The downfall of midgard has started?



Eoo splits, kalevale die and warders fade away, now i hear rumours of Fedaykin splitting...

The beginning of the end? discuss


More like the end of the begining, that began when the EOO alliance went dead.

Yes 3-4 alliance may worke did for a time, but info and hunts have come down to very few people knowing it till its to late.



I feel sorry for mid really to be honest they have lost some good people lately,i can understand them being the weakest of all 3 realms at the moment.They have many great players still,shame hibs are ruining rvr with their completely overpowered classes,come on mids be strong and rvr a lot more like used to.



It's our turn to be at the bottom, all the recent changes to rvr and keeps hasn't made it any easier.

Combine that with a huge lack of geting the realm to stand together as one and you have us really on the low side.

Problem is everyone is too busy bitching about it and letting individual differences come before the realm. So you have maybe 2-4 guilds trying a raid rather than the realm as a whole, hard to be relic-less and ununited... Some get tired of getting their ass kicked and leave.

I'll stick around for a while longer tho, in the hope things will turn some day and midgard will once again stand together and put up a fight as a united realm. Time will tell...


the start ?
we been this way for months o well we had a good run when we had all relics etc

but put it this way its much better now hibs have came into game i rember when mids camped apk for hours and hours only to see the maa to run out an kill them all lol, seen a hib was rare as well

Old Nicodemus

Doesn't help with Muppets on IRC blabbing when something is actually organised too.



Originally posted by old.Nicodemus /Pryd
Doesn't help with Muppets on IRC blabbing when something is actually organised too.


Any, so lame. They want us to come play, as long as we give their spies enough time to announce it on IRC...


no rr would be 100% safe u might as well get over it and try any way...
unless u do it at like 4am and msg every lvl 50 online at that time to come


exactly, so dont come here and ¤"#(¤="# cry if we do a Relic Raid that way <curses as she walks away>


I don't know about the downfall of Midgard, but the quality of players has certainly dropped.

Maybe the long grind to lvl50 allied with spending an unhealthy amount of time in front of their screens has affected people, but the cheerful bonhomie of last year has (largely) disappeared.

I know that DAoC can easily become a large part of people's lives, but one has to ask oneself whether the prize is really worth the race.


So let's make one alliance then? Don't see the problem really. If you think /as will get spammed just give to trusted people in guild. Still havn't meet more then 1-2 persons in Midgard that I dislike and that was in Malmö where most people seem to go mental and selfish ;)


Well,get Artemis and Camillo out of Midgård and I'm sure everything would work a lot better :p


Originally posted by Derric
Well,get Artemis and Camillo out of Midgård and I'm sure everything would work a lot better :p

Back to your own realm board damn idiot!


Well the guy that screamd about the relic raid on IRC should be hunted down and hung. How stupid can a person get?


Old players leave, new players enter. The circle continues.


I know a few players who left midgard for hib, or just left the game total. And alot of mids are doin other stuff atm than rvr, cause of the state of it. Might change now when hibs lost the relics :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

And about that sad twit who blabbed over IRC report him to rightnow. As far as i know most who are using bbb are sitting home alone or playing over home networks, so either he is a sad crossrealming twit, or a spy, or something else sad person.

And by the look of malmo and other places Midgard has pretty many new players running around, who dont really know about CC, and stuff. Why not take a few min and explain instead of yelling you stupid fuck. Wich i heard 2 days ago in malmo. Remember back when i started rvr at lvl 35 with Fafnir was down at Crim nuking the keeplord then some dwarf female runie started yelling how stupid i was etc, that the lord could not be hurt by magic, well i dunno about then but now i hit the lord with my spells sure resisted 99% of the times. But that made me quit rvr for 2 months time.

I whine about players in /gu but when someone asks me something i try to answer them. Got a lot of questions about Thanes etc. Dunno why there should be people better equiped to answer them than the gimped fafnir :)

Aerran Darktyde

It is natural that Big guilds will colapse, new big guilds will form again.. just coz guilds split does not mean they are ALL leaving game...

SI has lowered the daily number of people RvRing in ALL realms but when a RR is planed loads rally to the sound of the Horns of midgard..

SI fever will die down soon but due to SI fractured launch many people have only in the past week got SI it will be longer than it should have been...

