Thane Final Spec.



Was thinking of getting this spec after respec.

41 Hammer
46 Stormcalling
42 Shield
16 Parry


If U r gonna spec shield, forget parry, its really not worth it. 1H Thane dont benefit fromt he 115% bonus that 2H do, so u need as much hammer skill as poss.

I still think the clasic 444/46/42 is the best for a shield Thane.

Point to note, as a Thane using a Medium shield, you can have up to 2 players attacking you without taking a penalty to block chance.

Parry chance is divided by the number of people attacking you.

16 Parry = 8% + 5% base chance. Thats 13% to parry against 1 person, 6.5% vs 2, 4.3% vs 3 etc.

If u gonna dorp hammer may as well go 39 Hammer, 46 SC, 42 Shield, rest parry, then u will be a very defensive Thane.


Originally posted by Solid
If U r gonna spec shield, forget parry, its really not worth it. 1H Thane dont benefit fromt he 115% bonus that 2H do, so u need as much hammer skill as poss.

I still think the clasic 444/46/42 is the best for a shield Thane.

Point to note, as a Thane using a Medium shield, you can have up to 2 players attacking you without taking a penalty to block chance.

Parry chance is divided by the number of people attacking you.

16 Parry = 8% + 5% base chance. Thats 13% to parry against 1 person, 6.5% vs 2, 4.3% vs 3 etc.

If u gonna dorp hammer may as well go 39 Hammer, 46 SC, 42 Shield, rest parry, then u will be a very defensive Thane.

ok, how do i get the 444/46/42 spec.. :) Where do i get the extra points. hehehehehe


I was thinking about getting SC to 48, since they're lowering timers in some upcoming patch. With spellcrafting you can easily get hammer to 50. Then again, my Thane will probably always be a gimp


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
Then again, my Thane will probably always be a gimp

Yup i have to agree with you on that one... :)


WTF? :( MOD! MOD! I've been insulted, lock TEH thread plzzzzz


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
WTF? :( MOD! MOD! I've been insulted, lock TEH thread plzzzzz

Awwwww :D Me respect you anyway.


Here is what i think... 2 nice formulas.... first of all... u are a Tank
not a caster... so melee is the most importand thing...
first formula the most ppl friendly is
50 weapon (hammer.sword.axe)
42 shield (slam is UBER)
38 SC ..
7 parry or soemthing like that....

second formula is kinda extreme!!! yet it can work better on pvp server...
50 weapon 2handed OF COURSE (hammer.axe.sword)
50 parry
28 sc

this spec requires othere benefits like.. a buffbot/uber items
yet it can be leathal....

thats all... ohh and never forget!!!! there is no exp like the tanglers exp!!


First of all, you're NOT a tank, and you're NOT a caster, you're a hybrid.

Now for your specs Bartar....

50 weapon = Why? Have you even seen the level 50 hammer style?

38 SC = :D :D :D Roll a warrior instead? At 38 you dont get the nice dmg-add, and not the best spells, so why even bother?

50 parry = Well, figure it out yourself :rolleyes:

28 SC= O M G lol. Think the above should explain why this isnt bright.


Bartar, you might wanna read up on the StormCalling line abit there. If your dropping that few points in SC, then do as ardrias say, roll a warrior.
I would say the "perfect" template for thanes is weapon 44, SC 46 for last add, 42 shield and rest in parry

Else i would suggest, as i have 48 in SC atm and that last lightning kicks a**, got 41 weapon, yeah its a silly number, but with crafted weapons its gonna be hard to get that many points into hammer, so 41 weapon, 48 SC, 42 shield, 0 spare points.

Im going for the 1. specc when i get the respec, my current spec sucks some

And 2-handed specs will suck some after a couple of patches where shield/parry-rate is upped alot. Most alb tanks is weapon+shield anyways, same with hibs, which will cripple you when they block/parry many of your attacks. You might parry some, but not enough.


I agree with Glyph, and IF they make advantageous changes to the SC line (aka remove that damn TL Timer) then I will respec 41 Hammer, 48 SC 42 SHield, as Glyph ,mentioned, if they dont make changes that boosts TL I will likely go 44/46/42


Thane is not a tank
a tank is defined as a class with the Skills AND hp to soak up a lot of damage from multiple opponents. Thanes are on ROGUE hp and on HYBRID damage table. They were always intended to be a caster/melee hybrid and its just a shame that we are infact 60% Tank, 20% caster 20% missing :D


Originally posted by Solid
They were always intended to be a caster/melee hybrid and its just a shame that we are infact 60% Tank, 20% caster 20% missing :D

You got that right!

Shame our only de-nerf coming is 10 secs knocked off our DD line..still, bloody hard to cast when ya having the sh1t kicked out of you.

I say go 48 SC, many a time my DD has taken the final breath out of an enemy stealther as they try and run away.


