The Dungeons and Caves!



Hi everyone!

I recently was in Vendo Caverns with one of my alts and killed yowlers. Then I got a idea for a thread here on the forum:

What drops have you found in the diffrent caves/dungeons?
What was the name of the monster?
How long did it take for it to drop?

I didn't think there much drops in Vendo, in fact I didn't get anything interesting and I killed like 20-30 yowlers and other stuff.

We could make this a helpful thread for people that search for drops and because most sites on the net are on the US patch it would be nice to have some firsthand experience from the EURO servers. :)


I know the vendo' there can drop items. I've seen a nice shield dropped there, yellow at 35 and I've found a decent runemaster staff myself. I'm pretty sure you can get all kinds of weapons there, don't know about armor.


Go to
gamebanshee and select armor or weapons database. Then select the dungeon you want and you'll get a complete overview of possible items...


I remember some good drops in Vendo - right down in one of the bottom rooms. I think I was with a group with Acean at the time, so he may remember.

My memory of that day was that the drops and XP were so good that we kept going for hours.

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