The Current Poll


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I have to be honest, I find some of the things they offered as choices. Abit concerning, like :-

"Remove supply line restrictions from keep teleports (allow players to port to the keep so long as they control all four towers). "

I think the current system of only teleporting into certain keeps in your own frontier, is very good and stops everything turning into a keep defence fest. We had this before and it didn't work so well. If you not careful, small groups will never have chance to take towers, because the defenders will just jump in really quickly.

"Remove underwater combat in the Battlegrounds and New Frontiers. "

Its been in a while, yes it can be annoying but it can also be very handy for tactical reasons. Fighting in water is alot harder due to 3 dimensions. Heh its very handy to have the healers under water.

"- Reduce the effectiveness of Relics.
- Reduce hit points for Keep structures."

I believe these are both tied intogether. We have had a good thread on that. So Goa read that and pass on the comments

My take of the last 2 points were:-

Have 1 Keep control the gate for each of a realms relic. So in Mid you would have Fensalir and Avarkr as Relic Control Keeps. These would be old style keeps ... lvl 15 - 20 guards (in todays terms). Damm hard to take, but can be done. The higher level guards are to stop small teams of 2 fgs doing it.

If you take the keep. You can knock down the associated gate in the relic wall. I would make the relic wall defensiveable around the assocaited gate. To take the associated relic you need to take the keep. The relic would drop to the floor and be obtainable.

This would allow the realms to perform lightning strikes on High Level Relic Control Keeps (Old Style). But it would allow opposing realms to perform a defensive action at the Keep, at the Gate to the relics and all the way to that Relic shrine. With the latter 2 we would have an open style warfare.

So if a alb went to a relic control keep i.e. Fenselair, they would have to react. Without everyone saying ... it doesn't matter we can wait until midgard is at the next keep. I will carry on watching TV. Reducing the drawn out nature of the relics takes in to what is basically a yawn fest. I want to see I bloody great stream of hibs and albs moving "In stealth" through midgard, like its worth something.

Making Relic swap overs abit more frequent.

Notice I leave alone our Favourite Areas for IRVR ;)

If you notice both midgard keeps (in this example) are directly re inforceable from the port areas. To provide good acces to the defending realm.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
This weeks poll

OK, weve all had the poll when opening up the game, but is there really content here that appeals? Heres what I thought of the options, it would be good to see what others think..

- Add a level 45 - 49 Battleground.
The exsiting ones are empty as it is, apart from Thid and Leirvik, more empty space is a waste of resources. What about a coop map?
- - Add more solo and group RvR missions and evaluate the amounts of realm points awarded.
Definately, with the increase in RPs earnt killing other players, the rewards for missions seem very poor indeed. Make the XP and RPs more worth chasing.
- - Remove supply line restrictions from keep teleports (allow players to port to the keep so long as they control all four towers).
Why not, instant RvR anywhere would be great, at present its restriced to the outermost keeps; Benowick, Bledmeer and Cruchan. Soloers and groups would put the whole frontiers to better use. At present RvR in places like Uppland and Yggdra are virtually non existant.
- - Revamp siege equipment to provide a variety of speed and damage options.
Why not, again its poorly used and unrealistic, being hit by a 20' spear or a burning rock would surely do more damage than a mere 5%, anyone care to test my theory? Also, it needs a randomiser like weapon styles, and the damage should increase the more you hit something, presently seige only irritates, it doesnt kill, with the slight exception of oil, which is OPd.
- - Remove underwater combat in the Battlegrounds and New Frontiers.
Why? Remove the crappy watre transition oh yes, worst thing ever put in IMO. But remove it, I personally cant see a problem. However, what about increased end usage (swimming + combat), increased fumble chances (try holding ya breath and making casting motions) or combined mana and end depletion while submerged until its gone.
- - Reduce the number of one way terrain areas (too steep to climb).
Why not just give them a snare effect rather than "cant go there"? Heck, even trolls can now climb verticle walls on keeps, why not the odd slightly steep hill?
- - Reduce the effectiveness of Relics.
Big mistake, they are already worthless, look how many times we can be arsed to try and get them. Instead, let them do more good, not in terms of damage as now, but higher XP bonus's so lower levels get to 50 that bit faster. These days they are not exactly on everyones RvR priority list, far from it, make them more appealing.
- - Reduce hit points for Keep structures.
Why, all realms are more than capable of taking keeps, to me they are fine as is. But, do make high level towers shorter so us who are restricted to shorter range can hit people on the top, the advantage from the top is too much.
- - My option is not listed here.
Theres lots wrong still, RvR aint that bad atm, before moving on, lets see the fixes to pet pathing, crafting improvements and every thing you have been asking in polls for the last 4 months.

OK, thats my peice, whats your take on this?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
Big mistake, they are already worthless, look how many times we can be arsed to try and get them. Instead, let them do more good, not in terms of damage as now, but higher XP bonus's so lower levels get to 50 that bit faster. These days they are not exactly on everyones RvR priority list, far from it, make them more appealing.

Part of the reason they are not taking more often is, that many players recognize the impact a relic raid has. Most often it results in weeks, even months of the losing realm going inactive. Why people lose the will to RvR is hard to know. A -guess- could be that the relics actually do affect balance massively, hence you feel you have even less chance than you already had.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
A L45-49 BG would be very useful from 1 point of view but very dodgy from another.

As the game is now it's reasonably easy to get to L50 ML10 RR3-4 & get all required artes. It's almost impossible to get to RR5+ however as most opponents will be RR7+ so you get to L50 ML10 RR3-4 & fully temped & just die continually as almost all opponents are much higher RR.

This is obviously very discouraging for new RvR characters which is equally obviously an extremely bad thing. A L45-49 (or even L50) BG with cap at RR5-6 would help new RvR chars get to a moderately competitive level before heading out to the real frontiers.

OTOH the new BG would be full of people with SoM, GoV, Scalars, Malice, Battler ...

Not so sure if that's really such a good thing, but at the very worst it's still better than getting to L50 ML10 RR4 fully temped & have to give up due to not having the slightest chance of progressing further in RRs.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
OohhoO said:
A L45-49 BG would be very useful from 1 point of view but very dodgy from another.
Very true, personally I think that MLs should be restricted to ML2 at 44, seeing high ML toons in Leirvik is nasty, and removes the fun from BGs. I also think they would just be full of level 49s just out to RP whore, and would in fact impact on traditional RvR badly.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Azathrim said:
Part of the reason they are not taking more often is, that many players recognize the impact a relic raid has. Most often it results in weeks, even months of the losing realm going inactive. Why people lose the will to RvR is hard to know. A -guess- could be that the relics actually do affect balance massively, hence you feel you have even less chance than you already had.
With a rethink, you are dead right. But I still think it also needs things like XP incentives, having the damage bonus is nice, but its not enough to encorage the realms to go to war.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Main reason there aren´t any relic raids anymore is because noone think its fun to siege keeps for hours and hours just to put them in a single keep that can easily be taken back with a small group during off-hours.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
old.Whoodoo said:
Very true, personally I think that MLs should be restricted to ML2 at 44, seeing high ML toons in Leirvik is nasty, and removes the fun from BGs. I also think they would just be full of level 49s just out to RP whore, and would in fact impact on traditional RvR badly.

Well the current ML cap in Leirvik is ML3.

ATM there is no incentive to level out of Leirvik, as there's plenty of fun action there & everyone there knows there's almost no chance of getting anywhere at all in real RvR so /XP off /RP off & stay there & have fun i/o levelling to 50 & dying continually to RR7+ toons.

A L45-49 (or even L50) BG with a RR cap of RR5-6 might encourage people to take the step from Leirvik into real RvR, which is pretty pointless ATM unless you're masochistically inclined.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Main reason there aren´t any relic raids anymore is because noone think its fun to siege keeps for hours and hours just to put them in a single keep that can easily be taken back with a small group during off-hours.

exactly. I gave up leading relic raids because of this, think after the one i took it got it retaken the morning after by 1fg of albs during the early hours.

no problem with 24/7 game n all but i cba with the effort of organising a RR for that to happen.

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