Thane Stormcalling potentially being Reworked as part of 1.65



Heres what Id like:

Reduce cast time on single to 2-3 seconds, too easily interupted by just about anything atm including luris sneezing in the next zone.

Make the shammy Acuity buff actually do something for us!

Give decent epic armour, must be te shatiest resists on any epic ive seen. (for that fact all epic should be harder and much more worth having!) Oh and it would be nice too if it didnt look liek a pair of dungarees.

Increase our HP - why is our top self boof much less than the shammy one, that dont make sense as its our spec, not a bonus.

Give a decent unique RA, static tempest is the worst one in the game, and I very much doubt anyone in their right mind has actually got it.

Make all our spells do damage, the single insta gets resisted wayyyyyy too much.

Theres probably more,


I dont believe it before i see it...and it said that it can take 6month before something happens?!,,,,,F**K OFF Mythic,GOA or what ever,,,u are only 1 year or so behind schedule,,,congratz on yer stupidity ,,,PFFFFT :mad: :evil: ...

3 things that can be done that makes thanes more luvvalbe

1. increase selfbuff value (the one today is a joke compared to a shammy buff)
2. slighly increase of stormcalling dmg ( today we only says hello to our enemies and it gets resisted too much)
3. Givfff decent RA ( dont have anything that makes us RvR needy )

But it wont happen,,not before I say goodbye to this game


The hybrid tables are the same as the rogue tables. There are elven shades with more hp than elven champs, and the melee tables are the same. In Hib, champ, ranger, shade, warden, bard all have the same melee / hp table (hybrid). I know champs from the Halls of Valor forums that rant about that quite a bit, but the biggest killer is being a non-det tank and spending the fight cc'd all the time.

Sorc mezz has 1875 range and 400 radius, 72 second duration and they'll spam it the whole fight, so if you want tanks in your group do you pick the ones with cheap determination (easy to get 45%, and up to 75% cc duration reduction), cheap purge and more life or a poor champ / thane who *might* have 10 point purge? It's very expensive to get AP & IP too as a hybrid, so low RR hybrids are basically fodder. High RR hybrids though are pretty evil ;) 57% abs armour anyone?


Mercine go do a search on post my myself on the geeral forum, which categorically dispute your claims of a single table.

Thanes are on the Rogue Weaponskill and HP table

Champions, Paladins and Reavers are on the Hybrid Tank weaponskill and HP table

Skalds are on the Rogue HP table but the Hybrid Tank weaponskill table.

In fact I will make it easy for ya :D

Weaponskill Tables

HP Tables


I wouldn't cry about being on the rogue weapskill table, us melee rangers happily rip up armsman, warriors and even the odd zerker and merc once in a while. I think the biggest reason we're able to do this is our self damage add, isn't that something Thanes have too? Granted of course that we duel weild a damage add but most rangers have only the 7dps (?) one whereas Thanes (please correct me if I'm wrong) is 11dps is it not? If a ranger say has 50% chance to duel weild then he swings the second damage add 50% of the time, so would get say 7dps mainhand + 3.5dps offhand (10.5dps total for the mathematically challenge) , thus I don't think Thane damage output can be that bad surely?

I must admit that as a tank style class you thanes deserve more HPs but I'm a little weary about seeing Mid get yet another uber class. Let's hope they don't take the SC love TOO far like they usually do. So good luck to Thanes on becoming a competitive and balanced class! ;)

Now where's my pathfinding love :p


Hmm, on the HP table issue Solid, I definetely have equal HPs unbuffed with my elf ranger as an equal +const and +hps elf champ has without his self buff so those figures seem a little odd to say the least. I've always seen rangers with equivalent or slightly higher/lower depending on bonuses hps to champs before the self str/const buff.


The chances of thanes becoming uber are quite slim :D

However, if Mythic for once did something useful, they might turn it into a decent, balanced class.



The numbers are accurate, an EU player did the same test independantly on /level 20 chars and came to the EXACT SAME conclusion. Its in the same thrad, page 2 or 3 I think

And the Thane level 46 Self DPS Add is 9.6 DPS.


Same as the Ranger 46dps add then it seems. Guess Rangers do get an extra DPS or two out of their damage add in that case.

Dunno how I managed to get more hp than some champs then. I'll try and find someone to compare with tonight with and without buffs at level 50. Only thing I can think is if the champs lied and didn't really cap const and hps on their SC suits or didn't really have equal aug const in which case BAD CHAMPS FOR LYING! It's not my fault dammit :p


Originally posted by uma_thurman
If Mythic thinks that thanes are casters in chain, then keep them on the rogue hp table, but make their spells more than tickle. You cannot compare thanes to champions in this respect as the champ does not have a castable DD and therefore should be stronger in melee to compensate. Saying that, with the exception of BDS, all casters need some help because of the crazy resists.

As for new spells, a pulsing PBAOE like reavers would be fun and would make the life of an infil more challenging. I dunno why they gave runies the GTAOE when they have plenty of tricks...don't see wehy thanes could not have this instead ("erm Thor pls do me a favour and blast that area over there!"). Perhaps increasing the damage on the castable DD too by 20/30% too.

On a related note, smite clerics were nerfed and then nerfed again by the introduction of SC. Whilst I would not want to see all clerics become smite, certainly the smite line, like the stormcalling line, needs looking at again.

The idea of letting shammie str/con stack with thane self buff is interesting, especially if that means friars can have cleric spec dex/qui stacking with their own self-buff! Yes please!!

bump for the benefit of Solid

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