Thats all folks !!!



A lilttle message to say thanks and goodbye to all i have known through this game. I am sorry i will not be around for the pvp or expansion, as i need more time to do other things.

Big shouts out to Centuri, and all the happy go lucky chaps that are in KOTL. It was always fun when u guys were around. Thanks for all the uber loot (shucks i was the only high level scout in guild, therefore all yer bows and studded belong to me, heh hee)
(hmmm i think cent still owes me that bow of doom???)
Also a lil wave to the shadowlords and zerathol, was very fun at the beginning :) Also to cowled for much fun on walls.

A big shout to the jigg master, keep on jigging and of course to the main man, thedaddy.

I will in the meantime, play a little of bit of mankind, and will probably wait for swg.

Atm the moment i gonna be designing some models and skins and hopefully these will be downloadable once there are done for either quake3 or UT2k3. If you want to see any work, i will (once i get them done) be sending them to planetquake and polycount.

Ps does any1 working the games industry know of any1 LFGA ( looking for games artists. I am a level 5 l33t draw master and have spec in 3dsmax and a lil bit in photoshop. Please pm if interested.

Laters all, have fun
:clap: :clap:


bye man!

good luck with the 3d stuff :)

ps get my email of budgie, maybe i can get mysta some RP while you gone :)

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