The future of albion?! A way to organise ourselfes



I really thought about the bad communication structures albion has. After our big alliance AU brake down, a lot of smaller alliance were build. The communication between this alliance is very poor.

The idea I have is complete fictional. But just read and lets discuss afterwards.

Ok here we go.

What we need is a complete new way of communication and caretaking of our realm. Might be a bit of radical, but lets see :D

First Step: Building the "House of Guilds"
Every guild sends out (according to the active members they have) representatives (some of the guildleaders or officers) to the House of Guilds.

for example we will have about 50 guild leaders in the "House of Guilds". This representatives will be voteable people AND people with right to vote others for special tasks. This 50 people will also vote the president, vice president and some minsters of the Guild of Houses.

Second Step: Building of the "Special Task Forces"
In our realm we always have some special tasks to do, for example keep taking, keep caretaking and frontier patrol, relic watching, relic taking, Emain and Odin presence and so on.
We need sensible persons that will be willing to do that jobs.
So if one of the representatives thinks he is able and willing to do that job, he can apply for that. If only one person is willing to do, the majority of all representatives must agree. If more persons apply for that task, a vote will be done.
Best is, if at least 3 representatives will do one special task. (in a sensible relation to the importance of the task)

Thrid Step: Building the Task Force Alliances
Guild XX, YY and ZZ for example is voted to be the frontier watch task force.
Ok, then this three guilds build up an alliance with the goal to communicate just about the frontier watch.
That alliances will be done for every task force then.

Fouth Step: Communication between the different Alliances
Every Alliance should vote now for an alliance leader. This Alliance leaders should update their friends list, that they have every leader of that alliances at their friend lists. If one of those Alliance Leaders will log in, he will see what other alliance leaders will be online. Now it is important to make a permanent cg of all alliance leaders to communicate in a fast and good way.
That will give us the chance, if one alliance need some support for the special task they do, the other alliances can easily help them.

Final Step: Controlling the work and meetings
The House of Guild will meet every two weeks to discuss the work the different alliances have done and to give a important feedback what can be done better and what is in need to do better. At that meetings the leaders of the different Task Force Alliances will report the work they have done and maybe give some Feedback to the House of Guilds what is in need to be done better.

SO finished. I hope my english is understandable :)

If you read that, dont be so critical. This is just the tiny construct of my idea to build up a democratic senat, the House of Guilds.

I have no idea, if that can be done, nor if we can build up the needed infrastructure for that. But if I find some people that agree with my idea and support me, I think it can be done.

Best wishes.....

p.s. I dont want to read posts like "bah, that is bullshit" and so on. Constructive critic is welcome. Flaming, spawning and things like that.... please dont do it :D ty


Good idea, although someone would need to chair the house and in this time of stupid power seeking, it might fuel more problems than it would solve.

but I'm up for it sitting in a comfy seat and saying 'Aye' or 'Naye'



Yes, it's a solution, definaly, if it would work..

But in the future we get speed-buffs at friendly keeps, and only need a fg of infs to take keeps.. easy done :)


I'll talk to The Brethren, but why don't we merge all the small alliances?

We got an alliance with the lower-realmpts-guilds, and one with the "higher"-realmpts-guild, am i right? Why?



good suggestion, I really like the idea

only that fourth step sound a bit weird, don't like the idea of one person leading the whole thing. That is if i read it correctly.
Just take one guild and put them in charge of the New Founded alliance until the next meeting, then another guild could be pointed out to be the guild that keeps an eye open in the next session, or until the next meeting.
It would also be a nice piece of work to see all guild leaders in camelot around the round table, standing there, would be a lovely sight. ( For RPG sake that is)
What i mean with beeing in charge for that period of time is that it prolly would be best that the leading guild, or acting guild would be one from the fronteer patrol squad. cause these will be the more active guild in that period (i suggest like a week or maybe two weeks).
Guilds should also be able to abstain from this task cause of lack of number of playing ppl. These guilds should also be free to join the patrol out of their own interest, just for fun. Lets the non interested once go farm in emain, hehe

I can only congractulate khalen on his initiative, and would love to be of assistnce.
One big alliance would be so frigging nice.
I also think of joining one major guild just to be able to help them in their task, but thats something else, hehe


You have some good ideas! However, what you are proposing will turn:

Dark Age of Camelot


Dark Age of Typealot.

