Thailands playing tricks with my mind, i tells yer!!!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Hey all - i know it's something like umpteen'o'clock over in blighty, but it's umpteen'billion degrees where i am right now, and i think it's playing silly buggers with my head, tbh

I've been sat here in this cabin on the net reading GUComics, seein as i needed to catch up after blazing Planetside and SW:G for the last few months, and need a bit of a giggle, and i started pining for the olden days.

Doubt many of you chimp's will remember my rotten self (i barely do some days) but i used to stomp around on Prydwen as the most underpowered, under SC'd, lazy arse merc in all of Albion. I liked my slightly laid back approach, but sadly it meant i couldn't compete once the TOA content was introduced and i found myself being killed by just about everything within seconds of stepping outside of the Milegates.

I came back briefly but this time found it not only confusing, but i also had issues with the new Frontiers zones, and generally spending half my life lost in this crazy new world (not actually that unsual in the old world, but hey ho - i can pretend i was good once :D)

Now i been reading about horses, thrones, kings, shiny, glowy, huge stuff (and server merging) and have started rubbing my chinny chin chin and thinking about returning for a few months.

What i need to know is, what do i need to know?

Are all old toons from before the merger still around if not used for a certain length of time after we moved in together? I know noooooooooothing, so if any of you can offer advice, id be more than greatful - if you remember me, you'd probably know the kind of things i'd be lacking and how childish i am, so do it with flash cards, bright lights and wave your arms about a lot, huh? ;)

Thankee all - and hi to anyone who remembers my oddball self (sorry for my random wanderings, both physical AND editorial, and hope all is well amongst beast and man)

Anyways, ill be back from the land that invented Ties in a few days, so ill come and see what sledging has been dished out then - if i don't dry out to a husk or a cornflake in the meantime :kissit:

w00t!!! :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004

Your old toons should be there. There is a risk if you've not been on since the great Prydwen missing stuff scandal that one or more of them have lost their kit. If so, you'd have to ask GOA to replace it (though knowing it the state of it, ask friends for some good stuff too!).

The new glowy stuff hits in a new expansion due 1st Feb, so don't worry too much about it. The patch after that makes Artifacts and Master Levels even easier.

The cluster briefly made traffic in the frontier crowded again, then they launched some new servers, and it's pretty much back to normal levels for Prydwen. There has been some activity in recent days (relic raids), so hopefully the livelier frontier will mean more fun.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
The Redi! It's alive!

We still have to get our revenge at mobs at several locations, because the trip we made before you left was pretty darn awful :p If you have any equipment missing, let me know and I'll see if I can pull some stuff out of the box for you.

Regarding to the "confusing' bit, if you need any help just let me know, I'll draw a nice picture with random stuff on it long enough to distract you from any problems! :D

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