Thankyou for turnout on Relic Raid


The Dragon

Big thx to those that came and remained positive.

Although I have been on quite a few raids as a grunt or maybe even squad commander, its tought at the top. Delegation is the key, unfortunatly some key ppl in on the plans were unable to make it, RL is more important and dont blame then its a game.

Learned :

Less experienced ppl dont understand the idea of spies and secrecy.
Hibernia is a b*tch to surprise attack.
PM's are the bane of my life =)
PPL always complain of late news even if you tell em before you attack.
Albion needs to work more as one. (see next post)

Thanx again those that wanted it to work.


another thing u shud learn is not to have 2fg of albs spotted running around aimlessly in a place where no hibs rvr.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

It was good fun all in all. We will do better next time. :)

Bridge Trent

Is no-one going to mention the spamming of IRC tonight announcing the position of albion forces prior to the raid? The problem isnt going to go away but its easy for one person to ruin a well planned raid by doing this sort of thing. Oh well I hope the problem isnt as widespread as I think it is. The people/guilds who do this are not helping the realm, it takes away the challenge, its the same sort of people who have to cheat as soon as games get a bit tough for them not try harder etc etc.

Qte Eth

was very few albs tho .not as usual Zerg relic raid..
no not Zerg -ZERG relic raid

Madonion Slicer

Thx for arraging the raid Draven sorry for the poor show of Red Dragons, but i learned alot and we can only get better.


I suicided on some keep, couldnt be bothered with some half arsed attempt at a relic raid.
not saying I could do better because I probably couldn't, but I wouldn't waste other peoples time.
Leave the relic raids to WF imo....
Also about albion working as one, sorry but I dont think that had anything to do with the people but the person in command.
Last relic raid I went on was a good example of albion working together well (str relic return.)


Grats for the effort - we joined too late to reinforce you - but there's always next time.

The Hibs are merely delaying the inevitable.



Why do you always blame spies when a relic attempt fails? Its prity easy to spot an alb relic raid because if the alb zerg isnt sat outside amg or mmg its the only other place your likely to be.


Well done, Draven. As Arindra already said, SS got word of the raid far too late to be of much use (we were retaking and defending alliance keeps in Albion at the time), not to mention the Mid zerg that hit us as we were about to move out from AMG.

Duryn, while WF has certainly done a good job on previous raids (darn, need to write that chronicle someday), remember that he started out like this, as a "mere" level 50 wizard in a normal (albeit RvR and high-profile) Albion guild. He now has two successful relic raids under his belt and the respect and credibility to go with that, but why must there only be one relic raid arranger/commander in Albion? What happens if WF gets hit by a bus (hehe) or loses interest in the game?

The usual response to people calling for relic raids is to arrange one themselves. At least Draven put his money where his mouth is and did something about the power relics instead of just posting on BW (like some have in the past). Please at least give people the benefit of the doubt and your best effort instead of slagging off people who take the time and effort to organize something like this. Suiciding on "some keep" instead of helping is just lame.


Very well put Belomar

Keep trying , learn from your mistakes and you will succede.
Good attempt.


here here Belomar!

/respect to wildfire for previous sucessful raids, but this doesn't mean he is the only person who can organise one.

Plus I think it would be unfair to leave only one person responsible and organising and running all the raids.

I have a few ideas that I would like to try out on a future raid, maybe even lead one one someday, not sure if they will work, but I hope to have the oportunity to try in the future :)

Grats for organising it, shame it failed, better luck next time :clap: Keep up the pressure, and keep costing them hibbies on door repairs ;)

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Darkdancer.
Why do you always blame spies when a relic attempt fails? Its prity easy to spot an alb relic raid because if the alb zerg isnt sat outside amg or mmg its the only other place your likely to be.

Seen enough relic raids to say thats not neccesarily the case :) Obviously with good planning and thought an army can be formed and attack without people knowing.


Originally posted by Duryn
I suicided on some keep, couldnt be bothered with some half arsed attempt at a relic raid.
not saying I could do better because I probably couldn't, but I wouldn't waste other peoples time.
Leave the relic raids to WF imo....

Pretty sure WF his first attempts werent all that sucsess full either

Also about albion working as one, sorry but I dont think that had anything to do with the people but the person in command.
Last relic raid I went on was a good example of albion working together well (str relic return.) [/B]

Yes it has samething to do with the people that are leading it, but aditudes like yours are not helping.
You wanne be lead by expiriance people but you cant be buggerd to help those people get some expiriance.

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