The end?



I heard a rumour (and I stress it was a rumour) that Mythic want to drop DAoC and focus on new projects for the future, the idea being to ease back on the development and enhancement of DAoC and let it die out naturally. Anyone else heard similar rumblings?


Sounds like alot of shite, why would they do that to a game thats only been out here for not even a year? they have also got the new add on pack out soon and im sure its making them a shitload of pennies :p

Look at Ultima online its been going for 5 years, its still about, so im sure DAOC will be about for a few more years yet!


I sincerely hope not,even though i have lved a character to 50 i am now working on a few more.I love this game,its good helping,talking and meeting new people everyday.

Even mids/hibs i may not like them during the game but when i speak to them most of them i nice people.Its my first pc mmorpg and dam its been a great experience and i hope it stays that way.

If goa does this it may lose some fans for their next project.


HomeLAN - Finally, does Mythic Entertainment plan to create another commercial expansion for Dark Age of Camelot and if so what can you tell us at this point about those plans?

Matt Firor - I think it's safe to say that as long as players continue to play Dark Age of Camelot, we'll continue to provide new content (via download), and expansion packs as well.

Edit: DAOC: Shrouded Isles Interview - 06 October 2002


I agree with Matt, they would probably lose some fans. Anyone remember Black and White? Loads of hype, I rushed out and bought it and was SERIOUSLY disappointed with it, to the point that I would never buy the sequel or knowingly buy any game from the same company.

I agree, it doesnt make much sense to me but then we dont have anywhere near as many players as UO (or so it seems anyway, i could be wrong on that one).


There is other players like me who play loads and enjoy the game a lot still i should imagine locomo,bfr,svartur,melgar,coren,korebwyn are just some of the people i see online often rvring like mad ejoying the game still.

I could name a lot more too.

blaien Kayy

I'm still loving the game only had my scout to lvl50 for a few weeks now but theres nothing better than hitting emain with ya m8s for a some serious hib and mid bashing :)


could be true... they are developing another mmorpg at the moment based in the future, but set as if the roman empire never fell. sounds interesting to me.

[edit] about the B&W thing, i did the exact same thing and was disapointed, mainly because i was hoping it wouldnt be as cartoony as the screen shots and didnt completely loose the interesting look it had in early beta. but II looks alot better and seems to have gone back to its more serious roots and left behind that cartoony crap. ill try a demo first if there is one though.


A couple of points....

I heard something similar but its more to do with them concentrating on new releases than spending man power on patches and add-ons.

I have met more than 1 new person every week playing this game more like 2-3. If the game is profitable for them they will keep it up to date. + if the french/german populations keep high we are quite safe.

Its a good game.... but my worst fear after all our hard work is for them to pull the rug from under our feet.

Imo the crunch time for daoc will be when swg is released. I am totally paranoid that people will flock to that and leave a hand full of people playing daoc.


:clap: its a great game im gonna play it till the end... my first mmorpg too the rvr is too cool to leave... ignore the depressing few that leave, new people replace them every day ;)


i wont be leaving in a hurry either. mainly because i dont live anywhere near a broadband exchange and this is one of few online games that runs nice for me (<sighs> even halflife and its mods has become laggy... although thats probably due to me trying to tweak my modem). plus after this last weekend breathed new life into the game. finnally got some good hunting done and had an enjoyable sunday evening in a little guild frontier group followed by a few drinks in Ye Stone.


I'm pretty sure they said quite the opposite not long ago, especially with SI rolling around DAoC should be around for a while yet... at least until the next load of mmorpgs come out to steal all the DAoC players away :O

Sarum TheBlack

I think this has been said before, and Mythic have always categorically denied it. They'd be stupid to drop a game that is as popular as DAoC still is. Although they've got a couple of new games in the works, they have expanded hugely in the last couple of months (to the point they've had to move offices) and apparently have more people working on DAoC now than ever before. It's nowhere near dead yet. And I ain't planning on going anywhere else in a hurry (tho SWG looks interesting, but I'll make my decisions about that once it's finished).


Originally posted by Taggart
Sounds like alot of shite, why would they do that to a game thats only been out here for not even a year? they have also got the new add on pack out soon and im sure its making them a shitload of pennies :p

Look at Ultima online its been going for 5 years, its still about, so im sure DAOC will be about for a few more years yet!

Don't forget the game shipped in March 2001 so it is 18 months old, the SI exspansion adds another year to the life of the game then after that Mythic will have thier new game out. Very few online games last 3 years or more and Mythic will need divert all it's energies to the new game soon. Expect 2 patches after SI and then 3-4 month gap before anything new.

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