Midgard is far from dead as Last night proved.... Midgard imho is the Realm that is most driven, not sure the other realms would go back for a 3rd or 4th RR attempt like we have.. :)


It does seem an inordinate number of guilds I know have been through crises of one sort of another lately. Somehow the loss of relics and the arrival of SI (and patches just before that) means things have been very different. But I think these effects are temporary, even with some guilds changing a lot

The successful relic raid changes things a lot. And it was great to see a resurrected guild like DH taking a lead on getting last night going. Midgard's been going through changes but I think is hardly dead.

Those of us who went through the good times of one big alliance and the bad times will be pretty cautious about going back to it. We couldn't get everyone into one alliance anyway so effectively it would quite likely end up being one big alliance of big guilds, again changing the dynamic of Midgard in ways we can't be sure would be good.

In Midgard terms I'm one of those ancient beings who should really be in a rocking chair telling youngsters tales of old times. Or like that mad trainer in Dellingstad, teaching useless skills. This ain't the first time it looked like Midgard might be going down. The break-up of the One Big Alliance was thought to be our death knell as well.


Well basicly,
just before SI came and NP came to prydwen i started to see mids getting run over. People seemed to busy with an alt or crafting to care about RvR. When the relics were taken that was really just the icing on the cake.

ever after SI mids have seemed to work alot better and you see alot more mids in emain etc

I think lately Mids ae working very well together and work efficiently and a result to good team work etc is that we have a nice set of relics.

A realm can never always be THE strongest, i also remember the days of midgard having all relics and even almost all keeps! but i like the fact of having strong competition and if you win all the time it will start to get boring. This is why its a good thing that albs/hibs got stronger so now we need to use more skill and tactics to try and beat them which makes the game a lot better.

As for the guy on IRC
Seriously, how sad and pathetic can one person be? I know its been sed before but how one person wants to ruin it for EVERYBODY else just apaulse me and i think im not alone when i say it.

Roo Stercogburn

The state of Midgard has been fairly bad lately. Last time I tried to get people together for a spur of the moment RR I spent several hours PM'ing people, got a handful that actually showed, and couldn't get hardly any rams. /who emain that night was particularly depressing when we were trying to do something for the realm.

Thats pretty much when I stopped trying to organise relic raids. It was quite the worst raid I've ever been involved in and I was thoroughly ashamed to have been associated with it. (Apologies to the good peeps that showed, the effort was truely appreciated). That was about 3 months ago I think.

It was nice to come back from a week away to see some relics belonging to Midgard again, I hope that peeps take heart from it and will start to work together again. There have been lots of splits/ new guilds forming/ old guilds back from the dead.

Fortunately, from what I've seen, for the most part it has been fairly friendly, and not too many feuds starting as is often the case.

Regarding Fedaykin: a new guild Valour has been formed out of some ex-members of Fed and also a few peeps have left recently for other guilds. Not as much of a big deal as some would make it, though I have friends that have left that I will really miss. They are still my friends and I wish them the best of luck in their new guild.

I only found out about this today, as like I said, I've been away all week. After having a few hours to think about it, I've decided how I will be guilded:

I won't be leaving Fedaykin. I'll be Fedaykin til the day I close my account and that means sticking with the guild through good times and bad. I've never been a fair weather friend to anyone in game and in real life, and that continues to be the case.


U Mids need pinky again ey? well ill be back as soon as my RL have been fixed, so dont worry!
I will come and make mid the best realm again :D

Plankton - the fat troll


I hope this doesn't affect the quality of Mid RvR. Over the last few months the best fights in my opinion have been Alb vs Mid with some very exciting and balanced scraps. Hadrian's Wall had been fun with group on group action but it got zerged. Hibs just keep pounding their insta buttons and using their bugged pets so those fights are largely boring.

Grats on the Relic's chaps and heres hoping you sort out your internal politics.

Tesla Monkor

The end started when the realmwide alliance broke up into a collection of smaller, less efficient alliances.

The most dedicated players start to lose interest and move other realms/games, leaving behing more casual players and people only just beginning. I personally don't worry about it, as it's natural -- we'll see what happens next. A lot of guilds are experiencing internal struggles and strains.. It's in the nature of people.

Maybe the game will collapse, or maybe we'll be playing it still in 5 years. Noone knows. ;)


<steals Derric's wallet while he is chewing on tesla's leg>

ewul !


Well communication is surely the key?

I got a send from another guild, I sent a pm to another friend etc', etc.

Make a few liaison officers in each alliance?

after all the /as channel is not secure from spies and whatnot.

SoulFly Amarok


Can I get some shoes? ;D

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