The Art and Practice of Camping Milegates



Now, instead of going on a longish rant again, I would just like to point out one common mistake people love to make when camping milegates:

Opening Doors Unneccessarily.

When you don’t absolutely have to go through that milegate, Do Not Open Doors. I would even go as far as to suggest you just climb up the wall and jump to the other side if you are just going to suiciding at PK anyway. The jump won’t kill you.

Q: Why is opening doors bad?

A: Stealthers.

Camping milegates actually enables your force to stop stealthers. If doors are open, stealthers can get through. Even when someone is standing right between the open doors and spams autotarget, they can get through by just waiting for someone open the door for you. If they have to open the door for themselves, they will have to stop before the door and then they can be detected and killed.

How it works is this - relative movement speed between a stealther and a person trying to find him makes huge difference in chances of detecting the stealther. Detecting a reasonably highly stealth specced person while moving through im at skald speed is impossible. Even just moving through him is pretty much impossible. You have to either stand on the same spot or move at the same direction (relative speed between characters is small).

Forcing them to open the doors by themselves creates pretty much ideal situation for getting stealthers - they stand still, you know they are there and can stand on top of them. Scratch the stealther. If the doors are already open, they can run through them and nothing much can be done about it, if you dont have a shadowblade sitting at those doors.

For the same reason, breaking the milegate doors in not an especially bright idea.


Old Nicodemus


Good points but hard to maintain. Not everyone will listen.What I would suggest is that you make friends with a Spiritmaster.

We have a PB Mezz. Even if the mezz fails it uncovers stealthers. :cool:

This is one aspect that SM's are very good for at milegates. If you you see an SM standing near the gates doing something bizarre then it is probably us doing our PB mezz. The higher the Sm is specced in darkness the better the PB mezz.

As Roo puts it "We are flypaper for stealthers"

Spiritmaster of over 40 winters


I agree with Ottar here...BUT

we have 47+ level 50 thanes on this server, the most abundant level 50 class in Midgard, all are blessed with a...for lack of a better description....Utility pbAoE, aka Thunders Roar.

30 Sec Timer (sucks I know) but considering at a typical MG camp, you will see 10+ thanes, the COULD spam their pbAoE at doors every 30 secs, shame so many dont know the best use for one of our most limited spells.

NOTE TO ALL THANES: All your pbAoE shout is good for is to unstealth stealthers, use it wisely, it is often the difference between being PA'ed by an assasin and being hit for 50 damage, meaning you live they die.

Sorry to drag the thread a tad off topic Ottar.....wont happen again :)


> Not everyone will listen.

If only. Was camping amgo between failed relic raids.. got told I was ”fekkin noob head” after yelling twice to not open the doors, then asking if he can read from a person who seemed to get particular pleasure out of chainclicking on them.

> What I would suggest is that you make friends with a Spiritmaster.

Aye, spiritmasters are awsome! One has to see what they can do to believe it.

> Utility pbAoE, aka Thunders Roar.

Aye, it’s good. But it has to be chaincasted in the doorway while the doors remain open. Not many do this.



Right that's it!!! I've just about had enough now!!!

Ottar - I am calling you back from undercover operations with immediate effect. Get your butt back to Albion right now where it will be severely kicked for giving the Middies (evil scum bags) waaaayyyy too much good information.

Anyway - all of Midgard knows that infiltrators are the only class in the game that have the climb milegate ability, right?


P.S. Only Solid said he wouldn't take your interesting and informative thread off-topic again.....oops :p


Hmm.. This would be what we've all been saying for the last 6 months.. Nice to hear it again tho. :) GJ Ottar.


Originally posted by old.Nicodemus /Pryd
We have a PB Mezz. Even if the mezz fails it uncovers stealthers. :cool:
This is not true. Even if mezz succeeds it does _not_ uncover stealthers, they just get mezzed in stealth. Being a stealther, an sm and an advanced asker/reader on vnboards has taught me this.


