My wault has been half filled with this for a few weeks.. so they'r up for sale.. all resonable offers will be considdered..
Brilliant Protector's Kite Sheild
Str 9
Body 3%
Con 6
Sheild 4
Dagar's Great Axe
Axe 5
Energy 4%
Cold 4%
qua 89
Dps 16.2
Luminous Thrustbender Dwarven Great Sword
Crush 6%
Thrust 10%
hits 24
heat 3%
qua 89
Dps 16.5
Shimmering Swathe cutter's Svarskodd Boots
Body 4%
Axe 5
Crush 5%
Cold 3%
Luminous Icebender Padded Cap
Hits 29
Str 9
cold 8%
qui 4
qua 86
af 49
Morvalt Forced March Ring
Dex 18
qui 18
Hits 55
Ancestral Bracelet
Thrust 1%
Cave 4
Con 9
Heat 4%
Snemel's Mug of Cheer
parry 4
stealth 4
con 12
Spiritbinder Mantle
Crush 2%,
Con 4,
Supp 4,
Hits 7
qua 88%
Soulbinder Hooded Mantle
body 3%
Summoning 4
Hits 12
qui 4
Brilliant Protector's Kite Sheild
Str 9
Body 3%
Con 6
Sheild 4
Dagar's Great Axe
Axe 5
Energy 4%
Cold 4%
qua 89
Dps 16.2
Luminous Thrustbender Dwarven Great Sword
Crush 6%
Thrust 10%
hits 24
heat 3%
qua 89
Dps 16.5
Shimmering Swathe cutter's Svarskodd Boots
Body 4%
Axe 5
Crush 5%
Cold 3%
Luminous Icebender Padded Cap
Hits 29
Str 9
cold 8%
qui 4
qua 86
af 49
Morvalt Forced March Ring
Dex 18
qui 18
Hits 55
Ancestral Bracelet
Thrust 1%
Cave 4
Con 9
Heat 4%
Snemel's Mug of Cheer
parry 4
stealth 4
con 12
Spiritbinder Mantle
Crush 2%,
Con 4,
Supp 4,
Hits 7
qua 88%
Soulbinder Hooded Mantle
body 3%
Summoning 4
Hits 12
qui 4