The change of albion (part1)


blaien Kayy

The change of albion (part1)How people change!

I've been playing this game from the day it went live and have seen huge changes over the last few months.
When i stopped playing Okies Kayy my armsman and began a scout thats when things really changed for me.Gone were the days where getting groups was easy i was to low for all you level 50s to give a shit about.But now after hard work i am 50 and have again grouped with people from nearly every guild,but damn people have changed alot.
Scar,Coren,Soulfly,Kyra(lists to long) etc etc etc,Ive know you all for ages now and seeing the way people are treating each other on this forum makes me sick,its pathetic.
Stop and look back at how you got to level50?,theres very few people who can say they did it alone thats for sure.
On that slow grind to get there how many people helped you along the way?.
Now we can all bitch and whine on this forum about each other and the guilds which they are currently in but thats doesn't change a damn thing.We all accepted help along the way from members of any guild whether it be leveling or whatever.Now all get off your high horses arange a meeting and lets work together like we all used to,none of you are better than anyone else we need everyone and thats talking from experience.

Laird MacGregor

<Slaps Blaien heartily on the back>

Cheers kinsmen!! ;)


Actually, I don't have a clue what you're talking about, but I think I appreciate the sentiment ;)



I'm generally a nice guy and won't start flames. But spread shit about me or my guild and I'll be there to 'correct' you, no matter the amount of flames it'll take. :p

That said, I still love you all. :wub:


good points

but the posts were about gettin albion together

blaien Kayy

yea well until people relise that we need everyone it wont ever happen.


stuff your head back up your arse and piss off

m'kay ?


Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
I got 50 with my guildies.

Cast your mind back many months ago,and rememeber who took your little alt shopping in cots for some nice chain armour:).

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by mabs0r
stuff your head back up your arse and piss off

m'kay ?

lol, and you hiding behind some odd nick..please, grow up -_-

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by maxgirth

Cast your mind back many months ago,and rememeber who took your little alt shopping in cots for some nice chain armour:).




How come you say stuff like this "got 50 with my guildies" and "you wont get albion together"

Are you a mid / hib supoerter ? or are you just afraid that if ppl will work together you will just be one among all?

Did you have your guild at lvl 1 ? you never played with anyone els ? Noone ever helped you ? No of C not you the super soulfly..

I dont moan offen but u seriuesly need to change your atetude >> posetive.

And u know who i am and your welcome to flame me to hell for this ill gladly cop with you anywhays when you realise as many before me said WE NEED EVERY ONE !

old.Gombur Glodson

We cant have a united albion never could have and never will.
Different people different views.



Nice to know ur at least trying and setting a good example for us others...

Used to look up to you as somone to lern from...
Seems u gave up hope...

old.Gombur Glodson

Gave up hope?
Look Gohrim I´'m no Sai Baba I'm just an ordinary person playing a computer game the way I like it in my spare time.
Albion has never been really united and it never will be, the same reason we dotn have a world goverment, people are different, have different views and do different things.
It's always been like that, the human race needs a lot more years of evelution before we can truly work together.


Originally posted by kr0n

Where have ya been... :( missing ya.

Kinda given up on irc, too many things to argue about :/


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
the human race needs a lot more years of evelution before we can truly work together.

Bloody good comment on life as a whole, DAoC is just a sad extention that people use to powertrip.

Too many screwed up attitudes from to many people in this game, Midgard is the same.

The 'power' goes to peoples heads and then they forget what this game is here for, to have fun.


I agree, too, that Albs are unlikely to unite - at least not overall, all the time and for all purposes.

My view is that there are two main types/clusters of players [just main stereotypes, ofc there are variations]: ones deriving a lot of fun from ingame achievement & efficiency (max out stats, specs, rps etc), others more from their main social interactions (chats, kill a bit here or there or everywhere, no rps?-so what, rp-ing etc.) - they are not mutually exclusive, actually ;) ... and, tbh, I think they can get on quite well, if they don't force their play style on everyone else.
But they will tend to have different objectives and styles (no, not wpn styles ;) ), as has been posted by someone else before, so they will only get together, if either their objectives match for a change or if one cluster feels like joining with the other one for a special occasion ....

So, best stance I see would be focusing on key players of the cluster you feel most comfy with and set up something with them - can always invite the others to join for individual stuff (raids, mostly I guess), but don't get upset if they don't feel like it - different paradigms but nothing wrong with that, as far as I can see ;)


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Gave up hope?
It's always been like that, the human race needs a lot more years of evelution before we can truly work together.

The human race... well depends gombur most of us have evolved to that stage that we realise we must work together to achive gr8er things.

We just w8ing for the rest... and as it seems you are one of the rest :/

old.Gombur Glodson

No I am not, but there is a difference between a game and the real life, and you dont know who I am outside the game.
Like I said I play this game to have fun, trying to unite Albion doesnt seem possible, there will always be hatred, jealousy and powertrips. People will always have different goals in this game, no everyone wants to relic raid/defend, take/defend keeps/, roleplay, do pve, do rvr or zerg.

What would Albion benefit from being united? That we would be able to get relics? That we would be able to secure relics?
If we can't work together ununited then why would we be able to do it united? People will still have the same views and goals.


Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok


It was severall months ago when I was playing Max mk1, and I was in Chaos Fellowship, I got a pm from a little tank who needed a hand with armour (cant remember his name but he did state he was your alt), so I went to cots a bought him some armour,even bought some cheap enamel to lol:).

SoulFly Amarok

Lol you are all very pathetic, now it's only me who is saying, that we aren't going to get albion together, rrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

and gohrim, get some valid points, k?

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Afaik SF doesnt have any tank alts :)

Shaden Dawn, a long time ago, but I never asked for armor :D
I used a full set of forlorn, then a full set of vindi etc :D

SoulFly Amarok

Re: soulfly

Originally posted by Gohrim
How come you say stuff like this "got 50 with my guildies" and "you wont get albion together"

** Because I did ding 50 with them? read the first message of the post? won't get together? that's a fact, atleast I think so, I can't have an oppinion of my own, can I ? **

Are you a mid / hib supoerter ? or are you just afraid that if ppl will work together you will just be one among all?

** Go go Mids & Hibs !!1111111.. I'm welly aflaid :[[[[ **

Did you have your guild at lvl 1 ? you never played with anyone els ? Noone ever helped you ? No of C not you the super soulfly..

** Have I ever said I haven't? guess what, I have been on the server for a year, I probably have? To mention someone, Okies, when he was leveling his armsman, in catacomb, a long time ago. I consider myself as someone superior? L O L.
What comes to guilds, I've been in 3 guilds so far. Circle of Power, which I joined with a friend of mine at lvl 16ish, then Lionhearts, then SotL. **

I dont moan offen but u seriuesly need to change your atetude >> posetive.

** Right. **

And u know who i am and your welcome to flame me to hell for this ill gladly cop with you anywhays when you realise as many before me said WE NEED EVERY ONE !

Yes, You're some twat. Not to mention, that we seriously don't need people like you.

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