Originally posted by erl

This is not true. Even if mezz succeeds it does _not_ uncover stealthers, they just get mezzed in stealth. Being a stealther, an sm and an advanced asker/reader on vnboards has taught me this.

...ahhhh... but don't you still get the ickle tell-tale 'zzzzzzzzz' appearing? Certainly I see it if I am stealthed and get mezzed....


You see it on yourself, but others don't see it. It's like the hunters buffs I've seen so many times, when people stealthes right after they've buffed up the effects dissappear with the char, so effects stealths too.


Originally posted by erl

This is not true. Even if mezz succeeds it does _not_ uncover stealthers, they just get mezzed in stealth. Being a stealther, an sm and an advanced asker/reader on vnboards has taught me this.

The Spiritmaster PB AE mezz (the 'wave' line) is combined with a DD (admitedly not very strong).

So if it sticks on a stealth target, the DD should unstealth it (even if it inflicts only 1 dmg) while the mezz will keep the target where it is, hence making it Middie-burger material.

I haven't tested this (My SM is lvl 22)

Old Nicodemus

This is not true. Even if mezz succeeds it does _not_ uncover stealthers, they just get mezzed in stealth. Being a stealther, an sm and an advanced asker/reader on vnboards has taught me this.


I'm afraid that is incorrect. I have regularly uncovered stelathers with the mezz. At a castle defence I saw a stealther so I PB mezzed him, the mezz failed but it uncovered him so he jumped off the wall.

I have also managed to succesfully land the PB mezz too when I was testing to see if there were any stealthers around. She was uncovered and mezzed in the spot she was. Then ganked.

So I am afraid that you are misinformed. PB mezz DOES uncover steathers.

Tried and tested.

Spiritmaster of over 40 winters


Originally posted by Solid
I agree with Ottar here...BUT

we have 47+ level 50 thanes on this server, the most abundant level 50 class in Midgard, all are blessed with a...for lack of a better description....Utility pbAoE, aka Thunders Roar.

30 Sec Timer (sucks I know) but considering at a typical MG camp, you will see 10+ thanes, the COULD spam their pbAoE at doors every 30 secs, shame so many dont know the best use for one of our most limited spells.

NOTE TO ALL THANES: All your pbAoE shout is good for is to unstealth stealthers, use it wisely, it is often the difference between being PA'ed by an assasin and being hit for 50 damage, meaning you live they die.

Sorry to drag the thread a tad off topic Ottar.....wont happen again :)

spam mjolnir on mg doors instead....or even better, target the second mg door, go up on the mg and spam it when u see that door not waste power on the gimp pbaoe...


wont that damage the door ?

wasent the talk about not to do that, not to open the doors and damaging them ?


Originally posted by old.Nicodemus /Pryd


I'm afraid that is incorrect. I have regularly uncovered stelathers with the mezz. At a castle defence I saw a stealther so I PB mezzed him, the mezz failed but it uncovered him so he jumped off the wall.

I have also managed to succesfully land the PB mezz too when I was testing to see if there were any stealthers around. She was uncovered and mezzed in the spot she was. Then ganked.

So I am afraid that you are misinformed. PB mezz DOES uncover steathers.

Tried and tested.

Spiritmaster of over 40 winters
Well, I've tested this too, and I have mezzed infils in stealth in thid. Beats me really who's mistaken when you seem so sure too.

The Spiritmaster PB AE mezz (the 'wave' line) is combined with a DD (admitedly not very strong).
This sounds weird and I've never seen anything like it? Where on earth have you gotten this from?

Old Nicodemus


I must confess that I haven't tested it since the patch. It maybe the case that you are correct now. Those experiences were all done pre 1.49, however I do know that a few Sm's I've talked to have told me that they have done it.

However it's given me the urge to go testing again ;)

I'm not sure that the mezz has a DD effect either. tbh I've never really concentrated on the text when I cast it. I'll have a look again when I go testing.


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