Why most mids.. and generaly tanks..... think that hiting a weapon to skill 50 (axe.sword.hammer) its only good for styles...
the more hammer skil u have the more weapon skill u have.....
and not only that.... u also think that the higher the skill in a weapon the less bonus u get... so why get a weapon to 50.. and not to 44 its not much of a deal.. u think!! as u rise higher and higher above 50 with rr and items.. ur weaponskill (dmg) rises alot more... to give an example... if u are lvl 44 with 43 hamer.. and u rise hammer 1 point u get 5 weapon skill.... yet if u have 55
hammer and u get realm rank or item to 56 u get 12-13 weapon skill.. if u have 60 and rise to 61 u get 25+ in weapon skill.... ALSO
the more hammer u have.. the more bonus u get from str.. if u have 50 hamer and 190 str.. lets say u have 990 weapon skill...
well if u rise to 51 u ll have 1000 skill at least... (+10)
now... if u have 50 hammer and 220 str lets say u have 1030 in weapon skill.. if u rise to 51 u ll get 1050 weapon skill (+20) i am not very sure if my numbers are 100% corect yet i am 10000% sure that weapon skill is very underastimated by ppl... so about thanes now... why 38 sc and not 46... with more sc u do more melee and more dds.. yes.. but when u rvr.. as thane u do it in group.. solo rvr as thane is... point laugh point laugh so in a group u ll get buffed.. so personal buffs loose their value.. and u ll do alot more dmg with melee with a good buffer (if u hit 50 in weapon) than if u do better dds with high sc.. yet ae hammers =
rp leeching.. so u have a good reason to have good dds... but for pvp server things are not the same..

cya.. and never forget!!! there is no exp... like the tanglers exp!!!

Bartar 50 paladin albion/prydwen
Bartaar 43 skald midgard/prydwen


Well then, for your "melee" thane, you want lots of damage?

Then you very well will have to get the last dmg-add, or any warrior would outdamage you, thus making warrior a more viable option. Therefore, 38SC does NOT work.

As for the "lot" more damage you do with skill over 50.
If I equip an item that raises my skill, my cap rises by.... hold on..... 6 dmg! I mean, woohoo, that's like.... AWESOME! Not.... With your selfbuff you get your skill to ~1000 even if you spec 41-42 weapon, since epic armor gives +4 to it.

And I dont read in your sigature that you have a level 50 Thane, so where do you get this from?


LOL@ Bartar

You actually think each weapon spec point ABOVE 50 gives larger return that each weapon skill below 50? L O L

You sure your not measuring your weaponskill before and after a fresh ding and train?

ie Weaponskill at 43 (43 Weapon spec) = xxx
then weaponskill at 44 (44 Weapon spec) = xxx

cos if you are thats nonsense, there are loads of variables that effect weaponskill including Str, Level, Spec.

FYI A tank that gets 39+11 to a weapon is getting much more weaponskill bonus for his/her +11 than a tank that has 50+11.

You ever heard of a phrase coined DIMISHING RETURNS. Go read The Camelot Herald then come post you thoughts.

No one questions that higher ur weapon spec higher your weaponskill, but to even propose that spec bonus above 50 is greater than spec bonus below 50 is very misinformed.

If you are certain, post some ACTUAL REAL figures, not estimations, then we may listen.

Just for you I will post my weapon skill gain from 56-60 hammer when all other stats remain the same.

If you could do the same for a difference of 4 weapon spec below 50 (ie 38-42 weapon say) we can compare relative gains :D


Bartar, you really dont know what you are talking about :(
As Ardrias says, seems he says some smart stuff, when raising your skill above 50 you almost dont gain anything, so its not worth it.
And NO, i said NO damage add in game than thane damage add, the lvl 46 damage add is NOT something you can get from anyone.
Same with the str buff, again the BEST in game, you might be able to get double buff str/con but it stacks with thane add.
Dont know if you ever heard, but thanes can carry a ram themselves, not many can do that, and that is without getting any buffs from anyone.

Thane solo in RvR, point, laugh, point, laugh??, as you say they are weak?

Bartar, start reading up on thanes, weaponskill and if you want to talk about thanes, start making one and see how much you WILL suck


Well i think u missunderstand me.... ffs who says thanes are gimps??? midgard is as strong as it is now.. bacause of thanes!!
thanes saved midgard thanes own!!! and it was far better that midgard has alot more thanes than warriors... what i said is thanes cant solo rvr!!! (as no tank can.. maybe skald) yet.... weapon skill is everything..... weapon skill + str is what u really are having 65 in a weapon will make u hit hardest than anything in tha game... wait and see i ll make some actual tests with my paladin based on str and slash skill.. and i let u know.. i have done it before i just dont remember the excact figures..

cya and never forget.... there is no exp like the tanglers exp!!!

Bartar paladin albion/prydwen
Bartaar skald midgard/prydwen


Bartar you just spieled off a waffle of illconcieved technobabble. Kinda hard to misunderstand, you were quite clear as to what u were saying, even if it is mostly wrong.


Originally posted by Solid
Bartar you just spieled off a waffle of illconcieved technobabble. Kinda hard to misunderstand, you were quite clear as to what u were saying, even if it is mostly wrong.

What are you saying Solid???


Originally posted by Solid
I said ur a short fatty smelly Dorf :D

You are just jealous for being so ugly and tall, if you get to close i just headbutt your groin.

And Derric where have you been the last weeks?? Well you killed me between mpk/mmgE while i was sitting down, was fun since i saw you about 2 min earlier but you moved away before i managed to zap you so i decided to give you a easy target and you went for me. Cant wait until respec, and perhaps Goa will give me my second realm respec.


Hey leave the _fat shout gimped dwarfen thane fafnir_ alone he is a nice guy :D

Spec like me !!!!!!!!!!!!! A little here a little there, and not realy that good in anything but SC, that'll get you to the point where all you can do is LEECH!!!!!!! ... did I say that out loud ?

Respec is gonna do good for this dwarf.


baaaaah you all talk a load of crap :D max hammer and sc beyond recognition ffs! :D


Originally posted by Fafnir

And Derric where have you been the last weeks??

Oh I'm around sometimes..I'm starting to get bored of the RvR nowadays though.


Originally posted by Derric

Oh I'm around sometimes..I'm starting to get bored of the RvR nowadays though.

Admit it to many lvl 50's running around.. :)


Nah but all hunters seems to have torcans as pets nowadays....evil evil animals those

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