Thanks for the flames Guigsy (or whatever you call yourself)



Wow! what a shame, I stepped onto a British server for the first time a few days back just to check things out, for some reason some prick who goes by the name 'Warchild' decided to have a go at me, I matched his immaturity and flamed him back. Big deal, but when I asked him to duel in an attempt to deflate his oversized ego; he dodged me. So what, no big deal, all servers have to have one arsehole.

I log back on tonight to play again, and for some reason theres this guy taunting the hell outta me and adding little insults like 'you suck' etc. When I ask what his beef is, he reminds me...low and behold, its that gimp 'Warchild'. So, being in a resolving mood, I ask him to duel again, if not just to get him to leave me alone. Long story short, he starts more trash talk about already owning me. No big deal, hes just some lamer.

What did dissappoint me though, was 'Guigsy' who I recognized from Team ENG, just happenned to join in the server and immediately, with out having any knowledge of what was being said; call me a lozer and tell me basically to fuck off. What the hell?! I hope you have more ruWanks in your team than Guigsys because that was plain stupid. I don't give a damn for some idiot that calls himself 'Warchild' flaming me, but it was sad to see a member of team ENG acting ignorant like that. Its a wonder he made it in the team at all with that attitude. And btw; yeah, after trying to explain the situation to Guigsy and getting nothing but insults back, I called him a prick (amoung other names) and left the server. I still have total respect for team ENG and any English players, from what I have seen on pubs, you do great lagged, I just hope the trash talking I have seen so far isn't a regular thang, because I makes for unpleasant playing.


P.S. Guigsy; If I see you on a server again, flame away, I'll just ignore you next time. If you believe it is just a game like you said, act like it.

old.[WTc] Guigsy

yeah like i said... its only a game. I sugest we all act like it.

And at the point i would also like to remind you of the stick we got on the TWC board before the game. With all "USA is so blody great, and England is crap" poasts. Almost proved you wrong there. Please take into account the size of the east of the usa (or west for that matter) and compare it with the size of england...
as ruwank just put it in irc
"<ruWank> If America played Europe we'd f**k them over"

i did know what was going on and it wasnt my right to join in... but things dont work that way. If someone you know is getting slagged off then you join in. Thats how it works

If you decide to start "flaming" anyone i know i will also ignore you... there is a mute option u know.


Whoooow cant we all cool it a bit it seam's to me like we all got uptight at the start of the season a bit over competetive maybe .

But the atmosphere in tribes has definatley taken a dive ...Wot happend to all the help and patience that got me to dump Q2 for a game with fealing..


As current leader of -=IG=-, I guess I've got to make a point here, as this thread is aimed at one of the -=IG=- personnell.
Firstly, WarChild is not the easiest person to deal with, the fact remains that people dont give the guy a chance and like yourself, Stigma, end up fighting with him. Furthermore, if you have a problem with any of the -=IG=- players I suggest you speak to me about it. WarChild, is not english, and therefore has nothing to do with the england squad, which brings up the question of why you are attacking Guigsy, as any comments he made were probably done because he felt they were necessary.
I've spoke to some people who were on the server at the time and so far I've not found one person who didn't feel you were acting out of order towards WarChild, which is probably an indicator of why you were kicked from the server.
If you would like to continue this discussion further, you can find me in Barrysworld IRC, in room #[ig]. All the evidence to date, however, points towards you being a complete nonce, but I would be more than happy to hear your side f the story.


Well I have the greatest respect for the IG squad but I must admit Warchild is the biggest egomaniacal fuckhead ever to grace a Tribes server (sorry nicen).
This is the guy who used to have the scream - laggggggggg bound whenever he took damage - nuff said...



here here

Warchild has proven himself to be a llama, it's not a surprise to see, after so long that he is still acting like an immature sh*t

Theres always going to be llamas on a server, best thing to do is vote to kick them or just simply mute them.


Guigsy; Firstly, I have never been anything but an avid supporter of team ENG and if you re-read the rant boards, you will find that I was 'duking' it out with yanks before any team ENG members made any posts. Yeah, I live in California now, but it seemed as soon as I mentioned my location, the whole issue turned into a 'you stupid yank, fuck off our server' thing. Guigsy, what I was trying to tell you last night is I may live here, but only in the last few years. I actually come from Kent, England and support everything English since I left. Anyways, I'm sure if you think about it better now, theres no reason to act like the yanks and insult ppl like that, if you have a yank on your server, instead be nice to em...its the best flame there is!

IG leader: thank you for your post, you come accross a lot more mature than what I have seen so far of IG (warchild etc). I have no idea who 'IG' is but I'll be happy to explain what happenned to you in that channel. btw: I just remember what started this whole thing; I was impressed with Warchild's skillz and asked him what IG stands for, that was the first thing I EVER said to the guy...he replies "a tribe". I told him I knew that, but what did the letters 'IG' stand for and he just wouldn't respond with anything but cocky comments. All I wanted to know was what his tribe was, big deal, obviously he was the wrong person to ask. Eventually I acted as stupid as Warchild and we got into some slagging match. In the future I'll try not going down to that level.

