The dangers of bordem?


old.mathus 2

I have read this forum many times and the posts are funny and witty and its good to see household names, Finster, Bedwin et al, talking sense and trying to make the gaming experiance better for all involved.

However, and there is always a HOWEVER, there seems to be a increasing trend in bad "attitudes" and un-sporting behaviour. Attitudes such as XP leeching, killing mobs far below your level to "up-set" lower players, the list is endless......

Now, I understand that we all want to get to lvl 50, have the best items and equipment and kill the most hibs/mids...but this "pipe" dream takes alot of patience, vasts amounts of luck and dedicated playing. And this is the problem, because it takes sooooooooo (++++) long to get to lvl 50, frustration and bordem plays a major role...and SOME peoples tempers (for some reason) become very short and when they aren't XPing as fast as they like, tend to start behaving in a way which is very self orientated and start to annoy their player gamers or just get bored and start to behave in a un-sporting way to lower peeps (because they can, a bit like kicking a cat)!

Bordem is a killer, maybe GOA's snail like pace is to blame, but that would be un-fair to claim that is the reason's behind peeps bad plse calm down, if we work together we will all get that dream (LOL) of lvl 50 at the rewards that brings..and if u are that bored by it all, use the internet for other "pleasures" lol

Thankyou, sermon over, i think..

Mathus WitchHunter LVL 41 friar( for about 11 years it seems) Black-Gryphons


hmmm i dont steal xp from lower lvls by killing there mobs (well not in release anyway few assholes in beta who deserved it) but ya gotta admit its fun goin down places like mithra, keltoi, catacombs even barrows and giving a little payback to the gray mobs that once kicked ur ass all over :D


the to wait 4 hours on a group that splits up after 10 min....
and that doesnt happen once, but everythime your looking for group....


1. run trough salisbury plains

2. /invite anyone you see

3. 3 or 4 ppl start pulling 10 mobs each :uhoh:

4. everybody dies

5. /disband

thats fun in lowbieland, where everyone still thinks hes playing diablo. :m00:

no need for highlevels to help spoiling there fun. just remember to bring popcorn and ress everyone in combat to maximize xploss. :clap:



I think you lvl too fast ;)

wish i could play as much as i did and still be 40 and have summat to do ;P


hola Math:)

yes, boredom is coming fast. too fast if you ask me. i've been playing UO for more than 5 years now (and still have 2 active accounts). UO's gfx are crappy in relation to games like DAoC, but got alot more of content. it's a 'living' entire world. some examples: you can own houses, horses,ships can be a merchant, crafter without bashing monsters over and over again etc.
DAoC needs some new exciting features....and that very soon! (doubt that new monsters(-bashing) will make it).

at least RvR: the US community will get a pvp server, but dont think it will solve the problem of good and longlasting PvP. Mythics/GoA should enable guildwars and...hmm...maybe a pvp-switch(once you turned it on, you have to stay pvP-on for ...lets say...14 days)

only my 2 centimes

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