Juta wanted 2 say txs again to novamir and all the others in that group 4 a brillant group 2day, i know i just happened 2 b in the right place at the right time, but it was much apricated to let me join, was great xp and great fun just running round EZ watching u all gank ne thing which got in your way
so come on all you high lvls out there do they same and help 1 of your realm's shades.
like to thank thalion aswell, if u hadnt grouped with me 2 kill darrigs etc.. i would never had the chance 2 join
lvl 46 shade, 47 days /play +
so come on all you high lvls out there do they same and help 1 of your realm's shades.
like to thank thalion aswell, if u hadnt grouped with me 2 kill darrigs etc.. i would never had the chance 2 join
lvl 46 shade, 47 days /play +