The 3 1/2 hour Battle for CK in BG 1



Well, I guess is the time when I end up giving away the name of my alts that I have been playing the last week :) As some of you are aware I have raised a scout (Now level 24). Her name is Cristi and alongside her is a full enh cleric (level 21) called Puffin. The last couple of days I have spent a few hours in BG trying out Cristi for real against the Hibbs and Midds.

Last night ended up being a spectacular defensive against what seemed quite a few odds when 5 of us managed to defend the central keep for over 3 hours. The team comprised of Cristi, Puffin, Havox, Spob, and Katrel. Darkvalien was there also for a while, but had to leave before the big battle began.

Garwyn joined us in the last hour and later Saren and Palatine also managed to get to the Keep to help out. A few others managed to join late in the battle but essentially it was the original 5 who made up the key team.

The Hibbie Bridge (HB) was essentially covered by a couple of guards so that flank was relatively safe. At first it was a group of 8 that came along and both sides played at taking pots shots at each other. We died a few times and Puff was there to help rezz. A number of times we both maneuvered positions to get the upper hand, Just like a game of chess, and numerous times the played to get to Puffin, trying to draw her out to make the kill of a cleric who could rezz! After a while there was a mull and all was quiet. We did wonder if they had all gone to bed, but after checking MB and one of us getting killed by a stealther we had a feeling that something else would happen. We were not disappointed!

We retreated back into the Keep and kept watch. What seemed like an eternity, (war is just as much patience as it is fighting) 2 groups appeared at MB, which appeared to be 2 healers and a mezzer. We knew there were stealthers too but not how many. Whitchblade was there. I know that because not only we killed each other a number of times, but he would suddenly start to yell for help from what was my SE, obviously taunting us to try and get us to come out of the Keep and then the stealthers to take us by surprise. We were not fooled by his cunning plan!

Anyhow, they came and started to attack the guards failing a few times, having to fall back owing to the scouts successful shooting and Havocs amazing range with his fireballs. We lost the guards. We also lost a bowman too. But after moving Puffin up to the battlements it was a bit easier. Unfortunately Havox died numerous times, but did a valiant job at keeping post right in the firing line.

Cristi and Katrel stood by the flag poles and sniped away, making a number of kills regardless of whether they had just been rezzed or not. It’s amazing that they sat down in range just inviting death again.

Numerous times Cristi was mezzed and took quite a beating, but thankfully didn’t die to often. Playing Cristi and Puffin was hard work but good fun. The adrenaline was certainly flowing for me. For Cristi it was a case of stealthing and then going up onto the battlements for a good shot. Then making a kill, dropping back and changing position to do it again. Very effective :)

So they hard our guards and were now in a position to have a go at the door. This they did and tried to beat it down using their weapons. Poor Katrel died and landed up right against the door, so to rezz her using Puffin was a bit of a task. Every time Puffin showed her face they would all target her and try to kill her. In fact they had been trying all night to get to her being the only class among us who could rezz. Katrel stayed dead at the door for ages before we had managed to kill enough of them to make them regroup at MB and out of range so that Puffin could eventually rezz from up high. Soon we were up and running again, and with the EB and Haste from Havox, together with Puffs buffs, we were making easy kills.

So they decided to come in force... 4 groups this time, as far as we could see, Masses of them but this time they had a battering ram. They were determined to take the Keep and had managed to muster the forces too. So not only was Puffin healing the bowmen, now to keep our numbers up, Havox was also buffing everything in sight to make all shots count! Well we kept them at bay for a long time, but alas we couldn’t really target those operating the ram, nor the ram itself so the first door eventually caved in. I was getting a little low on arrows at that point so I was beginning to wonder just how long we would last.

I believe a 2nd battering ram was used against the inner door and we could see it appearing at times. Occasionally a guard would run from within the keep and attack something at the gate. Meanwhile we were running around taking up positions and killing where possible.

During this period, Garwyn and Palatine appeared, goodness knows how they got into the keep and a little later Saren did too. So we were more now. We knew the doors were going to go sooner or later so most of us went to the tower and decided would make our stand there. I kept Cristi outside as she has a pretty good stealth and I tend to find it difficult to target when shooting out of a window or slit in the wall.

So in they stormed, quite a few of them but somehow we managed to beat them off! It ended up being a melee as they had broken in to the tower at this point and appeared to be everywhere. It was total mayhem, but after what seemed like a couple of minutes, it was all over. We had somehow managed to avoid a hostile takeover. WOW! We had done it!! During this time Puffin was kept busy as they had stealthers inside the keep and eventually she died rezzing one of the team.

Ooops! No other rezzer in Thidranki, so I had to release Puff and then try to make it back. We kept pounding away at them so eventually we managed to kill their rezzers too so we gained some valuable time. There was a lull in the battle now so Katrel and Cristi went back to ATK and we filled ourselves up with arrows. We just knew they would be back as soon as possible, as now the doors were down and all they had to was to storm the keep. Their numbers would eventually overwhelm us and they could see the Keep within their grasp.

We stealthed back to the keep and thankfully managed to win the race them back to keep. We only had a maximum of 10 mins before they would Port again so there was no hanging around.

