The best Relm?



What do you think is the best relm of the three?

I want you to take into account how good they are in RvR, how fun it is, how good spells look, how good people and armor look, characters, the people in the relm and so on.
Guve reasons for your choice.

My favorite relm is hibernia. I'm not just being baist because i'm a hibbie. I started in albion. I have played and trained to at least lvl 13 in all 3 relms and i find albion and midgard so boring. Some of the spells in albion look really cool but they suck. Hibernia are better than albion at magic. Midgard are better than hibernia at fighting but fighting isn't so good in RvR because you can't attack from a long range.
Give me feed back and tell me what you think is the best relm.


Me thinks Hibernia is the best realm...maybe because I'm a hib.
Always a lot of nice people.

Well it's just the best realm :)


I love hib too the ppl the spells and the fun :0

but I also like Alb and Mid too.

Alb is earthy and has friars and paladins and stonehenge

Mid dark and forboding and has a lot of my friends from Beta in it (well on prydwen anyway)



Really dont know what i like most.. all realms got there pros and cons

Midgard - Fun classes, runemasters and skalds are cool, boring enviorment
Albion - Cool spelleffects (the best), boring enviorment
Hibernia - well... Home sweet home :)

The biggest problem i got with the other realms is that i dont see anything (got bad eyesight). Its to dark and too many hills/trees (yes, midgard got more trees than hib).


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