The First "Casino" in DAoC is here!:P



Me and Cythien today were really bored so we decided to give this a try:]. At 22:00 CET tommorow (Saturday 16 that is), at the round table, at Camelot we ll try to start the first "Casino"(or something like that at least:p) in DAoC. The system is still under testing so the rules may change. The game that we will try tommorow will be DICE (of course:p).
The rules are like this till now - and will be tested like this tommorow too:

--First of all there will be a Groupier that will gather the bet-money and give the typical directions(prolly an alt of mine or Cythien).

--The players that wants to participate gathers around the round table. A chat grp might be formed too here if needed.

--Bets will be in this "test" version from 1 to 100 silver pieces. - Groupier makes /random 100 - e.g. u get a 57 - 57 is the silver pieces that u must give to the groupier if u want to participate in this round of the game.

--After u give the money u get on round table and wait till all players have given money to the Groupier.

--After that we get in the roll part. We will /roll X only *ONCE* and only the ppl participating the round- where X=the number of the ppl participating. e.g. if 10 ppl participating a round of the game then we will /roll 10. Whoever wins gets ALL the money from the Groupier. If we have a draw amongst the players with the higher number rolled then we have a reroll amonst them.

Well That's All. I hope I see you tommorow at the Round Table and we can have some fun by rolling some dice!:]


Never gamble...... the house always wins.....


I won 1.6 gold on my first game! And then ran away.



Shame the cards r bugged :(

You can deal cards face down but when the people try to show them, it just says 'xxx shows you his cards' and doesn't say what cards they had :( Tried playing pontoon with few guys whilst crafting but cant really play it with cards face up, it sux ;-)


Lol these games are just pure fun! I simply love it :) Its just a shame that your money disappears so fast =(

Anyways just wanted to say that our tests/beta worked out great! Really fun to play a game of blackjack or whatever :)

If we get enough ppl we can hold a casino night every week or even a casino every day!
But well it seems like Sisifos is the leader all after all so i think he will log in and post some details :)

Bye and cya in your local casino


Sounds cool but seriously, the largest gamble seems to be that of how much you must pay to play. Someone who pays 1G for the same odds and same winnings as someone who pays 1S is clearly a looser before it even started.


Blackjack last night was the best fun I've had in daoc for ages, Sisifos makes a great Croupier :)

When it say xxx shows his cards, it doesn't show them there and then, but if you do the /held g command you will be able to see their hand, it was working perfectly yesterday.



Weee:] The casino thing as you can all see went suprisingly good. I still can't believe we 've been playing for 3-4 hours blackjack yesterday. :D

I m still amazed of you can accomplish in DAoC. The game is so large, if you know what I mean. Anyways, since the thing went so nice I invite you again for a night of blackjack from 20:00 CET today(Sunday 17 ) to 0:00 CET (or a bit more than 0:00 - got an early start:[ - at round table as yesterday). Because we can have up to 7 ppl(+Croupier) in table, if more ppl show up we can try different things as well. Cythien can be an extra Croupier in a table of blackjack, or we can try dice, card or lotto games.:] . I also promised to find a game to occupy the crafters at forge, dice seems a good idea:].

Cu today hopefully.:]

P.S. If thing goes ok I think I can make casino events every weekend for a start.



Well the second blackjack night was equal fun :] - (The house lost yesterday btw:p). About 7 to 8 people (most time we were playing only 3-4 ppl:( ) cared to join yesterday. As I said earlier next blackjack night will be next weekend for a start (Hey it's just me:p ). If I decide to set up a blackjack night earlier I will let you know. I will try to make one more night before weekend if that's possible.

Something else too. The bets at blackjack are capped at 1 - 30 gold and this is final. If many(more than 1:p) people wants to play more money from now on I can arrange between them a poker game if they want. That' s a final rule:).

That's all :p


Had fun last night :p

Won 200g, and lost 200g :)

But got orders/pickups for 1p while being there :p


Originally posted by Cowled
Had fun last night :p

Won 200g, and lost 200g :)

But got orders/pickups for 1p while being there :p



I hope charisma affects the random dealing

cos then I will be loaded in no time :p

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