The BG's - A question!



I started to roam around the diffrent BG's on Prydwen and I have understanded this:

- Caledonia - levels 30 - 35, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 9

- Murdaigean - levels 25 - 29, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 5

- Thidranki - levels 20 - 24, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 3

BUT are there actually numbers on how much RPs you can have before your are kicked out of the BGs? Or how many kills?

Explain it to me like I'm a two-year old... :D

Thanks guys! Hope to see ya out in there!


Ok the thing that most do not realise is that even though it says for example "Thidranki 20-24 L3" this means that you can still enter the BG at L3 but as soon as it snaps to L4 you may not enter after /release (only way to get out). Same goes for other BGs... so you can reach RR2 in Caledonia for example.
It is the exact amount of RPs really which is when you add one level to the "limits" (for example RPs needed for RR1 L4).


OK, but are there actually a certain amount of RPs when you actually level from one realm level to another? If so, what are they?


7k for RR2.
3k (I think) for L5
Not sure about L3



Thanks! That was the info I was looking for.

Everyone else:

Feel free to confirm this and/or add the numbers for L3.


RR1 L4 is somewhere around 250, which when you reach you may not enter Thidranki anymore.
Murdaigen you may enter until you reach RR1 L6, which the number of RPs I do not know...
RR2 is 7200 yes... after that you are not able to enter Caledonia anymore.



OK. Nice to know. Too bad that 250 in Thidranki is REALLY low...I havn't played there much but I already got around 50 with one of my chars. :(


Very low indeed. Hate that... I am at like 175-190 (can't remember), with my friar of course so one mroe session or maybe two of Thidranki and then I shall level to 29 after which Murdaigen calls :)
The 7200 in Caledonia is very small too.... can get 1000 a day easily with a scout :(


SFXman wrote:

The 7200 in Caledonia is very small too.... can get 1000 a day easily with a scout

Lucky for me I'm a slowmoving, hammerwielding Thane then. I won't get those RPs as easy as a Scout. ;)

One can only hope that these BGs will make playing fun until DF comes in August. Or IF DF comes in August...


Am on 250 RP for the 20-24 BG but still 1L3 so I expect my next journey over will be my last :(

There are portals in the tele keeps for going back, so you dont HAVE to die :)


max of 400 for thidranki.

Got this from my guildie Motom, don't know where he got it from. But thx anywho M.

Think this one is prety acurate and if Marcus's post is correct about the RR maximum points should be as i show here

Rank Level Rps
1 0 0
1 1 1
1 2 68
1 3 125
1 4 400 Max. thidranki
1 5 750
1 6 1375 Max. Murdaigean
1 7 2200
1 8 3500
1 9 5250
2 0 7139 Max. Caledonia
2 1 9600
2 2 12500
2 3 16500
2 4 20500
2 5 25300
2 6 31000
2 7 37000
2 8 45000
2 9 53000
3 0 62800
3 1 71500
3 2 83000
3 3 95000
3 4 108000
3 5 122500
3 6 138000
3 7 155000
3 8 173250
3 9 192850
4 0 214000
4 1 236000
4 2 260000
4 3 287500
4 4 313000
4 5 342000
4 6 373000
4 7 405000
4 8 439000
4 9 475800
5 0 513500
5 1 553000
5 2 595500
5 3 641000
5 4 687600
5 5 735000
5 6 785000
5 7 838000
5 8 897000
5 9 952000
6 0 1011000
6 1 1076800
6 2 1139000
6 3 1206000
6 4 1280000
6 5 1349000
6 6 1428000
6 7 1505000
6 8 1584800
6 9 ???
7 0 1750000


lol lother is SFXman!! doh!

I creamed you a couple of times now. The first time I assumed you were a wimpy wizard and you took my arrows pretty well. It was the bashing with the staff that finally gave away the fact you weren't a wiz. hehe.

You soon died though. I did too though when your woofta assasins caught up with me.