Puffin by this time was on the Port pad at Sauvage waiting for a port. Luckily I could see what was happening on the main PC at the time, so when the time came I ran Puff straight back to the keep, hitting the Numlock, pointing her in the general direction and really hoping for the best! When she eventually hit the keep wall, near AB, I took her round to the doors till the enemy was just in sight keeping as close to the Keep as possible. At the last moment, I hit the sprint key and made a mad dash inside. Weaving around Trolls and dwarfs who by this time were inside the keep. Puff finally managed to get into the tower by some miracle or other. Thanks to the team who laid down covering fire.

But alas... the Midds pushed home their attack and finally managed to kill us all, taking over the keep, which is now in the Midd's hands :(

This was a battle and a half and most incredible fun I have ever had! You guys who stayed all night were just amazing. It was brilliant teamwork and tactics and we really must have peed them off quite a bit!!

I just simply had to write about it and tell you all. My hats off to the Mid team!! 10 out of 10 for being persistent!

The bad news is for me that Cristi started off with something like 230 RP's and now has 374. She went LD earlier and ended back at PK Bridge so there is now more level 20 - 24 BG now. So I guess its onto the next level.

Whitchblade I will meet you again. Hurry up and get to BG 2! We will dual again!

PS: Unless either of these tow alts get PM's about BG, they will be ignored. Leave them in peace please. No weaps orders or enquiries to these two characters, however desperate you are!


Shame I wasn't there... Kiekeboe is my alt btw. And most other stealthers know me I think very well ;)


wow you could sell that off as book so much content must have taken ages to write :) my infil is lvl 19 so nearly there :)


lvling up my 17 merc at the moment, and i should really get another 4 levels on my cabby so i can nearsight some runie/eldy scum :)


Hmm.. I really miss the BGs. Kiarra's post inspired me to do some serious leveling with my Cabby. And it's much more fun to level alts, you can actually notice the exp bar moving most of the time.

3 levels to go and I'm off to Thidranki :cool:.


nice GJ

As of u Kiarra, i've experienced my most fun in low bg with my infi in a very long time, now when hes almost capped, im reconsider of getting another infi there.
Bg is easy to lvl to and whenever u enter, theres only a matter of mins before ur engaged in a battle =)


Sweeeet Battle kiarra

And as u can c, when u dont camp TK's u will have AWESOME fights =)

and i wonder who will repiar those lvl 9 doors, because i know some1 upgraded them that high, little stupied, becayse as u can c, with ram they go boom boom , and cant ber repaired, thats 2K ironwood to 5% repair =)

but lets not us forget main thread, GJ Kiarra =)


shame noone goes to murdaigean or caledonia :(

should start an advertising campaign :) my earth wizzie wants to throw some bolts in Caledonia.


Hi Cristi

I was also at the BG fight that night but on the opposing side (Panza the Warrior). I would just like 2 congratulate u guys on a good defence for such a long time, although personally i wished u were less well specced in that bow of yours =)

Our first ram was actually bugged so that didnt help, and you were right about the ram on the second gate as well, we meant business for once :)

Level 9 gate eh? i thought i was sinking a large amount of time and money into the repairs....

I look forward 2 meeting u again in the next levels as soon as this DF frenzy begins to wear off for peeps...

Panza 23rd warrior / 700 Armourcrafter

PS TK camping sux, i will try stop my guys doing it if u try stopping yours.....


Originally posted by plasta
Hi Cristi

I was also at the BG fight that night but on the opposing side (Panza the Warrior). I would just like 2 congratulate u guys on a good defence for such a long time, although personally i wished u were less well specced in that bow of yours =)

I look forward 2 meeting u again in the next levels as soon as this DF frenzy begins to wear off for peeps...

Panza 23rd warrior / 700 Armourcrafter

PS TK camping sux, i will try stop my guys doing it if u try stopping yours.....

Wow, Great to be able just to say Hi :)

yes, I hate camping too, and you will often feel my arrows before you see me, I try to always be where you least expect me to be and will often just hit once and run, not to kill but just to let you know Im there LOL :)

The bow is hand crafted, 99% quality, and the best arrows too :) It seems to work well <giggle>

Im loooking forward to battling against you guys again :)


hmm, i posted loooooonnngggggg time ago a thread to BG 30-35 about TK camping, and i have seen some matter cabbys at 20-24 also, if albs TK camp , what i used to do was i Nearsighted all mids at TK, so they coudlnt come even near our guys, because of no range, i also posted info that i will do it, so middies would know, im trying to stop the TK camping, and i did it 2 hours in a row, and about 30 albs suicided at TK because nothing was happening, and yes , there were 30 albs camping it =)

why i did that was i camed to defend keep always with 4 peeps from lyonesse , where we chained some clerks in group of 4, and every single time when we came to BG, we killed attackers, repaired door, and 10 mins later all albs were at TK , camping it, so i just desided to NS them couple of hoyurs, and make the place even more boring , and there was also Arthwyr with me, becuase we laughed with mids all albs who were suiciding, and funniest part was when 3 diff Allinance channels were spamming that we were the biggest mid Spys on game, lmao , was hilarious, but TK camping ended for next 2 hours after that, and we had some nice fights at keep again, but as usuall , next day same shit agian.

So i suggest if albs dont believe that TK camping ruins the BG, cabbys, start to NS them, and middies, dont kill the cabbys that time =)

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