Originally posted by Lochlyessa
Try using styles? :/
Originally posted by Cybwyn
1. I don't really see how that would make a difference anyway.
2. You'll see that I did use a style for the first 3 misses and first evade - after that I wanted to see how long it would go on for so I just sat back and waited.
Originally posted by Cybwyn
Is it just me or has anyone else come across THIS sort of thing before?
I count 3 misses, then 2 evades then 7 more misses before hitting again. Just bad luck? Or something else?
Originally posted by Culurien
Aye . if I could post it I would show you , missed 10 times in a row on a yellow con mob , yes I used styles all the way , also using a 99% enchanted Arcanite 2 handed sword . This from an Armsman . I am positive to this day it was because I was close to level and the game really wanted me dead .
Originally posted by Puppetmistress
a) Is your weapon enchanted ?
b) Why is your buff-screen not showing up the castable self-buffs?
c) What is the con of your staff ?