Can someone please explain to me why Alb Scouts get 305 dmg on me (studded armour hunter with only about 400+hps!!). Whilst I get like 180 if lucky? wtf is going on there? My bow is 19 @lvl24, so quite good. :/

Brannor McThife

R1L4 = 300.

And SFXMan, you can die (/release) to leave, but you can also use the gateways in the main structure of your portal keep (Albion). In the Midgard one, it's in the one corner; don't know about Hibbie. Archway looking thing. It works the same as porting, but doesn't cost you 10 silver.

If you logout after you've passed 300 rps or hit level 25. You will appear at your bind stone.



Inqy: Most scouts have longbow maxed at level, and use, well, a longbow. That one sure hurts more than your wimpy small midgardian one :) But it also is far slower in firing. If that scout would use a hunter-bow he would do half the damage but in faster succession, about the same if not less than you I reckon. And I of course mean the hunting-bow you can use in Albion as an alternative to the longbow, not the midgard-hunter bow.


An easy way of staying in the BG's longer and still have lots of fun and kills.

Just go for the newly rezzed, they dont give RP's :D

Gotta love those SB's :flame:


the annoying thing was I hit the archer first (for 60dmg non crit) and was about to nock my second but somehow he still managed to fire his shot? huh? I always get interrupted when that happens. ;(

well I've never had the pleasure of melee against a scout (yet). I sure hope they are wimps in combat, cos their bow is 2x as powerful as ours as far as I can tell.

anyone been hit by the hibbie ranger ?


inqy, I remember very clearly keeling you a few times and I believe you know by now that I do hit very very hard :)
One fine day some kobold felt my ~150 (no crit even) and ~170 (no crit even) and basically just keeled over... yellow con :D
But about the scouts, just about every one has longbow maxed EVERY level and the longbow has the largest damage... also it is quite common that L24 scouts use the best arrows already. If you get into melee with one... well... you will win :)


yes you are right I've been ganked many a time by what always seems to be a massive force of albs and you will out-melee me always I'd think unless I get some arrows in first.

But I quite often whip out my sword on casters, assassins (so my group can get em, as they'd woop me (and often do)) and if I can get my grubby dwarf hands on a scout I'll give him a good hiding too.

Please can you tell your alb friends not to dance or taunt me in my death though ;[ I always swear at peeps that do it to nme bodies and then give the nme a salute. :)

Madonion Slicer

I got kicked from the lower BG the other day i had Reached R1 L4 with 350RP, very sad day i was really enjoying it.


nuke char, level up to 20 again ;)

or go get to the next one.

Madonion Slicer

Working on the Fire Wiz now, not worth going til 28-29, at 25 now. Have taken my 35 Armsmen to the higher one but then found out that with out range and DD or Mez, your pretty usless.

Oh and have a scout in the making but then again it seem so has everybody.

Wish i had not wasted all that time on my Armsmen now, but oh well at least he can become a item farmer.


I know exactly what you mean. It's why I've pretty much given up on my warrior too.


Question, what's to stop you goin in 1/10 bub from next lvl and xpin up , there are Orange mobs in Mug and you could lvl to around 35 I guess ( ok it'd take like months) but if you never died (unlikely) you'd be uberman out there.


you have to log some day. or go ld. or die. or ...

But with Alli I'm going to get to 34, 1% off lvling and lvl. Then go out in style :)


Originally posted by old.Alliandre
you have to log some day. or go ld. or die. or ...

But with Alli I'm going to get to 34, 1% off lvling and lvl. Then go out in style :)
Max is 35... you mean 1% off 36 then lvl....
I once had a L25 in my group in Thidranki :)


People were bitching last night about a firbolg who was orange to them at lvl 24 ...

Whoopdedoo they've levelled once in the battlegrounds and gain a slight advantage for all of an hour till they get disconnected :) (or killed and corpse-camped)


lets face it. you *can* be killed in a instant OR you *can* be in the BG for hours. all luck really, depends what merry band of people you run into.


Generally I am in the BG for hours upon hours.

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