Guigsy, I wasn't kicked from the server although I recall a vote being started to boot me. I left of my own free will because I got tired of getting nowhere with you.

btw: being a boxing fan, what was your guys reaction to the first fight that occured between Lenix Lewis and Hollyfield and then the second time when Lewis got the judges decision?

anyways, peace


Stigma [TKB]

old.[WTc] Guigsy

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Guigsy, I wasn't kicked from the server although I recall a vote being started to boot me. I left of my own free will because I got tired of getting nowhere with you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ask anyone else on the server and they'll say you were kicked rejoined then left... that is what i got on the screen... but its not important

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Firstly, I have never been anything but an avid supporter of team ENG and if you re-read the rant boards, you will find that I was 'duking' it out with yanks before any team ENG members made any posts. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

i never said it was you... just others

[This message has been edited by [WTc] Guigsy (edited 05 March 2000).]


"With all "USA is so blody great, and England is crap" poasts. Almost proved YOU wrong there"

notice the capatalized 'you'...thats why I explained my support of team ENG.

I was not booted from the server, I dropped and then rejoined almost immediately (within 2 or 3 seconds) to tell you that you where acting like an arsehole. If I had been booted I would have had to restart tribes and re-ping. I really doesn't matter though. I've heard enough to know to mute you and Warchild in the future.

Stigma [TKB]


is it me or does this post sound a bit over rated ?, its only a game, not a life or death situation, i think u lot need to get out more, jesus, you cant even see the other person u r arguing to.

go down da pub or summing



Yeah Stigma not to worry - myself and warchild had a go at each other too on our first meeting but he's fine now


hehe...good point frankie, I think I'll do just that ;P

Stigma [TKB]


Stigma -
lo there - I'm sorry I didn't get back to you about England but its been mental to organise and Jekill said you couldnt play for England as you reside in the US.

After reading this thread - I wouldn't let one visit to a Brit pubby put you off. Just mute llamas, and most people are ok.
Excuse Guigsy as he is from Rotherham, well a little village nearby where they all know each other really well if you know what I mean
J/k guigs as you know ;p

As for Warchild - ooo Xtro says something controversial - when I first had dealing with him I thought he was the biggest fuckwit I had ever seen grace a server. However in recent dealings with him on pubbies he's been absolutely fine - I did re-evaluate what I thought of him. Good work Warchild. Now I've written this he'll probably go and do something stupid

btw - Thumper of CL - you fuckwit llama I hate you Thumper piss off



Thanks for the words Xtro! One bad experiance on a British pub wouldn't put me off, I know how public servers can be and I assure you the U.S ones are probably worse for flames and what not. As for Warchild, it sounds like I'm not the only one to have a bad experiance with him. But I'll say for the record that I was not on my best behavior that night either and flamed him back. Take it easy and gl with the rest of the tourney!

[This message has been edited by Stigma (edited 06 March 2000).]

old.[WTc] Guigsy

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I was not booted from the server, I dropped and then rejoined almost immediately (within 2 or 3 seconds) to tell you that you where acting like an arsehole.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

hmm to escape the kick maybe...

ok i'll stop now



K thanks for the reply to my reply,,, id like to get things cleared up as soon as possible, so if you have icq u can contact me at 47132571 or email me at and we can hopefully get this resolved,, although from this thread it seems that most of it has already.



You would have thought, nearly 2 years on that this sort of thing would have run its course and faded out. But no.. blimey.


I have run into Warchild a few times on the server. Sometimes he's been fine, but tends to get very stroppy when someone actually dares to shoot back
nuff said.


Oh Great, good i read this i heard someone posted something about me here..
well first if all like nicengood told you already im not english, thats why i DID NOT say anything to you guigsly did the word
and what the hell about the duel ?
Ask everyone who you see if i duel or not..
I ALWAYS duel when someone ask it and when i say where ? u did not reply and had a wordfight with guigsly.. so plz no lies about duel... and stamper i dont even know you why are ya talking about me then ?
and oh yeah hehe mad, why was you acting like a 3 years old child a long time ago when i was in a server with you, u said suddenly haha im better than you (suddeny, still dunno the reason) can i remind ya i kicked ur butt there for about 5 times, thnx guys, GREAT without dictionary guys!


eerrrmm lagggg sound when i took damage ?
LOL then i must be flooding a lot... no it wasnt when i took damage only when i had real lag and err i changed that a long time ago cuz it was a bit loud


k last message of me..
LOL didnt i say the name imperial guards.. well i can tell ya i did say it
Im proud to say the name "imperial Guards"

And yes i said "a clan" i didnt know what i needed to say, but i know for sure i told ya the tribesname


Hey DUDE I 0wn j00
I am l33t - I r0x0r - you sux0r, I will fux0r you - ph33r me and my M4D Sk11Z.


Or alternatively enjoy a nice cuppa and a pleasant game of tribes.


Before you know it, Mad will be calling Warchild German hehe

Just stop posting here for your own safety Mad


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