43 tax reliefs to be scrapped as part of simplification of tax code
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose - Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose - Rush, Circumstances
I'm one of those that questions the Keynesian dogma of economics.
Why is constant growth an aim?
Growth, Growth, Growth is all you hear from politicians and economists and it really gets on my nerves.
We have finite resources. All resources. There is an end to them.
This is what I think...
The inescapable problem of growth: Arithmetic, Population and Energy - convozine.com
And this video explains why...
YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 3 of 8)
Fuel duty cut is a con. Haven't seen the prices change around here at all.
And with one statement, it's a "budget for growth" and in the next he's downgrading the growth forecast. Not sure how that works...
Waste of time from a waste of space chancellor.
And there will be less of this in pubs because of the rises to beer duty which make it over £1 now that goes in tax everytime you buy a pint. This will close down more pubs and mean more irresponsible selling by the supermarkets...
Everywhere I've been in south London has come down; a few pumps have gone straight back up, but the Shell's, BP's and supermarket pumps are all down, some by 2p.
As for pubs; the breweries will see pubs out of business long before the government does, pub co's are greedy idiots, the lot of them.
I'm not anti-Coalition, political party or any of that. This is just total bollocks as a budget goes for me as they think we're all mugs and see one or two good things and will forget all the shit. Sorry Aoami but they seem to have mugged you off as a case in point
to that fact. And from a UKC man of all things!! :lol: