The first time you got pissed...?



Slow day today.

Do you remember the first time you got drunk? Not tipsy but slaughtered?

I was 14, maybe a late starter I dunno. Convinced my dad to let me have a party to which he reluctantly agreed. I remember being smug with myself as I got served in the local off-licence easily and bought a bottle of Cinzano and a 4 pk of Heineken. Classy or what?

I then remember rolling about on the floor of our kitchen slurring "help meh" or something and then hazy memories of rolling around on a grassy roundabout with cars zooming past whilst I puked all over and then rolled in it. Hair matted with puke I returned home, the old man had ended the party quickly when he saw the state of us - god knows how I got to the traffic roundabout which was miles away.

So nothing amazing or too embarrassing really for me. I progressed to meths and Special brew soon enough anyway.

Testin da Cable

I drank 4/5ths of a bottle of white rum at a party, felt up my best mate's girl and went a bit mad and rode my moped off a pier into a lake.
I arrived home reeking strongly of pond/duck shite and had a broken foot. iirc I was 16 at the time, t'was a reasonably good party :D


First time I got slaughtered was when I was 16. I've always had a pretty high tolerance for alcohol and that was the first FREE bar I attended. Don't remember much, had to be told most of what happened.
Apparently I vanished with a rather tasty bird for a while......she happened to be the missus of a rather large rugby player who was there :(. I thought that was bad enough but I also got told I did it with another of the lasses there.
I do remember my uncle having to kick a door down because I'd fell asleep in the bog :D, bounced of my head and then I stood there muttering something about how I hadn't broke the door :).
Ah well, joys of youth.


First time for me was 8

Used to collect miniature bottles of whisky and remembering wondering what they tasted like. Drank 2 bottles (Johnny Walker and Antiquary iirc)

Cant even stand the smell of whisky now!.

After that it was when I was 15, in the pub after work (working at the local hospital) and started on pernod and blackcurrant. Im sure the bastards worked that one - multicoloured puke all the way home. desperately trying to convince parents that I only day 1 pint of Cider


I was about 12. I had some friends round during the hols. We raided my mum's spirit cupboard. I was sick a lot. My Mum thought I was ill when she came in and took pity on me and tucked me up in bed. When my Dad came in he took one look at me and gave me a bollocking for nicking booze. He also made me get out of bed so I could fully appreciate how terrible I felt. Bah :(


I was 2 or 3. Apparently I drank a shitload of sherry out of a cupboard while my mum wasn't looking and just passed out. Slept for 24 hours and woke up and cried all day!

Cue the drunken foetus stories.......


hehe apparently when I was about 3 I drank a bottle of turps and was rushed to hospital :) Start as you mean to go on eh?


I was about 15 I think and had managed to get hold of 4 supersize cans of Diamond White (Cider) from the local offy. We got our tall mate to go and get our booze. heh.

So anyway I eneded up drinking these cans of cider and getting pretty fucking slaughtered. My "mates" at the time thought it would be funny to keep jabbing me in the stomach (they're no longer my mates) so I eventually puked. Couldn't stand. Puked all over myself.

Then I felt it was time to go home and had to climb up this big grassy slope. My mates paniced and didn't want me returning home in that state and getting them into trouble so they ran up the hill behind me and tripped me up. I rolled down the hill into dogshit and puke and god knows what else.

Eventually two girls in the group took pity on me and supported me with their fingers in my armpits and I staggered home. They sat me on my porch and rang the doorbell and legged it.

It was only when they had rung the doorbell that I came to my sense and realised I was sitting on the doorstep covered in shit and puke and any second now my parents were about to discover me.

So I tried to leg it after that lot who were already well away. I got halfway down the road and fell into a neighbour's garden hedge. My dad come out into the road and saw me, yelled but I was too pissed to answer. He went back in and asked my mum what I was wearing when I left the house and realised it was me in the hedge.

All I could manage to say was "cold".

And now for the worst part of the evening....

My dad stripped me naked in the bathroom and had to help me into the bath to wash off all the piss and shit in my hair and god knows whre else. As I said it was very cold that night so I can't honestly say my dad was "impressed" with what he saw. :(

The best part about it was that I never even had a hangover the next day but I played it all sheepish and my dad thought I was suffering and didn't have a go at me cos he thought I'd learnt my lesson.

Great fun.


I was a late starter to drinking. First time I got slaughtered I was 17 in the local Indie nightclub. Downed 2 bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale (Don't ask!) and danced like a loon for 2 hours.

A friend of mine then gave me a lift home on the back of his bike. I only had a T-Shirt on and the guy proceeded to do 120 MPH down the Parkway in Plymouth, at which point I promptly threw up. Sick is very funny when it leaves your body travelling at 120 MPH.

He never gave me a lift home again after that. Not really sure why? :)


Incidentally: I remember coming home on my 18th Birthday and spending an hour or so trying to unlock the front door with a pound coin.



11 in germany, bought a huge bottle of baileys and had a hangover for two days!!!


I was probably about 15, it was a friends birthday (she was 19) and I went round to hers for a party. I hadn't got pissed before this, so was reluctant to start drinking... soon enough, I got started and then we proceeded onto downing pints of stella and I was utterly hammered.

We then went down to the pub in the village, where I randomly started smoking cigars, much to the hilarity of everyone else :) Becky and one of her friends (forget who) eventually dragged me home, much to my displeasure and I got home drunk as hell. My parents didn't mind whatsoever.

