The friday news (copy/paste)





Friday news !

On the list this week : Today's client patch, our plans for May and some in-game hints & info.

Client patch :

This afternoon, we will install new clients for all languages and all versions (classic & shrouded isles). This will allow us to fix some translations for the French & German players but also and mainly fix the interface problem for the classic client (you will finally see all the labels on the buttons) as well as the beg animation.
Please note that you will still have problem reading the items names if you are using the transparent interface. This is on our "to fix" list.

Plan for May :

The month of May is always very special for the Video Game industry, especially in France.
First, lots of holiday days (1st, 8th and 29th of May), which cuts the weeks and slow down the work since a lot of people take the Friday to have a long weekend. While most of us here will be there and working, our contacts and partners will be less available.
Then, and this is more directly linked with our work, the month of May is also a big date for the professionals in the Video Games industry because of the E3 Exposition (Electronic Entertainment Exposition). This is a good time for us to meet with our American partners face to face and to talk about the future developments. This also means that our team will be much less available during that period and that Mythic will also focus their energy on the Exposition.
Overall, there will be no new version on the European live servers this month. However, as always when possible, we are already working on the French & German translations. As of now, it seems that the next patch will be the 1.62, actually being tested in the US and we should start our tests in June.

European specific characters :

The European specific characters & monsters were removed after the last maintenance (Wednesday morning). They are back in business now !

Hints & Information :

When trading with another player, if you want to give him a big sum of money, just hold the "shift" key while clicking on the arrows in the money panel. You will increase/decrease the amount by 10 instead of 1.

There is a new command for crafters since patch 1.60, the /mbuy command. This will allow you to buy a set amount of materials, saving you the trouble of clicking too many times or to buy 20 metals when you just need 3. A nice trick with this command is to do as follow :

On a new hotkey bar, place macro buttons with different amounts of Mbuy values. The best setting is usually to have to have 1 unit, 5 units, 10, 50 and 100. To make a mbuy macro, just type /macro 10 /mbuy 10, this will make you a macro to buy 10 units, labelled 10.
Once you have your new macros ready, go to a material vendor, and select the material you want. Click on the item icon and just drop it on your macro. This will allow you to buy materials fast and optimise your point/type/clicks.

Again with the patch 1.60, the "looking for group" system was improved. You can now see players flagged as looking for group (or members) on the whole server and can sort the list depending on what you are looking for.

The tinctures that can be found in the epic dungeons are of three types :

"Volatile", for weapons effects (procs).
"Reactive", for armour effects (reactive procs).
"Stable", for usable effects (charges).
Be very careful when using these tinctures ! While they can be applied on all craftable items, they will only work if applied to the correct item type. Therefore, if you apply a "volatile" tincture on an armour piece, you will not only lose the tincture itself, but the armour will not be able to receive any new effect on it either. In doubt, ASK before doing anything !

That's it for this week ! Enjoy your weekend, the weather suggests a dragon barbecue in the green !


Ok fair play on no 1.62 till june.

I cant see 1.62 going live in states till mid month, BUT wtf is the news on the chronicles ?

I for one want to see this back :)

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