The Crimson Eagles looking for members.



Ill keep this short The Crimson Eagles will welcome anybody above lvl15 into the guild, if u want to join msg Baralis in game and ill join u up.


Why not anyone BELOW 15?

There have been lots of threads saying how lower levels are finding it hard to get support from higher levels.

I don't want this to start a flame war, or anything like that, I was just interested to find out why this is the case, as this appears to be a prime example of low/high differences.




Well when your lvl 15 youve shown some dedication to the game, guess thats what they mean


Well, I've seen lots of people below 15 having a great dedication to the game, fun and laughs. Would hate seeing them excluded from a guild just because they r not lvl 15 ...

Maybe they don't wanna go too quickly ? I've missed some nice places cuz lvl up was soo quick at moments I never had the chance to visit them :(

Also a big :clap: :clap: to Talen for proving that we do care for any of our low(er) Albion realmmates.


Well when your lvl 15 youve shown some dedication to the game, guess thats what they mean

The only problem with that, is if the lower levels don't get the support they need, why should they show dedication?

If I didn't get the support I needed to learn DAoC from my guildmates, I would have given up a LONG time ago.

Even recently, I had been stuck on 34 for WAY too long, and had a moan on /gc how p***ed off I was, and lo, came a guildie (cheers Zandax) and said, "come with me, I know a lovely hunting spot"

WAYHEY - 2 levels in 2 days!! My faith was restored.

My point is, we ALL need support REGARDLESS of level.

Anyway, It's not a flame in anyway shape or form, and it would be nice to hear from an Eagles member on thier policy. (No, I'm not dissing the policy FYI)

PS. And thank you for your comments Starblade. /bow


I have a level 38 merc and a 12 scout...

Should the scout not be allowed to join? ;)

[edit] not a flame of any sort - just think you should look more carefully before turning people down :)


Originally posted by Talen_Sun

The only problem with that, is if the lower levels don't get the support they need, why should they show dedication?

If I didn't get the support I needed to learn DAoC from my guildmates, I would have given up a LONG time ago.

Even recently, I had been stuck on 34 for WAY too long, and had a moan on /gc how p***ed off I was, and lo, came a guildie (cheers Zandax) and said, "come with me, I know a lovely hunting spot"

WAYHEY - 2 levels in 2 days!! My faith was restored.

My point is, we ALL need support REGARDLESS of level.

Anyway, It's not a flame in anyway shape or form, and it would be nice to hear from an Eagles member on thier policy. (No, I'm not dissing the policy FYI)

PS. And thank you for your comments Starblade. /bow

Guess I'll start a brand new character tomorrow (lvl 1) and join your guild then?

Chances of this are how likely? Perhaps an extreme example, but I'm sure it voices my point ...?


Ok then ive discussed it with the other leader and he says fine any1 above 5 may join.


Originally posted by Baralis
Ok then ive discussed it with the other leader and he says fine any1 above 5 may join.

To be honest, I wouldn't change a recruitment policy due to flames on this forum.

Initially when The Brethren started we were only trying to recruit 30+ people so we could try and keep the guild around the same level for guild hunts/RvR etc but that wasn't practical.

We tend to invite people based on whether or not we like them but level (imho) still comes into it. Not worth us inviting 'low levels' (hate that term, but rather descriptive) if there is noone for them to group with. I think we tend to cap people around lvl20 minimum although we make exceptions for friends and the such.


Also, on that note, I think it's also down to what you want from your guild/want your guild to do ...


The meaning with a guild, imo, is to have a "family". When do you need your family? When You are young, a child or teen = Low lvls. 90% of my members were recruited at low low lvls and we are developing to become a large guild with several high lvls. We do alot of things together and guildhunts are np at all. EVERYONE are welcome. Since the guildhunt is not a xp hunt. At least not for us. Its a Event, a ocassion to meet your fellow members and to learn to know eachother "face to face". To build a good guild that is worth beeing part of is a long process and takes time and needs care.
My guild I braught with me from UO. The guild is a little older than 3 years now. And the policy has been always the same: Breed your own race of players.

Recruiting high lvl players usually result to watch them leave. I really dont think that there are that many descent none "guildjumpers" around at high lvls.

In this case we are talking about lvl 15 yet still.
I am just as proud of my lvl 5 members as the lvl 45`s, which not long ago were lvl 5. Loyality before quantity and lvl.



Guess I'll start a brand new character tomorrow (lvl 1) and join your guild then?

Pfy, as I stated, I didn't want this to get into a flame war, that wasnt my original intention, i suffer enough slandering where I work in RL!!

But as you said in your example, if you wanted to join us at level 1, yes you would be welcome, and you get the support of our guild if you wished. We have recently recriuted a few level 3's and 4's, and so far they have been happy with the guild.

Obviously yes, we have rules. One of our main rules is that anyone who is interested post under the new members section of our website. This shows that if that person is willing to take the time to post, they show at least some interest of staying with us. This is what we request normally before an invite is given.

Respect and manners being another rule we want our members to follow. Occasionally we have had to mention to a couple of new members (I hate the term n00b) to cut down the spam on /gc but nothing that wasnt done with courtesy and politeness. Luckily, so far, we have not had anything too serious.

The founders of the guild are mostly late 20's early 30's in RL, so we try to have a mature and sensible outlook on the game. It IS only a game after all. (And yes, some of us are addicted!!)

But the example you gave, yes, if you wanted to join, you would be very welcome. If you chose to leave after a while, that is your choice. We would try to convince you otherwise, and probably ask why your chose to leave, but there would certainly be no flames, or bitching about it. We have had members leave in the past, and still keep in touch with those that wish the contact.

Anyway, I have rambled on a bit, and I have an early start to the morning, so people can bitch at me again (oh the life of IT support!! a never ending hell :( )

To be honest, I wouldn't change a recruitment policy due to flames on this forum.

I also agree with this. I wasnt asking anyone to change thier policy, i wasnt trying to start anything nasty, I was enquiring as to WHY that was the policy - if the reason is so that the players show dedication, then I accept that. My apologies to anyone who misinterpreted my question.

Do not change your policy if you don't want to, and certainly not because of my posts. (Like i'm important enough anyway!! <that was sarcasm btw>)

Sorry for rambling, I just don't want this to get offencive to anyone, it was not my intention.

May we strike fear into the hearts of those that oppose us - Hibs and Mid's, get scared, Albion is coming...



Heh, wasn't nit picking just trying to make some kind of point.

Also, I appreciate you were only questioning his 'policy' not asking him to change it ...

Any how ... you're right, the world of IT is indeed crap :|

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