TG items for sale at CM..



Now in stock...

1 X BOI (2p)
1 X TG Wintery Seekers (Hunter) Boots (2p)
1 X TG Seething Ember (Skald) Shield (Small) (2p)
2 X TG Otrygg's Jewels (1p750g each)
1 X TG Seething Frostbound Hammer (3p)
1 X TG Ancient Icebound Axe (8p)
1 X Gazi's Bearded Axe (1P)

Dont really wanna part with Icebound Axe, hence high price.

/houseface 2184 Wyndham (sighvatr village).

Alternatively PM me and I can deliver (if they havent been sold by merchant)

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