The 30 news post.




i find this quite odd really, posting nonsense propoganda on guild news websites.

tbh how dare people tell others how to play the game in chatgroups, then when they are informed otherwise news posts appear on their guild websites with completely distorted facts.

1. 1 fg of sotl had taken an undefended crim.
2. around 20 albs were attempting to knock down a 20-30 strong hib defence at crauch, but getting nowhere near after 30 minutes of bashing without rams and defenders repairing.
3. a couple of albs whinge in the emain chatgroup that WE MUST HAVE DC TO OPEN UP DF!.
4. sotl, and a couple of other lone groups were targeted and asked why they were not helping take DC. we replied we didnt see the point in dieing after 30min of bashing at a defended keep just to open DF.

the facts were pretty simple.

- albion needed one keep to open DF, but a defended DC is hardly the best choice to achieve this goal.
- albion were in control of beno so there were tier 9/10 resources + forge available for crafters at beno

sure, you may find it fun bashing keep doors, NOT EVERYONE DOES. you really have no right to tell others how to play the game, sure you may not like it but posting nonsense about a one off alb-zerg keep take on your guild website just makes you look silly.

learn: Zergs = bad

(edit: fixed some figures thnx to walker)


i generally try to avoid hib defended keeps like the plague. 30 minutes to get in and face the predictable first door going down easy - second door being repaired and pbaoe'd lots and when thats finally down the joy of getting into a pbaoe'd lord room. its enough to make the mouth water :p

as regards the incident i wasn't there but in my opinion i would probably have not gone to a heavily guarded hib keep and simply chosen another one to raid instead.


Quote: Sko ( from the link )
As russian proveb says:
"Dont go into other's monastery with your own rules".

couldnt say it better myself..



can't we all play nice? nope, we have to bitch bitch bitch flame flame flame until someone gets annoyed and we all fall out... again and again.

Is it just me that gets tired of it?



TBH i dont know why the other guilds in albion have to have a flame of sotl so much. We work damn hard for our RP in emain, have good leadership and know each other well.

Just today 1/2 our group was playing each others chars and hell, we still beat nearly 3x our numbers, its not cos we were leeching its cos we know what we are doing.
The reason walker makes a cg is so that everyone in emain has an idea what is going on rather than walking round like a headless chicken, magnetically drawn to the mmg.

All these rumours happen cos poeple just cant get along, YES we do rez dead people we find (unless theres IMMINANT danger), and YES we do help take keeps if the effort is not futile.

I dont think T30 are a bad guild, i think we mainly dont meet often enough but why you see the need to flame a gorup of people for being well organized i dont know?

Really, we are not the bad guys so stop casting us that way, some people we have are twats but its the same in every guild. And yes, as someone said above, cant we all just get along :p


not to flame and all, its nice that sotl sets up cg and its much more fun in emain now cause we albs hardly zerg anymore but could it be to much to ask about that you use the cg to inform us whats happening too just not you who take advantage of the info were posting.

cause its quite annoying when you suddenly turn up out of nowhere and ruin our nice little ambuses =(

old.Gombur Glodson

well lets say there is 40 albs in emain (happens a lot lately)
and 1fg of hibs is spotted. If its announced on cg, everybody will come after that fg, and thats not much fun.

I prefer our fg against 1-3fg not the other way.

This is my point of view, not sotl's.


pfft,SotL are the only albs that can do anything,so it should be their responsability to hold all other albs hands so they can do something too!!!11nerf SotL!!!lame bastards all of them Omg plz w00t!!11


well actually I think its a good thing if 1fg hibbies isnt reported in a cg with 40!!! albs, you guys still wonder why less and less hibs go to RvR anymore? well, to start with something, that figure 40 is kinda... high innit? ;) you gather 40 peeps in Emain, we gather 10-20... someone see the problem here?

Go more to hadrians, odins, uppland, jamtland, briefine and so on.... and mind you, going there 1 evening and hope to have a lot of fun there and expect things to change is a nono, spread out more over a longer time and perhaps things some day will change. Hibernia is more and more turning into a PvEoriented realm and people still wonder why..


oh and regarding the topic, lol, sotl did the right thing ofc, as they mostly do. Charging a defended keep with no rams is kinda.... stupid innit? What do you expect? hibs to fall down dead and surrender and let you bash doors alone for 20 minutes? learn to move around and be flexible instead.


