I've just seen the BT press annoucement about free weekend calls. I have used BW consistently since early 1998 as my main ISP because of the low ping times particularly on their own servers. However I suspect like many a ping of 150 v 200 on btinternet on a V90 modem won't compensate for free calls. I will therefore through gritted teeth be using BT at the weekends.I wonder what this will mean for Barrysworld? Is this the begining of the end? The next step is inevitable. Free calls for a monthly charge of c £40.00.I have had excellent customer service from Barrysworld ( where else can you get a direct response to a query from the owner of a business) as well as the fastest modem connections on the web. A service with these qualities will be sorely missed if BW cannot respond to the corporate onslaught of BT pandering to the masses.