Woke up the next day and threw up once or twice in the morning, and spent the rest of the day chilling out and watching Red Dwarf videos

My parents don't mind me drinking, though for some reason my drinking capabilities vary. I got drunk on 3 smirnoff ices a few weeks ago, but managed to drink two bottles of white wine on Saturday night with the same degree of drunkness as the smirnoff

The drunkest I've ever got was when I went out into Oxford with people from work, we went to a chinese restaurant/cocktail bar called the Mongolian Wok. I tried every cocktail on the menu, decided I liked White Russian the best and drank a few pints of Stella, a pint of Guinness and some shots of vodka. My Mum came to pick me up about 2am, I got in the car and offered her a fag. Spent the next day vomitting. \o/


Started going to the tennis club where my sister worked behind the bar every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday getting slaughtered (first on K's cider then Stella Artois).

Oh. I was 12.

It wasn't the first time - just the first "regular" haunt :)

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Wij
Incidentally: I remember coming home on my 18th Birthday and spending an hour or so trying to unlock the front door with a pound coin.

\o_ :D

I was 15 when i got truly wasted for the first time. It wasn't even for a special night out or anything. Just me and my ghetto friend. We were sat in my room bored, and the bright idea of deciding to get drunk entered our minds. So we get out a couple of beers, finish those. Whip out the ole' bottle of wine, finish that. Then we moved onto the Vodka, which at the time didn't seem very strong. So we help ourselves to half a bottle of that, then move on to the Cognac. This stuff was a little stronger but it didn't deter us in our quest. After a half a bottle of that, we had the mis-fortune of locating some Pastise. Though we were pretty screwed at that point and continued to have some.

So then my friend decides he's going to go into town with one of his mates. But he has to go home to get the money. So off we go stumbling along the fields and up the hill. We see a big group of people we knew from school, but of course the love of my life was with them. I thought it was the funniest thing ever for no reason at all. Must have looked like a right twat. So we carried on up to his house crossing main roads and the like some how. We try and sober up in the bushes but to no avail. We even tried to do laps around trees to clear our heads. We must have looked like loonies heh. So he finallt goes into his house still fucked, and i wait. And wait. And wait. I'm sat there like a vegetable so i decide to go home. He never did go out and instead went to be sick. :/ He also never drank again. By now i don't feel so good so i take refuge in bed. But as luck would have it my parents came home early with some delish Inidan food but i was being ill and turned it down.

A bit later on, i receive a phone call. It was his dad. He said to me "James, put your dad on the phone." I said "Awww, why?" He replies "Put him on the phone or i'm coming down there". I agree...then hide in my room. So of course his dad tells my dad we nicked all this drink from the drinks cupboard. Que anger. Que me feeling sorry for myself.


I was 5. Been drinking pretty much ever since. Ah well.

Testin da Cable

the first time I got hammered for no good reason (ie a party or something) was when a mate and I thought it would be fun to get hammered for no reason .we rented a video, bought a crate (24 bottles) of beer and a bottle of something very very evil that the dutch call 'kopstoot' which translates as 'headbutt'.
9 beers and 9 slugs of headbutt later I was puking my guts out on the toilet :/ back in the livingroom I found he had puked all over the coffeetable. good time to go home I thought and fled :)


I have noticed a certain increase in tolerance since I started drinking. I tnow takes me somewhere in the region of 3-4 bottles of wine to get to the same stage 1 glass got me to when i was 5 :/

Altho having said that weed seems to be moving it back the other way slightly. Especially considering I can't remember my last night out when I hadn't been smoking all day beforehand :/


Black cat stories.

My mum used to put brandy in my milk as a baby to help me sleep, or to help her sleep more like. Bitch. :eek:


I was 14, 6 cans of stella later i was throwing up and making a cunt of myself :D

Still drink Stella now \o/


I was 16, so not long ago, and it was at a party. Didnt do anything too foolish tho... except imitating the drunk out of theif.


15. January 11th of this year, to be precise. ;)

I got a little tipsy on the Millenium and thought I was hammered but have now come to realise I wasn't.

I was slaughtered this time though. My mate's band were playing at a pub, and the guy served everyone. £30 of my mate's money spent on Smirnoff, Bacardi, J.D, cider, lager, popadoms and (hehe) non alcoholic beer. It was 99p. It tasted like crap and then someone was sober enough to read the label. Got off with a girl who's name I can't remember (bumped into her recently though. Still a looker without beer goggles!) and smoked quite a bit. Got a little high before the gig, too. Got home with 2 of my mates at 1.20. Made a tape on mah talkboy of our experiences so we wouldn't forget it in the morning. And that's how I know i'm not making this up.

It was lovely. :D

Testin da Cable

no more sitting on my lap nibbley. I could get arrested ffs :eek:


Wow, that's really surprising... I always pictured Nibbler as in his late 20s.


neigh. Some people knew anyway. I'm sure I told ya ;)


I must have been about 14ish, 3rd year of high school, ski trip to Austria in a huge double deck coach.

On the ferry we managed to get 2 bottles of Jack Daniels, we cained one on the ferry, had a sneaky spliff, and cained the 2nd bottle on the rest of the coach journey to Austria.

I was awoken upon our arrival at our destination, by the deputy head teacher... with an empty bottle of JD gripped in my hand. Fucking mates had put it there.

And the cherry on top? I was frog-marched off the coach by the deputy head, at which point EVERYONE outside screamed with laughter. Deputy advised me to look at my reflection, and a quick glance into the coach wing mirror showed me, to my horror, me totally dolled up in makeup. Eyeliner, foundation, lipstick, blusher - the whole kit and caboodle. :(

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