Derric if sotl can do anything how comes we only have one relic?:p heh i am joking about so don't get fired up anyone:D


SotL have all relics but they are so selfish and lame that they won't share them with other albs!!!!1!1 o_O


Let me just say i was there that day, and to be outnumbered and still attack a keep defended by hibs is quite simply suicide, any alb with a brain can work that out. The best option was to leave and choose another keep, dont flame people for making the right and intelligent choice.


Originally posted by Delket
TBH i dont know why the other guilds in albion have to have a flame of sotl so much.

Please do'nt generalise.

On the actual topic itself.......It is an absolute waste of time trying to retake a heavily defended keep with next to no people and no rams.
Much better to take another keep thats swapped hands recently....doors may not actually be upgraded.

Indiana Jones

I was there too (at dc and in cg) but it was about 2 weeks ago, so i don't remember everything

first of all, there were no 30 hibs at dc, but about 2 fg of mids. (20 albs would have been owned by 30 mids and keep guards) I even took a screenshot of the cg where the amount of mids are mentioned (which is also a longer extract from the cg)

we made it to the 2nd door, so we weren't completely being owned by the mids. It was the constant repairing of that door and the pbaoe which made it (too) difficult to get in, so we needed help.

there were some albs who said we needed the keep for df, and in that case we should have taken another (undefended) keep.

I didn't really care about DF, all i wanted was some RvR action. And taking undefended keeps isn't really exciting. I have more fun attacking a keep and die, then run around the frontier and take undefended keeps or camp mg's. But that's because i'm an infiltrator. Infiltrators can do nothing when camping Mg or zerging, we become tanks at that time, but tanks with lousy armor :)

and to comment jenkz's quote: "you really have no right to tell others how to play the game".

In that case, you also don't have the right to order people to charge through MG (and die), and complain when half of them stayed behind...

But we SHOULD all charge through MG because we need to work together and help each other to achieve victory, just like people should have helped at DC.


As i stated on guild web its perfectly fine if someone does his own thing and insists on doing it.
Though not to flame, but....
A translation from forum where we have thread devoted to prydwen flames:

Written by Mahatma (Maha):
Nechi (my nick there - old.Sko) you talking nonsense. We stormed Dagda when second door was intact, relativly intact. And no one touched third, since wipeout was after first ram. What i was surprised at - dot 200 per tick without power relics. Wtf is this ?Nice aoe. Btw why you cant go to mids - looks like they are absent on server now, you can take em out. And Sotl just set you up - as i saw common guilds were on doors and sotl farming rp on incoming. When you were wiped, they hid in bushes, and continued farm near Cain. Even loe dont behave like this.

That's opinion of hib if you want independant view :)

PS. More cabbies please :)


Originally posted by Jenkz
tbh how dare people tell others how to play the game

Originally posted by Jenkz learn: Zergs = bad

surely the second is telling people how to play the game? you want people to think the same as you and play the same as you.


Spend less time whining at SotL and more time actually playing and I think things will work out just fine ;)


A keep with 1-2fg of mids inside is no problem.. If it was as the guy with the log said, mids not hibs. Walker even says in the extended log Indiana posted that its mids.. so whats all this 'its suicide to take a hib defended keep' stuff that you guys are saying. (sorry people flaming and coming up with excuses without correct facts drive me nutty)

But yes, its how you want to play. If you dont feel like taking a keep or are having more fun roaming around, then more power to you. And those of you who like fighting a defended keep and find it fun to try to take it directly from an enemy instead of an attack on an undefended keep, well more power to you as well. Of course taking a defended keep takes more work and strategy, but one of the nice things about this game is strategy, so that makes it fun for people as well. (its not really fun nor strategic to take an undefended keep, quite boring actually).

As for the newspost, the small excerp and the big full log posted by Indiana... make of it what you will. It is obviously the style that Walker, Jenkz and group decided they wanted to play that day, so why are you posting here offended by it. Its part of a log, not taken out of context, of things you said.. If you dont like the things you said, dont say them on public chat group lines :) Else dont whine about it and stand by it. Yes you didnt feel like spending an hour bashing a door against a defended keep (even tho it was a bunch of mids NOT hibs and they arent that hard to defeat). And yes you said as much in the chat group. And yes your comments were posted. But yes that is your view and the way you want to play the game, so stand by it, dont complain about people posting it.

In T30 we try to promote helping out the realm to our members. Which include such things as taking and defending keeps and coming to help when other albs call for assistance. No, everyone doesnt always run to help, we have our share of people who cant be arsed with this or that at the moment they are called upon, but we still try to encourage it. But to directly say so in a public channel was a bit of a folly :/ No matter if you want to or not, people will want other albs to help them accomplish the goal they are striving for. So those that do not come to help will irritate and annoy those that are trying to get something done.

