TG raids Galore!



Encouraged by Sunday's raid I would like to announce, not one but two raids this week. First raid will be held on Friday 18:00 CET and the second one on the same time as last raid, namely 17:00 CET Sunday.

* You have to be level 50 in order to roll for loot

* In order to take part in the lotto, you have to remain for it - ie you can't log during the raid if you expect to take part of the lotto

* When lottoing, the raid leader (normally me, but might differ at times) will decide which classes are allowed to lotto for an item if it's not class specific; no amount of moaning will change this

* When lottoing, /random 100 will be used select the lucky winner

* If you participate on a raid up till the lotto and don't win anything, you will be allowed to add +10 to your roll on the next raid (and so on until you actually win something); the modifiers will be noted down in an Excel DB by the raid leaders

* If you have to log early, or go LD, the raid leader might add a +5 modifier for your rolls on the next raid; note that this is up to the discretion of the raid leader

* You may roll for alts, IF 1) your alt is also level 50 and 2) you notify the raid leader prior to entering TG that you intend to roll for this character; note that you may not roll for drops for your present class if you elect to do this

* Follow the raid leader's directives at all times - if you can't abide by what he tells you, you shouldn't come

* You may not sell loot you win by lottoing - if you find that you don't actually need an item you've won, return it to the raid leader. If you opt to sell it you will be banned from future raids.

* You may only win one drop per raid session - think about what you want before lottoing

* You may only lotto for an item your character is specced for - in other words your Berserker may not lotto for a twohander "for the looks" or any other reason. You lotto for your stated chars current spec, hence if your a Berserker going 2h after the patch you will have to raid for a 2h after the patch. Same goes for everyone, you cant lotto for a item you cant use now.

* Make sure that you're in the CG - attendance lists are made based on who's in it

* Do not use anon - if you're found to be on anon you won't be accredited a modifier for future raids

Im still working on last raids modifiers since I kinda did a sloppy job checking who got who and need to contact everyone that was on the raid. Do so on Fetstryk ingame or shanks on qnet. Can usually be found spamming #daoc.prydwen.

Schedule is same as last time, killing everything but the royal couple. In the future if there are voice's enough raised for it ill give those two a try too. :D


these times means when we are gathering in hagall? i guess.


Originally posted by old.tuppe
these times means when we are gathering in hagall? i guess.

- Same procedure as last year.
- Same procedure as every year miss Sophie.

(yes we are meeting in Hagall)


Just so there's no confusion, Hagall.



From what I hear there was a tg-hunt that became wiped a moment ago...hopefully they wasnt able to clear too much of the dungeon.


Originally posted by Fafnir
Bah, why so frecking early.

Cant be arsed to have raids with people nagging my ears of the last two hours because there tired. So it's for my conveniance to be honest :p


Originally posted by Marcus75
From what I hear there was a tg-hunt that became wiped a moment ago...hopefully they wasnt able to clear too much of the dungeon.

Apperantly they didnt kill any named so there should be no problem :D


As it was hidden pretty well in this thread, there's another raid today 17:00 CET. Goal is to kill everything except royal couple. That's really depending on showup though.


Question; Can you play a, in my case, lvl46 bonedancer and still roll for loot for your lvl50 alts?


basically u wanna get PLd huh?!
would work great if everyone brought their lvl 4x chars... Zzzz ;o


Originally posted by Marcus75
Question; Can you play a, in my case, lvl46 bonedancer and still roll for loot for your lvl50 alts?
* You have to be level 50 in order to roll for loot

this means u have to take a lvl50 on the raid to get in the lotto


Well I didnt find it that obvious even with that quote Litmus. Still...never hurts to ask. :)

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