Alliances SHOULD work together indeed. Communications are informal so far... putting some structure in inter-alliance communication would help the realm indeed.

Be careful not to create a paper tiger. sitting together with 50 ppl voting on who needs to defend keeps this day/week is a tedious process...

Also, a permanent CG will work for a week, maybe 2... after that lazyness and other cg's will interfere and the permanent CG will die slowly.

However, your initiative is a good one and should be applauded :clap:


Originally posted by Cowled

Yes, it's a solution, definaly, if it would work..

But in the future we get speed-buffs at friendly keeps, and only need a fg of infs to take keeps.. easy done :)


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.54H Test Release Notes

Tuesday, October 29, 2002



We've made a few changes to make taking and holding frontier keeps much more attractive. The changes are designed to make it slightly easier to defend keeps, as well as give you more reason to control them. We will be making more enhancements to this system over time.

- Now, when a guild claims an outpost, all guards from that outpost raise one level. Additionally, as the keep is upgraded - one level is added to every guard for every upgrade level on the keep. Note that the named guards at the relic keeps are "from" these outposts and enjoy the same upgrades.

No more groups of 7-8 infs taking keeps.


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.54H Test Release Notes

Tuesday, October 29, 2002



We've made a few changes to make taking and holding frontier keeps much more attractive. The changes are designed to make it slightly easier to defend keeps, as well as give you more reason to control them. We will be making more enhancements to this system over time.

- Now, when a guild claims an outpost, all guards from that outpost raise one level. Additionally, as the keep is upgraded - one level is added to every guard for every upgrade level on the keep. Note that the named guards at the relic keeps are "from" these outposts and enjoy the same upgrades.

No more groups of 7-8 infs taking keeps.


Infs are not killing the guards, but going for the lord asap.


Re: nice

Originally posted by ironheart
good suggestion, I really like the idea
only that fourth step sound a bit weird, don't like the idea of one person leading the whole thing.
Well, not one person is leading the whole thing but one person always will be the representative of the different alliances. But as I typed, that is just a very very uncompleted version of me idea.

Originally posted by ironheart
I can only congractulate khalen on his initiative, and would love to be of assistnce.
Thank you guy, but I am not Khalen ;)


Originally posted by Cowled


Infs are not killing the guards, but going for the lord asap.

And get shot by all the keeps lvl55-60 archers if the keep is level 10... :)


sounds nice indeed, would be cool if we could work together this time


Yes, I always thought, my idea would be nice.

But I think the people of albion are not interested in organising ourselfes. What a shame, so dies my idea.


i support it all way, hopefully more ppl will. Just have to avoid peeps getting power greedy. It could work, and if it we would ownz0r :p


Originally posted by Kralen
Yes, I always thought, my idea would be nice.

But I think the people of albion are not interested in organising ourselfes. What a shame, so dies my idea.

Your idea IS nice, only thing you need to think about is how to implement it in a way people can live with, realizing that people don't want to spend all their game-time typing.

Don't let the idea die, but work it out.


Originally posted by Kralen
This is just the tiny construct of my idea to build up a democratic senate, the House of Guilds.

and therein lies the flaw Kralen.

Democracy has no place in a military structure. You do not vote on strategic and tactical issues. You are either in command or you are commanded.

In an army you have a Commander/General/Leader who directs the course of the army in all respects. His orders are final as long as he remains in control of his force. By demonstrating his knowledge and skill over time he earns the respect of his troops and they will follow him to battle anywhere at anytime. That is an army.

In DAoC there is no army. There is a rabble of social misfits, pimple faced young people, and highly opinionated personalities that exemplify chaotic behaviour lacking in team or cooperative action. The old adage of opinions are like assholes, everybody has got one , comes to mind.

In such an environment it is impossible to coordinate people who are driven by 'my gold', 'my armour', 'my rp's and ra's' etc. This cannot be overstated.

I'll go on the record to say that, in my experience, not as extensive as many of you by a long shot, Finster was the best commander of Albion forces I have seen. This refers to the rabble that would show up at Excal to answer a relic attempt. He would issue instructions that (at the time) I was sure made good sense , and now I know they made good sense. He was mostly met with ridicule and idiotic replies from the aforementioned rabble.

As it happened I spoke with him one evening by PM. The general gist of the conversation went like so:

Me: "Finster, if you dont mind me saying, I think people are not as cooperative as you would like because most of them have left xp spots, many perhaps have suicided to get here, then we wait for sometimes an hour and then you yell 'go back to xping or drophunting, the relic is secure and people are watching our frontiers'"

Finster: "Well there was a threat and now its been dealt with, what do you mean?"