So the post on T30 illustrates one attitude or feeling towards coming to the aid of other albs. Its perfectly fine if you would like to play that way, and perfectly fine you announced and said so on the public chat line. But dont flame/whine whatever this thread is, about things you DID say and DID do. If you think that what you said was offensive or wrong to post on a guild website who tries to promote its members to come to the aid of others, then dont say such things in public!

Anyways, in conclusion, if you dont want to give people the wrong idea about yourself or your guild, dont say things like "stop whinging at others to help take a pointless keep".
By that attittude all keeps in this game are pointless.. rps are pointless, xping is pointless, ... etcetc
And DC is probably one of the BEST keeps to have. Crafting keep near portal (no long walk through nasty pennine). Central location to use as safespot from running between the mg's or breifine. It is one of the most useful keeps to have, so dont call it a pointless keep :/ I spend many hours there crafting and sitting around while idling :))

Anwaysy, ill shush now :)

Wyleia Mythweaver
50th Sorc of The 30


Re: Re: The 30 news post.

Originally posted by n3wbie

surely the second is telling people how to play the game? you want people to think the same as you and play the same as you.

no, my "learn: Zergs = bad" is informing you of how sotl, and other albs, play the game in emain. to me it makes no difference if you walk around in 6fgs and sit at the mid milegate for 4 hours, just dont expect myself or others to join you.

indiana: i thought myself it was mids (i edited it out, check the edit) walker said it was hibs, makes little difference really, taking a keep with 30 defenders (who were repairing with unlimited wood) is a waste of time just to open DF. if you could have taken it so easily with 20 albs why were you nagging in CG for our 8man (afaik it was 6man, two of us were LD at the time) to come assist, its not like we would have made a difference.

so why are you posting here offended by it.

im not offended really, i just think posting four lines of a chatgroup then "<certain albs cant be bothered> to do something" exagerating the situation and whacking it on quite a well known guilds website is out of order. you dont see any kind of news post like this on sotl's website. we could EASILY chuck up a load of mis-quotes and over exagerations making out other guilds are bad, but we dont. maybe we should start and make out its all OK to do so?

Anyways, in conclusion, if you dont want to give people the wrong idea about yourself or your guild, dont say things like "stop whinging at others to help take a pointless keep".
By that attittude all keeps in this game are pointless.. rps are pointless, xping is pointless

i was refering to THAT situation, (a defended keep with repairers JUST to open DF) i mean for gods sake 8 of us had just taken crim 3 minutes prior to this chatlog. its pretty usless for crafting when we have beno, its pretty usless to take to open DF when its defended. at THAT moment in time it was a pointless keep. maybe look at the hours i have spent bashing crauch doors in sotl groups or otherwise. dont generalise from one situation.


well taking an undefended keep inst fun at all, put some defenders in it and it turn into alot more fun.

and by the way, did we take that keep?

last night mids were zerging in big numbers but there werent any alb oppsition cause all ran around doing there own things, but we could easely have ambused them if we worked togheter cause we had info on the location of the zerg all the time.

and another thing, dont take everythign as a flame.
There is a point in complaining so learn from it instead of flamming back becuse you dont wanna hear what the rest of alb would like to see you do... and this is not only to sotl or the 30s this is most of the people on this board.

there is always room for improvement :D


Oh I like whining. :D Now buzz off to your own frontier :p

blaien Kayy

I dont mind being honest here i used to hate sotl and loe thought they were both full of arrogant players and ive bitched about them in cg's on a number of occasions but my opinion was completly wrong.All it takes is to spend some time with people from these guilds to see what they are really like.Not long ago i spent a whole day grouped with hrod and the loe guys and it was a great experience i came away with a new respect for the players of that guild and also learnt alot of new tactics for rvr,and the same goes for sotl aswell grouped with them on a number of occasions.
Ever heard of the saying "Never judge a book by its cover" ? Well that applys here imo.


hrodelbert is an ok casual rvr'er - he is getting better with each day and soon we think we may be able to take his sword out of the scabbard :)


I am very sorry you had to spend a full day with Hrod Blaien, i wouldnt wish that punishment on anyone :D


Originally posted by old.Isos
well taking an undefended keep inst fun at all, put some defenders in it and it turn into alot more fun.

and by the way, did we take that keep?

sure undefended keeps are boring, but if all you want to do is open up DF.....

nope albs didnt get close from what i remember, mids had constant repairers inside.

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