the guys are pretty pumped up about Eve Online so I will probably follow them. Still playing DAOC in 6 mohths? Well I don't honestly know, it will depend on what else is out there. SWG looks cool but it is the common consensus that the average player will be a 14 yr old boy. If that's true, I think I'll stay here in Albion with all the adults. *laughs*

But seriously, whatever game I move on to, I will always be Kyra in some sort or another.


Originally posted by Dook_Pug


With your foreign friends eating your foreign food...

You people make me sick! SICK!

I'm not the guy running around with a bone through my nose!!!!11!


What the hell is with soulfly and kebabs


Well i will deffo be playing SWG.. any guilds recruiting? :D


well, dunno about the knights templar (and the name wouldnt fit really) but im abit interested in SWG, EQ2, and WoW. but the main thing i need at the moment is a broadband connection which isnt available in my area yet :( so i guess its DAoC for me untill then, unless i get to bored, then itll be back to single player games and the odd game of Day of Defeat (kick ass game) for online entertainment...


will i be ok playing SWG on my shitty dial up... DaoC is fine i presume SWG will be also?


hrodel, ive heard that SWG is designed to work well on low connection speeds, and the engine is also ment to be very flexible to allow use on bottom end machines, but untill i see it i aint believing it (connection speed i mean, im pretty sure comp could run the gfx), too many producers speak bollox when it comes to hyping up there game.

old.Trine Aquavit

It's a difficult question. The problem with moving an entire guild to a new game is that it prevents you from meeting new people and becaoming part of a new community. I've found this, in part, from guilds that came to DAOC from other games - they are never quite as open and inclusive because of that history together. It's a bit of a problem with guild in general.

While I would be pleased to see some of my old guildies in a new game, and would like to keep in touch, I'm not planning to join a new guild with them. I'll probably do what I did with DAOC - get to a reasonable level, meet new friends, and make a decision to join a guild (ideally with old and new friends) from there.

In the words of the Littlest Hobo:

There's a voice
That keeps on calling me.
Down the road
Is where I'll always be
Every stop I make
I'll make a new friend
Can't stay for long
Just turn around
And I'm gone again

Maybe tomorrow
I'll wanna settle down
Until tomorrow
I'll just keep moving on


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
It's a difficult question. The problem with moving an entire guild to a new game is that it prevents you from meeting new people and becaoming part of a new community. I've found this, in part, from guilds that came to DAOC from other games - they are never quite as open and inclusive because of that history together. It's a bit of a problem with guild in general.

While I would be pleased to see some of my old guildies in a new game, and would like to keep in touch, I'm not planning to join a new guild with them. I'll probably do what I did with DAOC - get to a reasonable level, meet new friends, and make a decision to join a guild (ideally with old and new friends) from there.

In the words of the Littlest Hobo:

There's a voice
That keeps on calling me.
Down the road
Is where I'll always be
Every stop I make
I'll make a new friend
Can't stay for long
Just turn around
And I'm gone again

Maybe tomorrow
I'll wanna settle down
Until tomorrow
I'll just keep moving on
i'm sure that can happen , but if you look at LoE it was quite a small group of people who moved as a guild from the american servers and now its huge so i think it just depends on the feelings in a particualr guild as to whether it recruits in new games or not


I am not 100% convinced about SWG but will definately give it a try, no harm in it :D

I am eager to see how World of Warcraft pans out and tbh I dont really know what my guild will be doing post DAoC or even 6 months in. Depends on how DAoC evolves. If they add lots of good new content then I can forsee us staying on and doing well.


Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
Kebab is of teh winzor :mgwhore2:

Your a friggin phsyco! sort your self out kebab boy! :m00:


Atm i dont know.
I would like to stay in the game for 6months longer even tho ive been playing for 1 month i still think i wouldnt last that long.
But if i did stay 6months longer im hopeing i stay loyal to my guild Bloodoath and that i help them along their troubles :)


If WoW is any good you might see a dwarf called Fafnir running around there, SWG i dont think so. And all other games, hmmmmm. Hope they give out a free demo cant buy them all.


SWG (already pre-ordered and got 3 months paid in b-day present ;))

Most of my guild on mid/exc (especially the founding members which is RL friends) will be going to SWG aswell.. but im keeping my DAOC subscription active tho.................


I'll definitely be giving SWG a go on release. I think a few other SotL will be doing as well.

As for if i'll still be playing SWG in 6 months, dunno :)



tbh, unless SI adds more content to DAoC, I will probably stop playing.

Xping in DAoC is incredible tedious, and not a great deal of fun.
With games, like SW:G and ShadowBane, there may be a fun alternative.

EvE online looks pretty sweet, and PlanetSide has me visiting their site every week to check for updates.

Guess only time will tell... guild wise.... I never knew anyone before I started DAoC... I came alone, and will probably leave alone... whether I meet old friends in the other new games has yet to be seen.

If I get bored of playing MMORPG's, my old Tactical Ops clan would die to have me back...


you know most rumours about SB sucking is based on year old beta reports... its beta, all beta pretty much sucks.
Its like driving a car without wheels.

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