Me: "Well I just think that if after the relic was secured you could maybe send people out to do tasks in frontier to instill a sense of importance and involvement in them after they have come all this way. The actions might not neccessarily achieve much but many of these people would enjoy the sense of doing something for their realm and it might give them things to chat about while out xping and this in turn would spread the information to other who were not on at the time and encourage them to come to defence roles more readily."

Finster: " Hmm, perhaps I have been playing too long and forget what its like to xp and have the excitement of rvr for new people:) I take your point, maybe something like this can be done in the future"

Me: "I think it would improve the enjoyment factor for many people and make your job somewhat easier ;) Thanks for the chat."

Thats a general gist of how the conversation went from memory, last March/April I think maybe May.

Within 2 days of that Finster was gone from Albion to Midgard. Whether that was a coincidence or not I've never really found out though I hardly believe I had much or anything at all to do with his leaving. I just thought it odd. And btw I initiated the conversation with Finster off my own bat because I was interested by how Finster could actually get large numbers of people working together.

feck this post is getting long.

To summarise: We're all fucked :) but! so are the other realms and servers so that much in itself creates a balance albeit a crappy and depressing balance.

Zag Barr

An idea like this (House of Guilds) was tried in the early days of Excalibur. One guy (don't remember his name) put a lot of work in it, there was one meeting, which took 4+ hours. All that was discussed in that meeting was to vote for 2 warlords and a chairman. There was lots of disagreement as for which guild got how many votes (bigger guilds wanted more votes) and how much has to be paid into a war fund - no agreements were made. After that there was no more meetings and we never heared from the house of guilds again. The guy who did all the work finally gave up and was never heared of again. Linkdeads and people having to log, trying to find replacements from their guilds made this meeting go forever and ever

We are playing a game. No one is willing to put hours and hours every day to argue with others, and even if there is a few, they will be frustrated and disencouraged after a few weeks.

Everything more complicated than guilds, alliances and chat groups are hard to keep up. Even a group of 8 is hard to keep together and on one goal, leading guilds is a pain, and trying to get a big alliance to move in one direction is a nightmare. Attempting a House of Guilds - it will make all the above look like a Sunday afternoon stroll in the sun.

If you manage to make and publish a list of all RvR leaders of every guild sorted by alliance, if you manage that every one of those RvR leaders puts all the others on his friend list (which is a pain cause they can only put on when they are online), if you manage to run a continuous chatgroup amoungst those RvR leaders - you will have achieved a lot ...


good idea, won't work, to many guilds think they should be head of realm other guilds say no etc etc etc, alb needs 1 person to organise it like Finster (even though hes a twat he was a decent ldr) and Gregorian who got to pissed off :(

people about that have qualitys of leadership i.e Kirennia led loads of albs other night and no1 argued...shrug


I am still thinking that idea could work. It surely can't be done with ALL the guilds of albion at his beginnings, but if only some major guilds, which should have sensible leaders, support the idea, we will find a way to organise us in a very good way.

Once settled down, there won't be much talking and discussing what is necessarily to do. Therefore we will have the task specific alliances (like frontier watch for example). If they will follow their job of course.

You just need to find some people, who are taking care of the realm and act in a sensible way. I think there are a lot of guildleaders in albion doing that way.

This thing can be started small and you will see it will grow with the time. Come on, lets organise ourselfes. The main problem is, that there is nearly no contact between the different guilds. Let's change that.

You know the guild leaders of the alliance you are in, that might be true. But do you know many of the other major guild leaders? Albion is devided, Albion United did not work. But just because it was too big and too unorganised.

I am NOT saying that I will doing the job of leading Albion, thats not the cause of developing the idea. Albion don't need ONE leader but....
... Albion needs a leadership.

I know it's a game that's true and I don't take it all very serious. Because if I log, the game is over. But it can't be, it really can't be that our frontier is under heavy attack and people still are zoning to Emain for rvr camping. That's just depressing and destroys the joy of game if you try to catch people to attack Hibs or Mids in Savage. We really must change our view of things.

So come on, all my mates, all the guildleaders who are interested to join me idea, post here to support me and I will work out my idea in any details. I am an university student. I have plenty of time :D

Best wishes...

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