The Ablion PvE Cookbook



The best XP / Item Hunting group I've ever managed to set up comprised of the following Alb Classes:

1x Cleric - Rej / Enh specced
1x Sorc - Mind specced
1x Minst - Powersong - natch
1x Theurg - BT
1x Wizzie - Hurt meh!
1x Pally - Healchant - Ideally S&S specced
1x S&S Arms - Guard
1x Tank Class - as Protect is required

The S&S Arms should have a high shield spec and Guard the Pally who is constantly Heal-chanting to draw any aggro from failed Sorc Mezzes and as backup Mob CC along with the Minst. Healchanting allows the Cleric to be ready with the heals as he / she knows who's going to get the aggro.

Tanks should use the fastest (and yeah, least damaging) weapons they have with the Enrage style, to keep the real damage makers, the Casters, free from hassle. Tanks also use less End with the lighter weapons.

Two Enrages on a Yellow con mob should be enough to keep aggro on the Tanks - add (approx) one Enrage per additional level of Mob con.

Protect should go on the Cleric, Wizzie and Sorc to allow them to do their thing, with the Theurg acting as a passive BT and not nuking until the Mob is badly hurt, as He / She's unprotected.

The Pally / Cleric gives Rezz redundancy and the group as a whole has probably the most possible power squeezed into it, due to the nukers, while offering optimum Protect and Crowd Control.

If you go to Dartmoor, try to note the non-spawn ares and don't be afraid to run to them during a pull - as long as you don't aggro more mobs in getting there. DON'T fight in spawn areas, as the pop rate is crazy.

We survived for 10 Hours (and 25 uber drops later) in Dartmoor like that, doing Giants, Elders and the like, and explored all over the place - was one hell of a hunt :D

Appologies to the Classes that aren't included here - I'm sure that there's other good Class combos, but this is the one I found to be most effective and had the most experence of.


Best group I had was actually pretty much the opposit, we had:

2 Wizards
2 Paladins
2 Clerics (1 full rej, the other typical smite hybrid)
1 Sorceress
1 Armsman, Polearm (yours truely)

Most of the time we managed as 7 without the 2nd smite cleric, who never got close enough to smite anything anyway as we were killing so fast basically, and even without pbt we hardly took any damage. At tanglers we pulled the entire beach (wasn't intentional first time) and got well over 30 +, thanks to some excellent mezzing though we had no casualties at all and kept on doing those major pulls (wizard one-shot killed tanlger if you want to try and repeat that pull yourselves, not for the faint of heart).

Principle of that group was me and the paladin killing same mobs as quickly as possible, usually in 2 - 3 hits whilst wizards pulled there own. You really need a good mezzer to pull it of but the exp is great. A group that works very well together however depends more on the personality of the players rather then the characters I think though, Some players work well together, some don't. Interesting how the least likely of class combinations though can do so well together with the right players.


Well that last group misses the powersong that helps alot in dragging downtime to almost 0


Casters should take MCL and maybe 2 levels of Serenity, bye bye powersong :p


This is just a tree group, boring as hell and exp ain't that good what ever every armsman/pala is saying.

Lvl 45+ mages should be aware of the exp they get from a duo tangler group and the gold is 10X better. Exp is better too and a lot more fun then doing trees.

Theurgists to pet pull
Rest Wizzies to AE the mobs


Theurgist/Sorc to pet pull
Sorc to mess
Wizzies to kill 1 by 1

These groups will have NO healers but the exp will rock and you'll piss of everyone close by cause once in a while you need to get a ress from those jealous clerics/friairs :p

Lvl 46+ mages do Advisors SOLO in Barrows

Hit ^_^

belth: soloing advisors aint a expliot.


Not an exploit. Can't see how you could se it that way. The mob is standing there, you cast on it untill it is dead and hope it doesn't resist. The mob can hit you, it can come to you, it can kill you. How is it an exploit?

And the best grp I had is me and a minstrel at tanglers. basically 0 downtime and about 3 times faster xp than trees.


Soloing advisors in wizard lichas room was an exploit because they couldn't hit you no matter what, no? Didn't they change that? Or was it some other mob in there?


That's only one narrow spot where they can't, belth.


nah cabby's all the way

1 cabby (matter spec)
2 cleric rejuv

send pet in to baffing mobs and put dmg shield on, wait abit, clerics start healing pet. sit back and watch xp roll in.

If cabby gets bored he can trow a few AoE dots in and a cleric can smite some for entertainment value


Originally posted by Shrye
That's only one narrow spot where they can't, belth.

And that's the one they used... It's still possible to solo them as a wizard, but with million times higher risk (since you had zero risk earlier :p)?


Re: nah cabby's all the way

Originally posted by Sibanac
1 cabby (matter spec)
2 cleric rejuv

send pet in to baffing mobs and put dmg shield on, wait abit, clerics start healing pet. sit back and watch xp roll in.

If cabby gets bored he can trow a few AoE dots in and a cleric can smite some for entertainment value

Add minstrel and you might be able to keep the pet alive on tangler beach or tree for quite long? Interesting idea... Not after 1.53 tho :(


even after 1.53 - just need more than a cabalist :) two of them, or cabbie + aoe caster... or a tank to finish off the ones that get through...

actually the best group I've found is:

2 ice wizards
4 aggro getters (anyone with a taunt)

mmm aoe :)

not so good on pygmys as they're resistant to ice... but if you stick to danaoin clerks/fishermen/farmers/soldiers you'll go far.


Well matter cabbys are pretty good in AoE grps aswell did some pygmys at 32
pet can get aggro from those that break away from the tanks, AoE dot works nicely aswell since you dont have a dmg modification for higher con mobs
I did find that amber pet worked better there then saphi, the stun gives you just that bitof extra time


aye :) aoe dot is nice...

normally I don't get the two ice wizards... it's more like half-spec ice wizard + cabalist/fire wizzie :)

but it still works..

just about any combination of characters will work to a lesser or greater extent... but in my experience a well-tuned AoE group far out-paces a well-tuned mezz group...


Best group I've been in...
mana mentalist (crack+ae dot)
mana eldritch (me, pbae)
3 taunters

PBAE rocks you. :D


A pedant writes...

Originally posted by belth

And that's the one they used... It's still possible to solo them as a wizard, but with million times higher risk (since you had zero risk earlier :p)?

A million time zero is still zero ;)


what con are they when you're soloing them?

and what is it about them that makes them easy to solo? (assuming you're not using the cheating bit)


Reason why advisors are easy to solo is they have low exp and are casters a lvl 47+ fire wizz can proberly take out an advisor in 1 or 2 nukes


low hp and are casters...

so they run forward, start to cast, you blast em - they get interrupted, they run forward some more, start to cast, you blast em...


that kinda thing?

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