The Dragon


Sigurd Volsung

Some of you may remember seeing me around in Midgard a while back... quite a while back. I left before battlegrounds came out, and before the dragon was killed. And now I have returned. I was wondering, I heard it was damned hard to kill the dragon, needed about 150 level 40+s or something.

I was thinking... (btw I am level 39, should be 40 within the next few days) how about we organize another Dragon Slaying? Or even a weekly one if possible? With more level 40+s all the time, I am sure it would be easier this time round... and I hear Mr. Dragon drops amazing items (well he better do, at level 350 or whatever he is) and it would help the realm a lot if we were to get these items once a week, give us a nice edge in RvR :)

So who thinks this would be a good idea?

And btw, my character is based on Sigurd the Dragonslayer, so that is whats in it for me ;)


Problem is that he drops ~4 Dragon uniques ... and you need ~150people to kill it.
So effectivley chances to get one of those items is for most ppl close to 0.
So why risk exp/money/time when you already killed it ?

That's the attitude of most people imo, and understandable.

Sigurd Volsung

Yes, I understand, but if we killed it enough, and shared the loot accordingly - or randomly, but each person would be able to only get one dragon item until all who took part had got one... maybe it could work? Either way, surely its worth it just for the glory of killing the dragon :p

I'd try to arrange it myself if I thought enough people would follow me, but I'm only level 39 atm...


Dragon is to hard to kill, sure she (yes its a ferking she) drops a few nice items, level 50 and 51 and all. To kill her you'll need a few level 50 chars. And they already killed her once.

"BUT THE DROPS ARE COOL": for a level 50 wareing his epic armour, waveing his 4 arcanium qua 98 to 100 around, using DF jewelry found on princes and legion. ? dont no but i'd say chances are slim.

"WE ONLY NEED 150" thats alot of people, she is rather hard to kill with small parties (we tried a few times), Legion is (was?) easier to kill.

"WE'LL LOTTO THE LOOT" forget it, every body had something bad to say about every single system that was on the drawingboard. And in the end it ot down to that some guilds made agrements that if only [insert random 5 guilds] went along on the raid, one guild would skip loot once and the other 4 would get one item each. Then the next time another guild would skip loot and so forth.

But if you wanna plan something, i say go a head and i hope you can do better where we failed. it would be cool if we could kill her once a week.


I guess if you manage to get a loot-distributing system up, everyone accepts as 'fair', you'll probably get enough people together.
It's just that there are ALWAYS people that aren't happy about it
... and some only 'cause they just love to bitch at everything.

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